Marisa Ibarra


Shadows in a Conflict
Script Supervisor
Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
Женщины на грани нервного срыва
Script Supervisor
Ее бросил любовник, его жена не дает ей проходу, ее подруга связалась с террористами, а ее адвокат оказалась обыкновенной дрянью. Можно ли пережить все это и не сойти с ума?
The House of Bernarda Alba
Script Supervisor
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
Год пробуждения
Script Supervisor
Сюжет фильма разворачивается вокруг гражданской революции в Испании средины двадцатого века. В это время вся планета погрязла в войнах, но даже те, кто не принимал участия во Второй мировой, не отставали по числу несчастных судеб. Именно в такой ситуации оказались два главных героя киноленты – Иисус и Мануоло – братья, которые сложно переживали за судьбу собственной Родины в послевоенное время.
Script Supervisor
Матадор Диего жестоко ранен быком и более не имеет возможности убивать на арене…
La vieja música
Script Supervisor
The new coach of the basketball team of Lugo arrives from Uruguay. He really knows nothing about training a basketball team so he keeps the previous coach on and in the meantime tries to learn from videos and books, but his real reason for coming to Spain was to find out about an old lost love.
Double Feature
Script Supervisor
Director José Luis Garci has turned his camera inward on filmmakers and screenwriters to portray them as so self-absorbed in the creative process that there is no other world, no other human relationship that can compete. As José (Adolfo Marsillach) and Federico (Jesus Puente) work together on a new screenplay, their interactions with their family (José's teen daughters, Federico's wife) disappear under the all-consuming task of creation. The daughters give up and go off on their own, and the wife joins a convent while Federico barely notices. And when the producer is interrupted by profound grief at the sudden death of his older son, he almost automatically returns to thinking about the film project when the funeral has ended. Garci honors many great directors at the beginning of this film, and the film continues to play out as an elaboration on this homage -- an illustration both of the dedication and the cost of filmmaking, no judgments given.
The Holy Innocents
Script Supervisor
Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
Script Supervisor
Фильм о жизни людей в Мадриде 1942 года, сразу же после окончания гражданской войны в Испании. Главная тема фильма — контраст между поэтами, живущими почти в нищете под гнетом режима Франко, и победителями войны, зарождающимся классом людей, делающих деньги на нелегальном бизнесе.
La leyenda del tambor
Tiempos de constitución
Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
Cebrian, a blast furnace worker Asturian, being held at the Civil Guard barracks. There has to be accountable for the disasters in a day of party with two friends.
Emilia... parada y fonda
Script Supervisor
Кто может убить ребенка?
Script Supervisor
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Script Supervisor
The Night of the Sorcerers
A group of researchers gathering material for a magazine article on endangered wildlife encounter vampiric leopard women in the heart of the African jungle.
Sex o no sex
Script Supervisor
Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.
Lo verde empieza en los Pirineos
Don Serafin has a complex: to all the beautiful women always seen with a beard. To remove the complex and try to cure him, his friends will lead to Biarritz. To do this, the friends decide to cross the border protagonists of the Pyrenees and dive into the orgy of nudity and "green film" that was developed in France.