Hair Designer
Адаптация великого произведения Шекспира о беспринципном восхождении Ричарда III на престол Англии.
Charles Hathaway wakes up in West Wales with no recollection of who he is or how he got there. With the help of a Cardiff specialist he traces his life back to his gorgeous wife and their large London house, so all seems well with the world. But more detective work starts to uncover an alarming chain of further stunning wives and a way of going on that the new Charles finds pretty unacceptable.
Maureen O'Hara hunts drug smugglers in Africa.
Henry Hobson owns and tyrannically runs a successful Victorian boot maker’s shop in Salford, England. A stingy widower with a weakness for overindulging in the local Moonraker Public House, he exploits his three daughters as cheap labour. When he declares that there will be ‘no marriages’ to avoid the expense of marriage settlements at £500 each, his eldest daughter Maggie rebels.
A British woman on a visit to post-war Berlin is caught up in an espionage ring smuggling secrets into and out of the Eastern Bloc.
Пресловутый странник морей восемнадцатого века, капитан Валло, он же «Кровавый Пират», и его команда морских разбойников захватывают испанский галлеон, полный оружия и амуниции. Когда Валло решает продать свою добычу Эль Либре, предводителю мятежников с острова Кобра, испанский представитель, барон Груда, предлагает пирату пятьдесят тысяч флоринов в обмен на Эль Либре. Валло оказывается в сложной ситуации, находясь между испанцами, мятежниками и своей собственной бунтующей командой. Кровавого Пирата спасает любовь дочери Эль Либре, Консуэло, он вновь завоевывает доверие своих подопечных и помогает жителям острова в их борьбе за свободу.
In a small town in the 1950's a repertory company meets on Monday morning to start rehearsing the following week's play. This is a ghastly thing written by the aunt of one of the theatre's directors. The producer doesn't try to hide his annoyance about it, and is further exercised when the authoress herself arrives to help. The cast have to try and sort out real-life problems that keep intruding as they wrestle with the play's dire dialogue.