Claire Maurier
Рождение : 1929-03-27, Ceret, Pyrénées-Orientales, France
Claire Maurier (born Odette-Michelle-Suzanne Agramon; March 27, 1929) is a French actress who has appeared in more than 90 films since 1947.
Maurier was born Odette-Michelle-Suzanne Agramon on March 27, 1929 in the French commune of Céret, in the Pyrénées-Orientales region, which is in the southwest of France.
She started her acting career in small film roles at the end of the 1940s. Her first 'main' role came when she portrayed Gilberte Doinel, the mother of the main character in François Truffaut's 1959 film The 400 Blows. Another notable early role of hers was as Christiane Colombey, the bigamist wife of the main character in the 1963 film La Cuisine au beurre.
In 1978, she had a notable role in Édouard Molinaro's film La Cage aux Folles as Simone. In 1981, she was nominated the César Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for A Bad Son. She played Madeleine, a seductive older woman.
In 2001, she gained international recognition when she starred as Mme. Suzanne, the owner of the Café des 2 Moulins, the Montmartre bistro where the titular character Amélie Poulain works as a waitress in Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Amélie (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain). The film became the highest-grossing French-language film released in the United States. The film won four César Awards, and was nominated for five Academy Awards. In 2005, she starred as Maryse Berthelot in the French comedy series Faites comme chez vous!.
In 2010, she played the neglectful mother of Gérard Dépardieu's character Germain in Jean Becker's film My Afternoons with Margueritte.
Source: Article "Claire Maurier" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Hortense Verdier
Between September 1940 and August 1944, luxury hotels are requisitioned by the Germans as staff headquarters, giving the hotels' employees a ringside seat of the enemy's secrets and activities. Such is the case with Royal Palace, run by Maxime and Solange Verdier, in which the Abwerth, the German counter-intelligence service, establishes its HQ.
La mère
Жермен — человек большой, но недалекий. В один прекрасный день, в парке, он знакомится с милой старушкой по имени Маргерита. Эрудированная и начитанная, она становится его другом, заставляя Жермена по-другому взглянуть на свою жизнь и окружающий его мир.
Сэм работает курьером. Он несется по Парижу на своем скутере, нарушая все элементарные правила дорожного движения. И вот настал день, ставший худшим днем в его жизни. В этот злополучный день Сэму необходимо было присутствовать на бракосочетании сестры своей невесты Нади, но босс дает ему срочное поручение. Чем обернется для него это поручение, не могло присниться даже в самом кошмарном сне…
l'agent d'Alice
A novelist, an actress, and a struggling young singer all attempt to make their mark in modern day Paris in director Marc Fitoussi's cynical entertainment industry satire. Bertrand is a French literary professor whose students all know that he is shacked up with pretty math teacher Solange despite the couple's best efforts to keep their relationship under the radar. Though no one in the school much cares for Bertrand's prose, self-flagellating student Frederic is the one notable exception. Meanwhile, as Bertrand struggles to deliver his second novel, recent big city arrival Cora finds that her fondness for outmoded songwriters may be having an adverse effect on her career trajectory. While Cora struggles to make ends meet by working at a popular chain steakhouse, even this attempt to remain afloat ultimately proves disastrous.
Mme Zahn
On the one hand you have Judith Zahn, an arrogant, snobbish, bitchy Parisian editor. On the other hand meet Julien Demarsay: an insecure, timid, young bookseller from the East of France who has just written his first autobiographic novel, with what it takes of navel-contemplating and soul-searching. What do they have in common? Nothing much, except that sex will unite them, ambition part them before true love is born between them at last.
A story of a cabaret in Nice called "Le perroquet bleu" ("The blue parrot"). The innkeeper, Gabriel, dies at the beginning of the movie and leave his business to his godchildren : Nino and Marianne, whom father had been taken under Gabriel's wing when he was fifteen years old. After the reading of the will, the fate of "The Blue Parrot" is in their hands.
The adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD appointed at the same time.
Myriam, a survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, is a filmmaker and journalist who has spent many years living abroad. She takes part in a memorial event at the town hall in Paris commemorating the liberation of the camp, where she wins a flight to Cracow. At first she refuses to accept the prize, then decides to go.
