Arthur Batanides

Arthur Batanides

Рождение : 1923-04-09, Tacoma, Washington, USA

Смерть : 2000-01-10


Arthur Batanides (April 9, 1923 – January 10, 2000) was an American film and television actor, originally from Tacoma, Washington. He became enamored with acting after performing stand-up routines in front of fellow GIs in Europe during World War II. He was educated in dramatic art at the Actors' Lab in Los Angeles, followed by extensive stage experience. One of his more recognizable television roles was that of the unfortunate Starfleet officer/geologist D'Amato in the Star Trek episode "That Which Survives". Among his film credits are The Unearthly, Violent Road, The Leech Woman, Man-Trap, The Maltese Bippy, Evil Roy Slade and Brannigan. He also appeared as Mr. Kirkland in four of the Police Academy film series, and the sixth installment (City Under Siege) was his final acting appearance. (Source: Wikipedia)


Arthur Batanides


Полицейская академия 4: Граждане в дозоре
Mr. Kirkland
В полицейскую академию прибывает новое пополнение. И снова это обычные граждане, совершенно, на первый взгляд, не подходящие для работы в полиции. На этот раз новички проходят тренировки в рамках программы «Граждане на патрулировании», которую придумал комендант Лассард. Старая гвардия ведёт занятия, а конкуренты и завистники Лассарда делают всё возможное, чтобы эта программа провалилась...
Полицейская академия 3: Переподготовка
Mr. Kirkland
Правительство заявило, что только одна из двух полицейских школ может продолжать свою работу. Начинается жестокое состязание на выживание — ни одна из академий не желает закрываться, в дело идут все средства. Махони, Хайтауэр, Тэклберри, Джонс, Хукс и Кэллагэн под командованием несгибаемого коменданта Лассарда, мобилизуют для спасения своей Альма Матер новую команду безнадёжных рекрутов.
Полицейская академия 2: Их первое задание
Old Man Kirkland
Банда хулиганов творит безобразия по всему городу и опустошает карманы всех, кто находится с ними на одном тротуаре. Осторожно! Когда увальни в голубой форме решат разобраться с этими парнями, это закончится умопомрачительным смехом.
Стареющий, вспыльчивый полицейский отправляется из Чикаго в старую добрую Англию, чтобы способствовать экстрадиции беглого бандита.
Evil Roy Slade
Orphaned and left in the desert as an infant, Evil Roy Slade (John Astin) grew up alone—save for his teddy bear—and mean. As an adult, he is notorious for being the "meanest villain in the West"—so he's thrown for quite a loop when he falls for sweet schoolteacher Betsy Potter (Pamela Austin). There's also Nelson L. Stool (Mickey Rooney), a railroad tycoon, who, along with his dimwitted nephew Clifford (Henry Gibson), is trying to get revenge on Evil Roy Slade for robbing him.
The Cat Ate the Parakeet
A lonely kid meets a hippy couple who introduce him to booze and pot. He gets into trouble at home and with the law.
What's a Nice Girl Like You...?
A Bronx working girl is drawn into an elaborate extortion plot after being kidnapped by a gang of sophisticated con men who force her, because of her remarkable resemblance, to impersonate a wealthy socialite. Based on E.V. Cunningham's (Howard Fast's) novel, "Shirley."
The Feminist and the Fuzz
A dedicated women's libber and a male chauvinist cop become roommates.
Helmed by Edmond O'Brien, this slick crime thriller stars Jeffrey Hunter as naïve Matt Jameson, whose Korean War pal Vince Biskay talks Matt into helping commandeer nearly $4 million from a Central American dictator. After Vince is wounded in a gun battle as they're making off with the loot, the duo holes up at Matt's house -- where his boozy, promiscuous wife puts the moves on Vince.
The Leech Woman
Jerry Lando
An endocrinologist in a dysfunctional marriage with an aging, alcoholic wife journeys to Africa seeking a drug that will restore youth.
Cry Tough
After getting out of prison, a Latino criminal tries to go straight.
The Killers of Mussolini
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
Violent Road
Following the crash and explosion of a test rocket, which killed several people, six men volunteer to take explosive rocket-fuel chemical components, in three trucks, over back roads in rugged terrain to a remote missile base. Uncredited "remake" of The Wages of Fear.
The Unearthly
Danny Green
Mad doctor uses patients at his isolated psychiatric institute as subjects in his attempts to create longevity by surgically installing an artificial gland in their skulls, with disastrous results.
The Last Tycoon
Van Dyke
Based off the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the same title, a movie producer is slowly working himself to death.
Чёрный вторник
Порочный гангстер Винсент Канелли осуществляет дерзкий побег из тюрьмы за несколько мгновений до казни на электрическом стуле. Он берет с собой Питера Мэннинга — грабителя банка и убийцу полицейского, которого должны были казнить следом за ним.