Rube Miller

Rube Miller


Rube Miller


Hell's Hole
Cowboy Tod Musgrave and his pal Del Hawkins steal a ride on a train after being kicked out of a saloon. The conductor throws them off when he discovers they have no tickets, and the two men swear revenge.
The World's Champion
George Burrooughs
Young William Burroughs comes from wealth but not nobility, so despite his income he is not welcomed when he pursues Lady Elizabeth Galton, and indeed he is not only beaten by her cousin but thrown out by his own father for the disgrace he has caused. He travels to the United States where he becomes a champion prizefighter. Upon his return to England, he finds circumstances quite changed for Lady Galton and he sets out to change her circumstances further.
The Desperate Hero
Alan Moss
Henry Baird, a young newspaperman with a second-hand car but little money, decides to raffle off the car at a county picnic, so that he can take out his sweetheart, Mabel Darrow, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. However, as soon as Henry gets the money, his tailor demands that he pay off his debt. Also, youngsters set the car on fire before he can give to the winner, Joseph Plant, whose wife Evelyn was formerly Henry's sweetheart.
The Gay Lord Quex
Jack Eden
Having followed the road of romance through many countries, Lord Quex finally falls in love with Muriel Eden. After resisting Lord Quex because of his reputation, Muriel finally capitulates to his charms and agrees to marry him. In her heart, however, Muriel still treasures an affection for Caption Bastling, a fortune hunting womanizer, and when Muriel is told of Lord Quex's continuing contact with the Duchess of Dowager, a situation brought about through the scheming of the Duchess, Muriel turns to Bastling and agrees to meet him at her friend Sophie Fullgarney's manicurist shop.
Tom's Little Star
A 1919 silent drama film
The Belles of Liberty
Silass Patts
Monty Banks plays a paramour who starts all sort of silly highjinks with Eva Novak and Carolyne Wright
Poultry à la Mode
Rube Miller & Ben Turpin enters a harem.
Poultry à la Mode
Rube Miller & Ben Turpin enters a harem.
Doctoring a Leak
2nd Plumber
Ben Turpin & Rube Miller trying to fix a leak.
Doctoring a Leak
Ben Turpin & Rube Miller trying to fix a leak.
Прерванный роман Тилли
Tillie's Visitor (uncredited)
Бравый городской парень как-то пошел искать сельские тропы, после того, как городские улицы стали слишком горячими для него. Случайно он знакомится с Тилли, дочкой фермера. Ну и что же, что она больше похожа на слониху, чем на девушку, зато у ее отца водятся денежки, и наш герой не прочь или завладеть. А Тилли, никогда прежде не видевшая такого бравого парня, влюбляется в него по уши и сбегает с ним из отчего дома.
Shot in the Excitement
Keystone short about two suitors getting into an increasingly, cartoonishly violent fight over a woman.
Shot in the Excitement
The Suitor's Rival
Keystone short about two suitors getting into an increasingly, cartoonishly violent fight over a woman.
Bombs and Bangs
Bombs and Bangs is a 1914 Comedy short.
Her Last Chance
Her Last Chance
A Coat's Tale
A Coat's Tale
The Pawnbroker
The Great Toe Mystery
Shoe Clerk (uncredited)
A man goes in hot pursuit of the shoe store clerk he feels has made inappropriate advances towards his wife.
A Gambling Rube
A comedy short that revolves around a poker game, both above and underneath the table. This is considered to be a lost film.
Love and Salt Water
Love and Salt Water
Obnoxious Spectator (uncredited)
Чтобы доказать своей девушке свою смелость, Паг решает сразиться в поединке с чемпионом по боксу. Чарли судит этот матч и пытается увернуться от контакта с боксерами…
Лучший жилец
Boarder (uncredited)
Главный герой — лучший жилец меблированных комнат, откровенно флиртующий с хозяйкой. Муж хозяйки хочет уличить их и постоянно следит за ними — на прогулке или теннисном матче. Наконец, маленькому сынишке хозяйки удается разоблачить их при помощи фотоаппарата. Начинается традиционная свалка.
The Chicken Chaser
The Chicken Chaser is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Charles Avery.
Его любимое времяпрепровождение
Bar Patron
Герой Чаплина является в бар, чтобы немного выпить. Он быстро пьянеет, становится очень задиристым и устраивает потасовку с другими клиентами и работниками бара. Выйдя на улицу, он решает приударить за красивой женщиной. Проследив, где она живет, он является к ней домой и устраивает драку с горничной и мужем женщины.
