Shinsuke Suzuki


The third installment in the "Landscape of lovers who are not anyone" series directed by Michio Koshikawa, which depicts men and women passing each other and attracting each other. Sugi-chan, Saki's husband and painter, collapsed a few years ago and her left half of her body was stuck, and she is no longer painting at all. One day, Sugi-chan said she wanted to draw Saki's nude. While supporting her working life at her late-night family restaurant, Sugi-chan was delighted that she wanted Sugi-chan to draw again, but she couldn't live without relying on Sugi-chan. I was feeling annoyed. The bodies and minds of two people passing each other. On the day when a big crack was born between the two, Saki is connected with his family colleague Yukio. Aika Yukihira and Sugi-chan, who play the role of Saki in "Be My Slave, Chapter 2 Please Call Me Your Master," act as an actor on the stage while having paralysis on her left side. Tadatoshi Ogita plays each.
Little Miss Period
Periods are depicted as pink, heart-shaped sentient beings that harass women on a monthly basis, delivering awful gut punches, but also offering a shoulder to cry on.
After the Sunset
Little Towa lives with his parents Satsuki and Yuichi in a coastal town on Nagashima. Yuichi is a fisherman, Satsuki runs a restaurant. What Towa doesn’t know is that he is adopted. As a baby, he was abandoned in an internet café, completely emaciated. While his new parents are secretly fighting for custody of him and want to protect him from his past, the family’s happiness begins to falter. Satsuki and Yuichi aren’t the only ones who are worried about Towa’s future.
Скифский агнец
Ryosaku Kamisaki
Шестеро незнакомцев переезжают в загнивающий портовый город Уобука. На месте их встречает представитель городской администрации Хадзимэ Цукисуэ. В это же время в городок возвращается Фуми, с которой они когда-то учились в одной школе. Что-то в этих шестерых настораживает Цукисуэ, хотя выглядят они вполне нормально. Позже беспокойство Хадзимэ обретает почву: новые жители оказываются бывшими заключёнными. Мало того, каждый из них был осуждён за убийство. В Уобуку они попали благодаря новой системе условно-досрочного освобождения. Местные жители ничего не знают о криминальном прошлом своих новых соседей, и тем не менее их жизнь начинает меняться.
Waiting for the Moon
Yumi is a victim when the triple disaster of an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown occur in Japan of 2011. She is a guest of her aunt now. She finds a job at a local bar and works under the owner Sugiya, a man who has amnesia and barely recalls anything except his recipes. The two begin to develop feelings for one another.
Tada's Do-It-All House
In Mahoro, the fictional suburb of Tokyo, Tada works as a general problem solver for hire. One day, former classmate Gyoten appears unannounced. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. With no explanation, Gyoten suddenly asks to spend the night at Tada's home. Eventually, Tada accepts Gyoten as his assistant and together they become involved in various cases concerning an assortment of people from different walks of life.
A Crowd of Three
A Crowd of Three tells the story of two men, Kenta & Jun, who grew up as almost brothers at a children's facility. Kenta & Jun now works as part of a demolition crew but become fed up with their jobs. The friends then decide to take a road trip up north to visit Kenta's brother at the Abashiri prison.
Invisible War
Kitahara Shuji, an ordinary business man turns into a spy for his town's war against a neighboring town in a Dystopian society.
Висячий сад
Семья Кёбаши переезжает в новый модный дом. Они надеются, что там их ждет счастье. Но проходит время, счастье не наступает, зато у каждого члена семьи от мала до велика появляются свои секреты. И, когда сын приводит в дом свою новую девушку, внезапно всё скрытое вдруг оказывается на поверхности, что в свою очередь приводит к конфликту…
Detective Wada
A school bus driver's life is irrevocably altered when his young son is kidnapped and murdered.