Ferenc Szohár


A kockaember
A galamb papné
Production Manager
Made in Hungaria
Production Manager
Miklós Fenyö's parents returned to Communist Hungary in the mid sixties - when everyone else was fleeing to the West. Miki's old friends don't know what to make of his outrageous clothes, flawless American accent and collection of original Buddy Holly 45s. His childhood sweetheart is cold and distant while local tough guy Röné is unmoved by the challenger to his rock 'n' roll crown. But that's not all. When the authorities see the effect Miki's gyrating hips and lewd music have on teenage girls, they won't stand for it. His father's job is on the line, and, for the first time, Miki must play by the rules. He has no choice but to enter the local talent show...
The investigation of the melon affair, to remain undisclosed for thirty years, is led by Major Piroska Szabó, the secret girlfriend of Mr. Kálmán, the boss, with a charge against the policemen Lajos Endúros and Richard Wagner. Sitting on the terrace of their favourite snack bar, the two policemen, along with Sergeant-Major Badár, take an oath not to testify against each other, and to mislead the authorities by giving false evidence.
Kiss Vakond
Production Manager
Их двое
Unit Manager
В поисках безопасного места для жизни после преследований со стороны мужа, депрессивного и жестокого человека, Юли останавливается в женском приюте, которым руководит Мария.
Nine Months
Unit Manager
Village-girl (Juli Kovács) arrives in the city to work in a factory. The works manager (János Bodnár) sets his eye on her, but at first the girl refuses his advance.
Football of the Good Old Days
Unit Manager
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"