Masa Sawada


Daniel, a biologist studying the disappearance of fish, is haunted by paternity. It is by looking for a woman who could be the mother of his children that he will come across a strange fish and discover what he really lacks: love.
Ичико работает в семье частной медсестрой и почти стала ее частью. Ичико заботится о бабушке, ей доверяет свои тайны Мотоко, старшая сестра. Но однажды младшая сестра Мотоко исчезает. И вскоре СМИ сообщают, что похититель – племянник Ичико ...
The story follows the social intercourse between a cameraman, Masaya, with a visual impairment, and Misako who disconnects from the world.
Journey to the Shore
Mizuki’s husband Yusuke went missing for 3 years. He suddenly comes back home one day and asks Mizuki to go on a trip with him. Their trip consists of visiting the people that helped Yusuke on his previous travel. While travelling together, Misuki sees, touches and feels what Yusuke did for those 3 years.
Journey to the Shore
Mizuki’s husband Yusuke went missing for 3 years. He suddenly comes back home one day and asks Mizuki to go on a trip with him. Their trip consists of visiting the people that helped Yusuke on his previous travel. While travelling together, Misuki sees, touches and feels what Yusuke did for those 3 years.
Sweet Bean
The master of a dorayaki pastry store hires a 76-year-old woman whose talents attract customers from all over. But she's hiding a troubling secret. Life's joys are found in the little details, and no matter what may be weighing you down, everyone loves a good pastry.
I, Kamikaze
Hayashi Fujio, a 90-year-old veteran, narrates his memories from World War II, when he volunteered for the very first kamikaze operation planned by the Japanese Imperial Army.
I, Kamikaze
Hayashi Fujio, a 90-year-old veteran, narrates his memories from World War II, when he volunteered for the very first kamikaze operation planned by the Japanese Imperial Army.
I, Kamikaze
Hayashi Fujio, a 90-year-old veteran, narrates his memories from World War II, when he volunteered for the very first kamikaze operation planned by the Japanese Imperial Army.
Still the Water
On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito suffers from the absence of his father, who moved to Tokyo after his birth, Kyoko must come to grips with her mother’s terminal illness.
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Line Producer
Независимый писатель Тэсигахара живет в Париже. Ягами - фотограф, который приехал в Париж по настоянию своей младшей сестры Судзуми. В течение последующих трех дней они влюбляются. А между тем, Судзуми встречает своего бойфренда Канго...
Yuki & Nina
When Yuki finds out that her parents are separating and she is moving to Japan with her mother, she and her best friend Nina devise ways to reunite the feuding adults.
Три совершенно разные истории, общее у которых лишь одно: место действия — мегаполис Токио. Первая «Дизайн интерьера» повествует о молодых людях, приехавших покорять столицу Японии. Акира мечтает стать выдающимся кинематографистом, а его девушка Хироко ищет свое жизненное предназначение и находит его неожиданно фантастическим образом. Вторая «Дерьмо» о «существе из канализации», безумном получеловеке-полузвере, пожирающем исключительно цветы и деньги и терроризирующем весь город. И последняя «Сотрясающийся Токио» о парне Теруюку. Он хикикомори. Так в Японии называют молодых людей, стремящихся к изоляции от внешнего мира, ведущих затворнической образ жизни. Все меняется, когда в дверь Теруюку стучится любовь в образе симпатичной разносчицы пиццы...
A Perfect Couple
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
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