Lucas Meyer

Рождение : 1977-12-27, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Смерть придёт, и у неё будут твои глаза
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
История двух влюблённых друг в друга женщин. Одной из них диагностируют неизлечимую болезнь, и пара переезжает в небольшой дом в лесу. Пока они вновь обретают любовь, смерть ждёт за стенами хижины.
Одна на миллион
Sound Mixer
Юная Ирис любит баскетбол и своих двоюродных братьев Дарио и Але. Подростки живут в одном из рабочих кварталов Корриентеса – города, расположенного на севере Аргентины. Их район трудно назвать благополучным. Школа не играет в жизни детей особой роли, их матери вечно заняты на работе, а отцов вообще нет на горизонте. Скрывать свою сексуальность тут тоже не принято. Дарио – открытый гей, Але – скорее бисексуален. К Ирис постоянно подкатывают местные парни, но ей нравится Рената – девушка с тёмным прошлым, которая совсем недавно вернулась в город после долгого отсутствия.
Kill Pinochet
Dialogue Editor
Chile, September 1986. Tamara, commander of the communist guerrilla group Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, and her comrades-in-arms set out to overthrow the military regime installed in 1973 by assassinating the dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Buenas noches Malvinas
Sound Mixer
In April 1982 Dalmiro Bustos and Elena Noseda faced one of the most difficult moments of their lives, when their eldest son, Fabián, was sent to fight in the Islands, along with hundreds of conscript soldiers. Almost forty years after the events, Dalmiro, Elena and their two youngest children, Javier and María Elena, tell what they could not say at the time, in an attempt to follow Fabián's footsteps and put into words the anguish and pain that still remain.
El Father Plays Himself
Dialogue Editor
A young film director returns to Venezuela, inspired to make a film based on his father's life in the Amazon jungle (La Fortaleza, Jorge Thielen Armand). He casts Father to play himself. What starts as an act of love and ambition — filmmaking to more deeply understand the self, and the other — spirals into a process which confronts Father’s struggles with addiction and his life devoid of his son. EL FATHER PLAYS HIMSELF holds a steady lens to the way the act of cinema unearths, binds, heals and destroys.
Sound Mix Technician
Deborah makes a living by drawing the skin of her clients. One night, her housemate invites her boyfriend and friend to their house. Sitting in the armchair, they consume the series of the moment, Gain of Clones, until, suddenly, the signal is cut off and the screen is dyed red while subliminal images float. No one remembers what happened the last two minutes. The answer will be in the enigmatic presence of giant cats that will later invade the city.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Фильм повествует о погружении матери и дочери в семейную эмоционально-напряженную среду. Аргентинский режиссер Паула Эрнандес исследует столкновения желаний с ожиданиями, когда семейное давление доводит женщин до предела.
Sound Mixer
Ariel is a middle-class young man, a father of a family, who surprisingly loses his job in the context of a wave of layoffs. Altered and hiding from his family what happened, he escapes his father-in-law's birthday to go to a nightclub, where an old acquaintance offers to be part of a narco business. Ariel accepts, trusting that his participation will be limited, but things go out of control.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Мать встречается с отдалившимся сыном в доме, где прошло его детство и пытается наладить былые отношения.
Maldito seas Waterfall
Sound Effects Editor
Solitary and sometimes attacked by an asthmatic crisis, Roque Waterfall leads, at age 30, an unproductive life and, little or nothing at work, lives on a small family inheritance. His passion is to collect videos of Atlanta, the club of his loves, and in one of his few nocturnal outings he meets Hans, a German intellectual nihilist who is in Buenos Aires to make a documentary film about people who have nothing. But when he meets Roque he decides that his film will be about someone who does not do anything, of course he is not sure if he wants to show himself before the camera, and while trying to escape the director he meets Carla, whose charm stimulates him to interrupt his sedentary life .
Tiger, Blood in the Mouth
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Ramón Alvia is a professional boxer who, although he has won several international championships, is old and is at the end of his career. He resists. In the gym, Ramon discovers among the young boxers Deborah, a beautiful girl.
Sound Effects Editor
Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in Smallville from Krypton, would have landed in the heart of Isidro Casanova, in La Matanza, deep in the west side of Buenos Aires.
Dialogue Editor
Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in Smallville from Krypton, would have landed in the heart of Isidro Casanova, in La Matanza, deep in the west side of Buenos Aires.
Сквозь тень
Sound Editor
Лора нанята в качестве учителя для двух детей-сирот, которые живут на кофейной ферме. Постепенно она чувствует, что дети находятся под злым влиянием враждебных духов, которые там жили.
Dá Licença de Contar
The film is based on lyrics from the very famous Brazilian samba composer Adoniran Barbosa, following the aesthetics of his time. Notable facts and characters of his songs takes us through the story, a portrait of São Paulo city in the 50's, a place full of music, love stories and gentrification (poor people getting evicted from their places in order to build great buildings), subjects often explored in Adoniran's work, always with a good touch of humor. This way he became the 'poor people poet'.
Cows Wearing Glasses
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marcelino is an eccentric, introverted painter and art professor who, approaching his sunset years, learns he has a disease that could render him blind at any moment. As he begins to put his emotional affairs in order, including his strained relationship with his daughter, he must face the inevitable.
Пилигрим: Пауло Коэльо
Sound Editor
Хроника восхождения звезды Пауло Коэльо, которая рассказывает, как человек, обремененный жизненными проблемами, стал одним из самых значимых писателей в истории Бразилии.
The Wedding Party
Sound Mixer
A young couple. A luxurious hotel room. A wedding party.
The Wedding Party
ADR Mixer
A young couple. A luxurious hotel room. A wedding party.