Daniel Posada


Святым тут не место
Executive Producer
Молчаливый наемный убийца по прозвищу Иезуит после выхода из тюрьмы жестоко мстит за смерть жены и похищение сына.
Призрачный патруль
Ведущие успешного телешоу «Призрачный патруль» прекрасно справляются с ролью умелых охотников за привидениями и прочей нечистью. До тех пор, пока не оказываются в заброшенном особняке, полном паранормальных секретов. Как не опозориться перед поклонниками шоу и не умереть от страха?
The Bad Guys
During a fleeting return trip to his childhood home, a budding filmmaker is confronted by the now-grown ensemble of his old hometown friends - none of whom are aware that he intends to make his fortune off the shared childhood trauma that splintered them apart all those years ago. During an alcohol-fueled weekend of reminiscence and regret, the eccentric 20-somethings open old wounds, make new mistakes, and realize that the consequences of youth can follow you into adulthood.
The Bad Guys
Executive Producer
During a fleeting return trip to his childhood home, a budding filmmaker is confronted by the now-grown ensemble of his old hometown friends - none of whom are aware that he intends to make his fortune off the shared childhood trauma that splintered them apart all those years ago. During an alcohol-fueled weekend of reminiscence and regret, the eccentric 20-somethings open old wounds, make new mistakes, and realize that the consequences of youth can follow you into adulthood.
Некогда популярный актёр бродвейской сцены теперь потерял веру в мюзиклы и работает администратором шоу. В сегодняшний премьерный вечер у него будет полно забот, и кроме того он никак не может смириться с фактом, что его бывшая девушка (певица этого же шоу) — больше не его девушка, хотя он сам её и бросил. Но шоу должно продолжаться любой ценой!
Фильм повествует о молодой девушке, которую похитили и посадили на цепь в темном, сыром подвале для извращенных утех. Однажды ей удается вырваться, и месть становится ее главной целью. Но прежде, чем поставить точку, она должна попытаться спасти остальных узниц.
File 253
Executive Producer
In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts of these four young men are unknown, remaining only fragments of their recordings.
Mexican Gangster
Executive Producer
Tells the story of the most prominent bank robber in the history of Mexico, his crimes, his different personalities, his career as a charro with a mariachi band, his getaways and the strange relationship he had with the one who finally came to stop him. Based on the true story of Alfredo Ríos Galeana.
Demon Inside
Executive Producer
Marta used to be a recognized and successful psychic, but after a dramatic experience, she loses faith in her gift and develops agoraphobia. She couldn't see the devilish side of her rapper, Mario, and now, Marta is afraid that Mario will stalk her again. As soon as she released from the asylum, she moves to Monica's uncle apartment. There, she feels safe. But soon, she has trouble with her crazy neighbors. And if this wasn't enough, a spectrum starts to haunt her, making her life impossible. Marta will have to fight against all these difficulties and manage to get her gift back before Mario finds her.