Derek Flood


3D Animator
По роману Александра Дюма. Как всегда, легендарные герои во главе с Д`Артаньяном дерутся направо и налево, но как никогда, с балетной грациозностью и акробатической свободой. Потому что в этой вновь рассказанной истории об их мужественных подвигах мушкетеры сражаются не только с врагами, но и с законами гравитации. Впервые Питер Хайэмс сводит воедино игры со шпагою и рыцарское благородство героев с преодолевающей законы земного притяжения гонконгской боевой хореографией. Сцены поединков представляют собой смесь восточных и западных стилей, фехтование XVII века и самурайские бои.
Say Cheese
A story of greed, gluttony, and vanity. A mouse gets in trouble when he eats so much cheese that he can't move, then the cat comes and his troubles really begin.
Say Cheese
Animation Director
A story of greed, gluttony, and vanity. A mouse gets in trouble when he eats so much cheese that he can't move, then the cat comes and his troubles really begin.
Say Cheese
A story of greed, gluttony, and vanity. A mouse gets in trouble when he eats so much cheese that he can't move, then the cat comes and his troubles really begin.
Say Cheese
A story of greed, gluttony, and vanity. A mouse gets in trouble when he eats so much cheese that he can't move, then the cat comes and his troubles really begin.
Say Cheese
A story of greed, gluttony, and vanity. A mouse gets in trouble when he eats so much cheese that he can't move, then the cat comes and his troubles really begin.