Jean Thuillier


Ballad for a Hoodlum
Vincent Vivant agrees to Stephan the spy's proposal: he is to cross the border with a mysterious suitcase.
Naked Autumn
Milan is an ex Formula One driver and now he lives with his wife Roberte in a small country town. But Milan is not satisfied, so Roberte encourages a love-story between Milan and Helene, a young woman. Milan can't decide and at last the tragedy comes. Then Milan returns to drive in Formula One.
Завещание Орфея
Поэт размышляет о своей жизни и творчестве, пытаясь вернуть вдохновение и одержимость.
Bobosse is increasingly immersing himself into the world of theater and experiencing his role as an actor more intensively. He plays in a piece where a man is abandoned by his wife and processes this philosophically. When his wife actually abandons him, he becomes embarrassed and plans to kill her.
Лифт на эшафот
A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.
Приговоренный к смерти бежал, или Дух веет, где хочет
Фильм повествует о подлинной истории побега участника французского Сопротивления из застенков гестапо в крепости Монлюк в Лионе. Кинокартина навeяна личными воспоминаниями режиссeрa Робера Брессона, поскoльку он сaм после капитуляции Франции полторa годa находился в немецком плену.