Mehmet Başbaran


Детишки: Кто в доме хозяин
Решив провести весёлую ночь в молле, команда детей и не догадывалась, что придётся разбираться с компанией грабителей
Zoraki Misafir
Director of Photography
İçimdeki Kahraman
Director of Photography
The Pigeon Thieves
Director of Photography
16 year-old Mahmut’s life consists of feeding pigeons and making money from stealing others’ pigeons. His biggest dream is to have the best pigeons. One day, one of his pigeons escapes and does not return. When Mahmut finds a pigeon nesting on a roof, he meets Ismail, an 8-year-old living in that house. This meeting becomes one of the most important turning point that will affect both lives. Mahmut decides to steal the pigeons to help Ismail achieve his dream.
Kardeşim İçin Der'a
Director of Photography
We'll Get Back to You
Director of Photography
The only cure of being jobelessness, unhappy and hopelessness is friendship, life is beautiful together.
Гора 2
Director of Photography
Группа турецких спецназовцев отправляется в Ирак для спасения оппозиционной журналистки, известной своей критикой армии. Террористы, захватившие ее в плен, планируют транслировать показательную казнь женщины на весь мир. В процессе миссии спасения спецотряду придется не только оказаться в глубоком тылу противника, но и дать бой превосходящему по численности отряду, защищая брошенную на произвол судьбы туркменскую деревню.
Director of Photography
Kaan has always been looking for a meaning in his life. Gizem and Bengi were in love but the city didn't welcome much girls like them. Fuat had spent his life as a homeless in the streets of Istanbul. There has been a belief that an old spiritual ship once got stuck in Istanbul. A ship that would only be visible to the ones who would belong to it, who would need it in their lives. A ship that would take them to where they belong to. The ship was about to take off. The film is inspired by the short animation film called "How Did The Amentu Ship Move", made in 1970 by Tonguç Yaşar and Sezer Tansuğ.
Can Tertip
Director of Photography
Sakir and ilyas have two opposite personality types. Their paths meet in the army. Sakir fools ilyas to escape from the soldier together and adventure starts.
Sihirbazlık Okulunda Bir Türk
Director of Photography
Istanbul cirminal underworld; a place of merciless families and swaggering hitmen afraid of no one. Kadir Korkut, nicknamed the "Demon" is the most fearsome of their kind. When he wants to retire for the love of a blind German pianist, it starts a chain of events which will paint the night red. His boss and foster father, Kara Cemal betrays and coerces Kadir by poisoning him to perform two final hits on the two largest rival families in order to receive the antidote. Outgunned, outmanned and facing impossible odds he has to team up with an outed undercover police mole Cem, and somehow survive his final night of revenge and redemption.
Director of Photography
Группа солдат, чинившая горную антенну, попала в засаду. В живых остались Бекир и Огуз, два противоположных по характеру бойца: один служит уже не первый год, второй пришел добровольно после учебы на историческом факультете, на пару месяцев. Тем не менее, в этом «походе за жизнь» среди зимних гор они узнают друг друга получше.
İlk Göktürk