Chris Fisher

Chris Fisher


Chris Fisher was raised in Cape Town, South Africa in a tumultuous and transitioning socio-political landscape. He's the modern man who could play between 25 and 35 years old. Athletic yet stringy build; Physically intelligent yet awkward and lopey. He floats with a youthful playfulness yet is sturdy in his boots. He has a soulful intelligence behind his eyes that illuminate through seeking balance and meaning. An adventurer by heart - would likely play the skinny younger brother of Tarzan - riddled with strange and peculiar talents but happily hiding in the shadow of his famous brother. By: Chris Fisher


Chris Fisher


Billy Mason
Обычное сафари в заповеднике Кении превращается в сущий кошмар из-за одной ошибки. Нападение носорога становиться лишь первым испытанием для мирной американской семьи, которая лишилась транспорта и средств связи. Теперь они остались в диких краях, где помимо хищных животных на охоту выходят не менее опасные браконьеры. Чтобы выжить, о человечности придётся забыть.
Остров монстров
Riley James
Люди сталкиваются с громадным кайдзю-монстром — сначала с одним, но затем их становится все больше, и каждый новый ужаснее предыдущего. Герои обращаются за помощью к специалисту, разбирающемуся в разновидностях чудовищ.
Нападение 6-головой акулы
Влюблённые пары приплывают на отдалённый остров, чтобы пройти курсы по укреплению отношений, но становятся жертвами ужасного морского чудовища.
Tödliche Geheimnisse – Jagd in Kapstadt
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Spud 2: The Madness Continues
Surfer Boy
The year is 1991, and Spud Milton's long walk to manhood is still creeping along at an unnervingly slow pace. Approaching the ripe old age of fifteen and still no signs of the much anticipated ball-drop, Spud is coming to terms with the fact that he may well be a freak of nature. With a mother hell-bent on emigrating, a father making a killing out of selling homemade moonshine, and a demented grandmother called Wombat, the new year seems to offer little except extreme embarrassment and more mortifying Milton madness. But Spud is returning to a boarding school where he is no longer the youngest or the smallest. His dormitory mates, known as the Crazy Eight, have an unusual new member and his house has a new clutch of first years (the Normal Seven). If Spud thinks his second year will be a breeze, however, he is seriously mistaken.
Голубая волна 2
Терзаемая воспоминаниями о своей умершей матери, Дана уезжает из Малибу и направляется в Южную Африку, чтобы осуществить мечту ее матери о серфинге в заливе Джефферус.