Álvaro Silva Wuth


Film, the Living Record of our Memory
Sound Designer
Why are we still able, today, to view images that were captured over 125 years ago? As we enter the digital age, audiovisual heritage seems to be a sure and obvious fact. However, much of cinema and our filmed history has been lost forever. Archivists, technicians and filmmakers from different parts of the world explain what audiovisual preservation is and why it is necessary. The documentary is a tribute to all these professionals and their important work.
The Cordillera of Dreams
"In Chile, when the sun rises, it had to climb hills, walls and tops before reaching the last stone of the Cordillera. In my country, the Cordillera is everywhere. But for the Chilean citizens, it is an unknown territory. After going North for Nostalgia for the Light and South for The Pearl Button, I now feel ready to shoot this immense spine to explore its mysteries, powerful revelations of Chile’s past and present history." Patricio Guzmán
In Spanish, ladrillo means bricks. It used to mean boom, construction, production, speculation. Today, ladrillo means crisis: disused clay pits, factories that are closed half of the year, ghost-towns, subprime mortgagers facing eviction. Bricks shows how the life of a simple commodity can be the mirror of a global crisis, and tells the story of people who come up with individual and collective strategies to overcome a seemingly desperate situation.
The Pearl Button
The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds all the voices of the earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives impetus from the stars and transmits it to living creatures. Water, the longest border in Chile, also holds the secret of two mysterious buttons which were found on its ocean floor. Chile, with its 2,670 miles of coastline and the largest archipelago in the world, presents a supernatural landscape. In it are volcanoes, mountains and glaciers. In it are the voices of the Patagonian Indigenous people, the first English sailors and also those of its political prisoners. Some say that water has memory. This film shows that it also has a voice.
Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed
Spain, 1966. An English teacher who travels to Almería when he hears that John Lennon is making a film there befriends with a 16-year-old boy who has run away from home and a young girl who also seems to be running away from something.
The Painting Lesson
Sound Recordist
In Chile, during the 60´s, the son of a poor single teenage girl turns out to be a gifted painter. The man to discover his talent is the owner of the drugstore that lies in the outskirts of the small rural town, next to the railroad. He himself is an amateur painter who will try to make the boy into a great artist, like all the ones in his art books. From the pharmacists point of view in his old age, unfolds the story of this young boy who could have become a great art genius, had he not disappeared at the age of 13, along with all his works, on September 11th 1973, the day of the coupe d´état.
The Sleeping Voice
Sound Recordist
Finished the Spanish Civil War in April 1939, in November 1940, while Spain is being crushed by the ruthless boot of dictator Franco, Pepita travels from rural Huelva to Madrid to be near her sister Hortensia, who is seven months pregnant and imprisoned, haunted by the shadow of a death sentence.
Sound Recordist
Фильм повествует о страшном геноциде, учиненном военными Гватемалы против индейцев народа майя в 1982 году, об истреблении 450 гватемальских деревень вместе с их жителями.
Private detectives Inés, Eva, and Carmen often invade others' privacy but are clueless about confronting their own secrets. While on the job, these three surveillance specialists will have to cross the thin line dividing public and private matters, bringing their own issues to light in order to solve more than just their professional cases.
Rough Winds
Boom Operator
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.
Salvador Allende
A leftist revolutionary or a reformist democrat? A committed Marxist or a constitutionalist politician? An ethical and moral man or, as Richard Nixon called him, a "son of a bitch"? In SALVADOR ALLENDE, acclaimed Chilean filmmaker Patricio Guzmán (The Battle of Chile and Chile, Obstinate Memory) returns to his native country thirty years after the 1973 military coup that overthrew Chile's Popular Unity government to examine the life of its leader, Salvador Allende, both as a politician and a man.
La última huella
In the southernmost place in the world live the Yámanas, who survived and developed in one of the most inhospitable climates in the world. Today on the brink of extinction, its oldest survivors Úrsula and Cristina Calderón, invite us on a journey through its history, its myths, its language and its landscape. They are the last Footprint.
Love, Money and Health, in This Order
Sound Recordist
At 30 Amelia thinks that time is only an excuse for putting off the arrival of a fate which she has been warned about by fortune tellers and horoscopes.
Robinson Crusoe Island
Assistant Director
A passionate fan of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe as a 13-year-old boy, Guzmán was delighted to find in his adult years that the story is based on actual events & a real place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 700 kilometres from the Chilean coast. This moves him to film & construct a kind of ironic travel journal as he sets out to rediscover the island, all the while in constant play with the fields of history, literature & imagination.
Chile: Obstinate Memory
Assistant Director
After decades of fascist rule in Chile, Patricio Guzmán returns to his country to screen his documentary The Battle of Chile.
Не умирай, не сказав, куда уходишь
Этот фильм представляет собой признание в любви к кинематографу, которое использует в качестве метафоры для себя вселенную. Мы все - фильмы, и Создатель их проецирует, в том числе один с участием Рейчел и Леопольдо, в прежней жизни его звали Уильям Диксон, и столетие назад он изобрел кино. Мистическая романтическая мелодрама. Приз зрительских симпатий на фестивале в Монреале. Фильм об одном изобретателе, который создал машину по материализации человеческих мечтаний. Фильм посвящен памяти Хьюго Сото, в возрасте 40 лет умершего от СПИД в 1994 году. Он исполнил роль Рантеса в фильме Мужчина, глядящий на юго-восток / Hombre mirando al sudeste.