Guest Pushed Away (uncredited)
О том, как герой фильма, пригласив на танец гардеробщицу, вынужден спасаться от ее поклонников.
Ловушка для воров
Cop (uncredited)
История о трусоватом шерифе полицейского участка, убегающем от двух грабителей. Кончается фильм полной неразберихой с участием шерифа, грабителей и отряда полицейских, прибывшего на помощь своему коллеге.
Won in a Closet
A Farmhand
Moving Picture World categorized the film as “a nonsense number”, but Normand's Won in a Closet, her second as director, displays her burgeoning talent. Mabel’s father, the country constable, is smitten with the mother of the boy Mabel imagines “her ideal”. The young couple’s romance is disrupted first by two rival “cut-ups” and then by misapprehension that a tramp is hiding in a closet at the mother’s home. In reality, the mother herself takes refuge in the closet to escape the constable’s attentions.
In the Clutches of the Gang
In the Clutches of the Gang is a 1914 movie starring Ford Sterling and George Nichols.
The Gusher
Villager (uncredited)
Mabel has two suitors - an oily con man, whom she mocks in a very funny scene where she is shown twiddling a fake moustache and making her feelings very clearly felt. Even in this early comedy her natural fun comes through. The one she really loves is clumsy yokel Ford Sterling, who is determined to buy an oil well that the con man has for sale. The conman gets a local fellow to pour oil over the property. Ford falls for it and buys it - Mabel and he are to be married. Then the fellow confesses that it was just a scam - there was no oil.
His Sister's Kids
Old Man
His Sister's Kids is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Minta Durfee.
Роман в грязи
Land Policeman
Влюблённая пара поплыла на лодке по озеру, а в это время незадачливый поклонник сумел это озеро осушить.
A Quiet Little Wedding
Wedding Guest
The scene is laid for a quiet little wedding. The guests are waiting for Fatty and an ancient maid to be made one. Fatty's rival appears and breaks up the wedding. A lemon meringue pie battle ensues, with the rival the victor. He carries the bride away. A most sensational and ludicrous finish is when he sees Fatty at the foot of a precipitous cliff. In a fit of rage he throws the bride from the top of the cliff at him, who lands unscathed in Fatty's arms.
Rastus and the Game Cock
Dice Player
Rastus and the Game Cock is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Mack Sennett.
A Bandit
Willy is a rather effeminate young man, and is abused by the town bully. He suspects that the bully is a coward at heart, so disguises himself as a bandit and shoots up the town.
Peeping Pete
Villager / Cop
This early Keystone has Pete spying on his neighbor's wife through one of those little knotholes in a fence. The neighbor (Sterling) notices and chases him all over town with sheriff and family close behind. Fatty Arbuckle plays the peeper's wife(!).
Passions, He Had Three
Henry is a big, fat country boy with three passions. He likes eggs, milk and girls. He steals the eggs from the nests, sucks their contents, and refills the shells with water. When the family sit down to breakfast and the shells are broken the crime is discovered and Farmer Jones places a big bear trap, covered with straw, in front of the nests.
His Chum the Baron
Smith's chum is a very poor Baron. Smith and the Baron are invited to a ball, and the Baron, not having evening clothes of his own, "borrows" Smith's dress suit. He is having the time of his life when Smith arrives, thoroughly angry, and taking the Baron in a room takes the clothes away from him. The Baron is in a terrible predicament, dodging around from room to room, as people intrude upon his hiding places. He tries to hide his face with a handkerchief, and a lady catches a glimpse of him as he dives under a bed. She screams in terror, thinking he is a mad man, and then the poor Baron is chased all over the house. Someone telephones for the police and they assist in the capture and lead him away.
A Fishy Affair
2nd Cop
A man goes fishing in the same pond where a burglar has thrown a sock of money stolen from the man's house.
Бэнгвильская полиция
2nd Deputy
Мэйбл услышав в сарае непонятные звуки, подумала, что это грабители. Она вызывает полицию, но, оказывается, она ошиблась.
A Deaf Burglar
A Neighbor
The misfortunes of a deaf burglar.