Aldo Calpini


Love Sacrifice
Sound Mixer
Leonidas, of noble lineage but poor, serves in the house of Count Aristide Of the Fava Dongo, waiting patiently for his death to arrive. He dies at last, but rumors reveal that, on his deathbed, the Count has decided to leave everything to Marco (Claudio Ercoli), his illegitimate and retarded son who secretly grew up in a boarding school. In the meantime, the whole family of Leonida moves to the luxurious estate as for certainly no one wants to miss out on this wealth opportunity...
Эммануэль и Француаза, сестрички
Sound Mixer
Emanuelle is out to avenge her sister, who committed suicide after escaping from her sadistic lover Carlo. So she chains Carlo up in her basement, drugs him, and forces him to watch her having sex. As Carlo begins to hallucinate all kinds of bloody horrors and cannibalistic doings, he decides he has to break free and kill Emanuelle.
La bella di Roma
Nannina is engaged to a sleazy, unruly boxer who ends up in jail after a fight with a traffic policeman.
Woman of the River
When peasant girl Nives is deserted by smuggler Gino Lodi, she betrays him to the police. Police officer Enzo Cinti, who loves Nives, traces her to the Po River cane-fields, where she is working as a cutter to support herself and an infant son, and warns her that Gino has escaped from prison and is seeking revenge. She rejects his offer to protect her. Gino finds Nives, mourning the drowning death of their son. He surrenders himself to the police and then walks at Nives' side in the funeral procession.
Аттила завоеватель
Древние пророчества гласили, что однажды появится человек, который сможет объединить племена свирепых воинов и бросить вызов непобедимой Римской империи, которая веками правила античным миром. Имя этого человека стало легендарным и навсегда вошло в историю человечества: Аттила - бесстрашный повелитель гуннов. Нам предстоит стать свидетелями противостояния двух самых могущественных людей своего времени и их армий: непокорного Аттилы и прославленного римского полководца Флавия...
Золото Неаполя
Новеллы, объединенные общим названием «Золото Неаполя», рассказывают о людях разных слоев общества. Их интересы и жизненный уклад различен и они даже не знают о существовании друг друга, но их объединяет именно небо Италии. Мы видим их жизнь и понимаем, что благодаря разворачивающимся историям на экране узнаем настоящий итальянский характер.
Neapolitan Carousel
Music, ballet, folk dances and mime eliciting the spirit of Naples across the ages are loosely tied together by the comedic wanderings and exploits of the Esposito family.
Фильм о нечеловеческой жестокости и человеческом страдании, о непростых отношениях немножко сумасшедшей, немножко святой, взъерошенной, смешной, неуклюжей и нежной Джельсомины и мрачного, массивного, грубого и звероподобного Дзампано — женщины и мужчины, совершенно чуждых друг другу, но волею судеб, неизвестно почему, оказавшихся вместе…
Венеция, 1866 год, последние дни австро-венгерской оккупации. Партизаны готовят освобождение города. А в это время между австрийским красавцем-офицером и очаровательной венецианской графиней разгорается страстный любовный роман.
"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered.
Византийская императрица Теодора вышла из самых низов свободных граждан Византии. Но бывшая куртизанка смогла обратить на себя внимание могущественного императора Юстиниана и стала ему верной супругой. Тем временем в империи зреет заговор, во главе которого стоит первый советник Иоанн Каппадокийский. Юстиниан отказывается замечать признаки надвигающейся катастрофы, и только присутствие верного трону полководца Велизария с войсками в столице сдерживает заговорщиков. Но армия вот-вот должна покинуть Константинополь, и тогда Юстиниана уже ничто не сможет спасти. Однако о заговоре становится известно Теодоре. Вместе с Велизарием она составляет рискованный план, который должен спасти Юстиниана и империю…
Man, Beast and Virtue
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
The World Condemns Them
Forced by her lover to sell her body, Renata is saved from a suicide attempt by Paolo Martelli, an engineer. She asks him to help her find a job. When Paolo's wife humiliates her, Renata gains revenge by seducing the woman's husband.
Hell Raiders of the Deep
A crack team of Italian naval divers plan to attach high explosives to the hulls of Royal navy warships anchored in Gibraltar harbour.
The Bandit of Tacca del Lupo
In 19th century southern Italy (near Melfi, Basilicata), a small force of soldiers fight in the hills against the bandits who are holding their country to ransom.
Girls Marked Danger
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
L'eroe sono io
Appointment for Murder
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
Anna is a 1951 Italian drama film directed by Alberto Lattuada and starring the same trio as Bitter Rice: Silvana Mangano as Anna, the sinner who becomes a nun; Raf Vallone as Andrea, the rich man who loves her; and Vittorio Gassman as Vittorio, the wicked waiter who sets Anna on a dangerous path. Silvana Mangano's real sister, Patrizia Mangano, acts as Anna's sister on the film. Sophia Loren has got a small uncredited role as a nightclub assistant. Future film directors Franco Brusati and Dino Risi cowrote the script. [Wikipedia]
Полицейские и воры
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
Last Meeting
The wife of a mechanic and tester of Alfa Romeo cars becomes the lover of a pilot. The two decide to flee together in Argentina.
Milano miliardaria
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
Behind Closed Shutters
Sandra searches her missing sister. For this, she enters the morally degraded seaside of Genoa.
Собачья жизнь
Трагикомедия, рассказывающая об испытаниях и невзгодах труппы артистов варьете.
The White Line
Following World War II, the Allies designate that an unidentified town in the Trieste area as being partly Yugoslavian and partly Italian. A white line of demarcation splits the town in half and the townspeople are given just a short time to decides on which side of the line they will live. This leads to the dividing of homes, friends, families and the church and tensions run high.
Her Favourite Husband
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Miss Italia
Lure of the Sila
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
The Firemen of Viggiù
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.