On a tiny colony world named Carmine, young women known as Songstresses inherit the generation memories of those who came before them, using their knowledge to help a populace that suffers under the harsh policies of the ruling interplanetary league. Newly reborn as a Songstress, 16-year-old Bellin Ajelli sets off a holy pilgrimage across the planet. Rumors of a possible terrorist attack result in Prince Truhallon of the militant Donau Empire being sent in to protect her, but his very presence is the antithesis of everything Bellin stands for. The two are as different as night and day, but they're stuck together until they reach the capital.
On a tiny colony world named Carmine, young women known as Songstresses inherit the generation memories of those who came before them, using their knowledge to help a populace that suffers under the harsh policies of the ruling interplanetary league. Newly reborn as a Songstress, 16-year-old Bellin Ajelli sets off a holy pilgrimage across the planet. Rumors of a possible terrorist attack result in Prince Truhallon of the militant Donau Empire being sent in to protect her, but his very presence is the antithesis of everything Bellin stands for. The two are as different as night and day, but they're stuck together until they reach the capital.
On a tiny colony world named Carmine, young women known as Songstresses inherit the generation memories of those who came before them, using their knowledge to help a populace that suffers under the harsh policies of the ruling interplanetary league. Newly reborn as a Songstress, 16-year-old Bellin Ajelli sets off a holy pilgrimage across the planet. Rumors of a possible terrorist attack result in Prince Truhallon of the militant Donau Empire being sent in to protect her, but his very presence is the antithesis of everything Bellin stands for. The two are as different as night and day, but they're stuck together until they reach the capital.
Созвездие Джокера состоит из нескольких солнечных систем — Истер, Вестер, Сютланд и Норд. Порядок в межпланетных королевствах поддерживают доблестные рыцари, пилотирующие могучих боевых роботов, именуемых МортарХэддами. К каждому рыцарю привязана Фатима — неотъемлемая часть МортарХэдда. женщина-андроид, связывающая пилота с его машиной. Это история Бога Света Аматэрасу, предводителя Призрачных рыцарей, сильнейших ХэддЛайнеров созвездия, и хроника возвышения двух Фатима — Клото и Лакесис — последних и величайших творений знаменитого доктора Балланша.
Comic Book
Созвездие Джокера состоит из нескольких солнечных систем — Истер, Вестер, Сютланд и Норд. Порядок в межпланетных королевствах поддерживают доблестные рыцари, пилотирующие могучих боевых роботов, именуемых МортарХэддами. К каждому рыцарю привязана Фатима — неотъемлемая часть МортарХэдда. женщина-андроид, связывающая пилота с его машиной. Это история Бога Света Аматэрасу, предводителя Призрачных рыцарей, сильнейших ХэддЛайнеров созвездия, и хроника возвышения двух Фатима — Клото и Лакесис — последних и величайших творений знаменитого доктора Балланша.
Manami Hanemoto is the granddaughter of Delpower X's creator Dr Tatsuemon. The Gernanoids, soldiers the army of Getzeru, are out to destroy the robot and its young pilot as part of their mission of galactic conquest.