Tamás Andor

Tamás Andor


Tamás Andor


Féltve őrzött kincsünk, a magyar gímszarvas
Drone Operator
Féltve őrzött kincsünk, a magyar gímszarvas
De kik azok a Lumnitzer nővérek?
Camera Operator
Story about two restaurant critics, whom write articles under fake names.
A Long Weekend in Pest and Buda
Iván is living in exile from Hungary when he receives word that an old flame is ill. His return to Budapest rekindles old memories and reopens old wounds.
Elektra Kft. avagy: bevezetés a kapitalizmus politikai gazdaságtanába
Director of Photography
Six physical workers, once working for Videoton, decide to come together and create a company on their own.
Queen: Live in Budapest - Hungarian Rhapsody
Camera Operator
Снятый в 1986 году, концерт прошел полное восстановление и переведен в высокое разрешение и снабжен 5.1 Surround Sound. Используя съемки с репетиций, интервью, ряд из которых ранее не был опубликован, этот фильм был специально создан для этого релиза. Концерт смотрится на экране просто фантастически после всех процедур ремастеринга и документальный фильм отлично показывает все события - это было по-настоящему экстраординарное время в истории коллектива.
Stephen, the King
Director of Photography
István, a király ("Stephen, the King") is a Hungarian rock opera written by Levente Szörényi (music) and János Bródy (lyrics), based on the life of Saint Stephen of Hungary. The storyline was based on the play Ezredforduló (Turn of the Millennium) by Miklós Boldizsár, who co-wrote the libretto. The opera was first staged in 1983 on an open-air stage in Budapest. This first performance was also made into a 1984 film, directed by Gábor Koltay, and its music released on an album. The musical became a smash hit and is still very popular in Hungary and among Hungarian minorities in neighboring countries.
On Probation
Director of Photography
János Kitka Jr, first seen in Schiffer's documentary 'Black Train' a decade earlier, is now 17 and is just released from a youth detention centre. He returns to his village and is put in the care of a probation officer. However, his family doesn't seem to help his situation, but rather makes him run away from home.
Глядя друг на друга
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит в Будапеште в 1958 году. Эва-журналистка, из-за критических статей, направленных против существующего строя, она два года не могла найти работу по специальности. Устроившись на работу в редакцию,она знакомится с Ливией, женой офицера госбезопасности.Между Эвой и Ливией завязывается нетрадиционный роман. Это рассказ о двух женщинах, завязавших лесбийские отношения и вступивших в конфликт с общественной и политической нетерпимостью.
A koncert
Camera Operator
Швед, пропавший без вести
Director of Photography
Следователю стокгольмской полиции Мартину Беку поручено дело об исчезновении корреспондента газеты «Афтонпрессен» Альфа Маттсона, не вернувшегося из Венгрии. Приехав в Будапешт под видом туриста, Бек выясняет, что корреспондент был убит, а поездки в Венгрию не было.
On the Move
Director of Photography
Barbara is a forty-year-old woman of Polish origin living in Budapest. She is a biologist, a wife and a mother. The death of her woman friend opens her eyes to the fact that she is lonely, unable to find her place.
The Music's the Thing
Camera Supervisor
Director of Photography
The documentary-feature film taking place in the seventies is the "development novel" of Cséplő György, the intelligent and ambitious Gypsy boy. Having finished only two terms at school, the eighteen-year-old boy leaves Németfalu with two of his companions to find employment in Budapest and to break out of his miserable existence in the village cottage with the help of his small savings.
On the Sideline
The corpulent and ageing Ivicz, once an excellent baker, works as a deliverer now. He lives alone. At the weekends following the toilsome weekdays he is the boss. He regularly travels to the country, to work as the incorruptible referee of third class national soccer games.
The Whistling Cobblestone
Director of Photography
The week-days of a youth-camp, playing democracy, are depicted in this documentarist satire. Due to faulty organisation, the Budapest high-school students get only working tools, but no work to do. The camp leadership tries to cover up facts and urges them to be initiated into "community life".
Sarah, My Dear
After his divorce, Bóna Péter, a beginner film director needs a bigger amount of money to settle his financial problems with his ex-wife. He travels to Pécs to see Sárika, an old veteran. He has not seen his aunt for a long time, and she receives him very friendly, but she flatly refuses to lend him any money.
Black Train
Director of Photography
This shocking black and white documentary shows the lives of Szabolcs county (Northeast Hungary) commuters who traveled 200-300 kilometers from their villages to Budapest (the capital of Hungary) every week by train in the communist era.
Молодой архитектор с трудом получает заказы в компании, где он работает, и ему не нравится место, где он живет. Когда же у него появляется возможность преуспеть в этом мире, все идет не по плану.