Ciccio Barbi
Рождение : 1920-12-12, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Predictable parody of the legendary chapter of history of ancient Rome. The Orazi champions of the Central-South indolent clash with the Curiazi of Alba Longobarda, a hard-working northern city.
Martínez - vendedor de lencería
Doña Pura, don Benito and don Augusto are three venerable old people who usually coincide each month in the queues of the mutuality windows to collect their pension, an opportunity they take advantage of to talk about life. When they learn that the old don Felipe, an acquaintance, is very sick and is alone and without money for a decent funeral, they decide to ask for a loan to help him, but, as they do not grant it, they decide to rob the savings bank. To do this, they will plan everything thoroughly and manufacture a homemade explosive.
Vincenzo's Accomplice in Black
Carmen, wife of a certain Vincenzo detained for theft, chooses Antonio as a friend. When the husband is released from prison, he accepts the relationship in progress and continues to use the woman in his shady businesses.
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
Engineer in the Car ("Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio")
Четыре новеллы об Эросе, достойные Декамерона 70-x - сатира морализма и пуританизма.
Maggiore Salam
Pablo, Domingo and Jose, three idiots, gunmen exchanged for large liberate a village in the republic of "Nonduras" from the oppression of dictator Bonarios. Parody of The Magnificent Seven, five writers got together for an anemic script that exploits a repertoire mixture with the song "A man alive"by Gino Paoli.
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
Аида, красивая и не лишенная некоторой практичности дурочка из деревни, едет в большой город на роскошной машине с молодым, богатым пижоном, назвавшимся влиятельным музыкальным продюсером, поверив, что тот сможет помочь ей с карьерой. Парень, убедившись, что ему не «обломится», ловко смывается, оставив ее одну с одним чемоданом. Пробивная Аида находит его дом, и обманщик посылает младшего брата, шестнадцатилетнего Лоренцо, чистого и наивного юношу, чтобы тот отвязался от настырной бабы, сказав, что «здесь такие не живут». Далее идет восхитительно поставленная психологическая драма первой любви мальчишки к женщине из совершенно другого мира.
8 сентября 1943 года главнокомандующий войсками Италии маршал Бадольо объявляет о перемирии и скорой высадке американских войск на Аппенины. Все солдаты, утомленные войной, горят желанием возвратиться домой...
Tax collector (uncredited)
Carabiniere in Bici
Четыре мелких воришки — в поисках большого дела. У Козимо есть идея, но он в тюрьме. Его сообщники находят простака Пепе, который соглашается взять вину Козимо на себя и занять место за решёткой вместо него. Но Пепе ворует их идею и создаёт собственную банду…
Марио, отбыв наказание за мошенничество, пытается дальше обманом зарабатывать себе на жизнь. Мариза, хозяйка музыкальной фирмы, несмотря на это, хочет выйти за него замуж. После серии афер Марио, оказавшийся перед выбором между тюрьмой и свадьбой, обещает жениться на Маризе…
Police Chief at Caracas'
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
Il commendatore Berbloni
An actor fails to find success in the film world but falls in love with a theatre manager's daughter.
Il brigadiere Bardi
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
capostazione don Nicola
Donna Sabella accompanies her nephew Raffaele and Lucia on their honeymoon in Rome when he meets two Americans who want to go to Pollena because there seems to be oil in the soil "The bubbles".
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
Alberto's marriage is a complete failure: his wife Elena is a hard woman influenced by her mother and sister who live with the married couple. Alberto is also experiencing financial problems and hopes for the help of a rich widow who is however interested in his sexual favours. Naturally Elena puts obstacles in his way and everything goes wrong. Alberto decides to change job then and becomes a sweets sales representative. Disillusioned with marital life he also changes his attitude towards women: he tells every woman he meets he is single.
Man on the Stage (uncredited)
Проститутка Кабирия, работающая в одном из самых дешевых районов Рима, как и все её подруги вульгарна, грязна, драчлива, остра на язык. Но вопреки своей древней и циничной профессии, она по-детски наивна и добра, с маниакальным упорством надеется найти мужчину своей мечты и стать честной женщиной. Её сердце жаждет любви, но мир жесток…
uomo truffato sul treno
Дезидерио — вор-джентльмен, специализирующийся на краже драгоценностей, настоящий эксперт как в оценке, так и в подделке драгоценностей. Оцененному за эти качества теми, кто не знаком с его нелегальной деятельностью, ему удается устроиться на работу директором ювелирного дома Габриэле Бертинори. Используя свои навыки в изготовлении ювелирных изделий, он создает идеальную имитацию драгоценного камня с драгоценным бриллиантом: на посту директора ему будет легко заменить оригинал.
Чтобы провести отпуск в живописной сельской местности, в гостиницу в 40 километрах от Рима съезжаются горожане, и их общение между собой и с жителями колоритной провинции приводит к череде забавных ситуаций и романтических историй.
Император Нерон большой любитель музыки и песен,хочет посвятить себя искусству и заботиться о красивой молодой жене.Но амбициозная Агриппина толкает своего сына Нерона к возобновлению войны в Британии.Справиться со всем этим помогает Нерону Сенека.
French Tourist
This is the (funny) story of four agents of Roma traffic police in the '50s. Their life are crossed in affairs that often retire from mere job relationships. 'Guardia scelta' (special agent) Giuseppe tries to be a composer, he wants to write the anthem for the roman traffic police. 'Guardia'(agent) Alberto Randolfi has a too strong inclination to fine everyone and is dreaming about learning French. 'Brigadiere' (sergeant) Pietro Spaziali is busy looking at his little son Tonino and daughter Maria who is going to marry a boxer. The 'Maresciallo' (Marshal) tries to manage and solve all the troubles they often do.
After a difficult eye operation, Simonetta, an Italian-American girl, returns for a vacation in Florence, the home town of her family. Here he meets Alberto, a sculptor.
The Plump Policeman near the Stadium (uncredited)
Alvaro is been in jail and so he consider himself the most fit to lead his three friends Mario, Otello and Spartaco. The four young men decide to start a business. They need only a van to start a transport company. But they lack the money. How can they get it?
Nannina is engaged to a sleazy, unruly boxer who ends up in jail after a fight with a traffic policeman.
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband was killed during a wild boar hunt. She likes him but Alberto likes Marcella; she is under age and he is awaiting her birthday to declare his love. His greater traits are to be fearful of everything and to be selfish. This nature will get him into trouble..
Ragionier Abele
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Armando, impresario
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Police Commissioner Vargas
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
The adventures of Roberto, an heroic Italian soldier from Trieste during World War One.
Achille Scorzella, a poor, unemployed and hungry devil, having been mistaken for a piano tuner, happens in the home of some new riches.
Un alpino
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
Three friends, a mechanic, a clockmaker, and a night warden are engaged to three sisters but are broke and cannot get married and pay the rent. They convince their future father-in-law to buy three little flats for them but the man buys them from a swindler and the friends run the risk of going to prison.