В прологе говорится о далеком прошлом и памятниках архитектуры Юкатана. Идиллическая новелла «Сандунга» — воспоминание о Мексике дофеодальных времен. Новелла «Магей» — драматическая история любви бедного пеона и его невесты. «Фиеста» — романтическая любовная история и бой быков. «Солдадера» (четвертая новелла) не была снята Эйзенштейном. По замыслу она посвящалась мексиканской революции 1910 года. В последней новелле использованы фрески Ороско, Сикейроса, Риверы.
A young woman, who wants to be in the Follies, is making ends meet by working at a department store's sheet music department, where she sings the latest hits. She is accompanied on piano by her childhood boyfriend, who is in love with her, despite her single-minded interest in her career. When a vaudeville performer asks her to join him as his new partner, she sees it as an opportunity to make her dream come true. Upon arriving in New York City, our heroine finds out that her new partner is only interested in sleeping with her and makes this a condition of making her a star. Soon, however, she is discovered by a representative of Ziegfeld.
A naive country girl is tricked into a sham marriage by a wealthy womanizer, then must rebuild her life despite the taint of having borne a child out of wedlock.