Знаете ли вы, что все события, происходящие в нашем мире, даже самые незначительные, взаимосвязаны самым удивительным и чудесным образом? Как полет крошечной мухи может вызвать где-то далеко мощный ураган, так и странные и, на первый взгляд, непонятные поступки тихой и одинокой девушки, живущей в мире своих фантазий, могут навсегда изменить жизнь совершенно разных людей, подарив им счастье и раскрасив окружающий мир яркими, головокружительными красками. Эту девушку зовут Амели Пулен.
Mrs. Ménard
An upper middle-class French family celebrates a birthday in a restaurant. In one evening and during one meal, family history, tensions, collective and separate grudges, delights, and memories both clash and coalesce.
Louis lives alone with his father. When he tries to find his past, he is met with refusals. One day, Louis understands everything, or rather he believes. What if he had been fooled?
A little town in the north of France, 1941. Blanche has three children. She worries about her husband Victor, who often goes out at night. Actually, Victor belongs to the Resistance. Soon, Blanche will be a resistant too. In the network, there is also Germinal, the hairdresser. His daughter Marie knows everything and asks to be part of it... Chronicle of the occupation and of the resistance through the eyes of the women.
The story of Itineraire Bis has no singular plot line, but swings back and forth between the adventures of a young man who wants to buy a pizza truck and the lives of two middle-aged brothers living in an enormous house. One of the brothers is wheelchair-bound and eventually makes the acquaintance of the pizza-driving aspirant and decides to give him the money he needs -- though this act of generosity in no way shields him from his own destiny. Other characters wander in and out of the story, such as Jeanne (Martine Kalayan), the young man's lover.
Alice Martell
Three generations, the Chic, the Bumpkin and the New confront in a bourgeois family in Paris.
Молодой Брюно выходит из американской тюрьмы, в которую он попал за торговлю наркотиками, возвращается во Францию и пытается начать новую жизнь. Поначалу его воссоединение с отцом кажется теплым и дружеским, тем более, что мать Брюно умерла несколько лет назад, и мужчины могут разделить это горе. Но в скором времени герой узнает, что у отца новый роман, и уходит с новой работы, чтобы стать продавцом в книжном магазине. Там Брюно знакомится с девушкой, с которой у него много общего — в том числе давнее и, казалось, прошедшее пристрастие к наркотикам.
Creuzeville, a small provincial town with its woods, its countryside, its ramparts, its mass and its little Sunday cakes. A stranger arrives. He's a private investigator in Creuzeville, over which an old family of industrialists reigns, a murder has just been committed. The victim is the founding ancestor of this small empire that has outgrown one man. In Creuzeville, we hardly like foreigners, especially if they are vegetarians, perhaps homosexuals, undoubtedly anarchists like, precisely, this detective. However the detective by whom the scandal broke broke the silence of the city by going to the heart of family secrets hitherto well hidden behind purple shutters. The murders follow one another. We strike on the left - a young ecologist - as on the right - a cynical playboy. Continuing to dissect the mobiles and the characters, the detective dropped the masks one by one. And, little by little, fear and violence are settling in the small town.
Simone Deblon
В прекрасном городке Сен-Тропез, где лучи солнца задорно играют в лазурных волнах теплого моря, наслаждаются беззаботной жизнью два уже немолодых господина. В свои годы она не утратили юношеского темперамента и безрассудства. А сильно развитое чувство юмора превращает их и без того веселую жизнь в неподражаемую комедию. Видимо, причина такого отношения к жизни кроется в их нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации. У одного из них есть гетеросексуальный сын, который, ко всему прочему, собираетсяжениться на девушке с пуританским воспитанием из ортодоксальной семьи. Ее родители хотят познакомиться с семьей будущего зятя, но что произойдет, если они узнают, что отец жениха – прожженный гомосексуал. Чтобы предотвратить неминуемую катастрофу и обдурить моралистов, старикам приходится проявлять чудеса смекалки и актерского мастерства.
Armance Dupon
In order to get to know his two French collaborators better, Henry Wydmark, director of a large American company, invites them to spend a weekend in the Alps. They consider this trip to be part of their job. But as the wife of one and the husband of the other are not free, they do not hesitate to leave their "heart under the mat" and hire one a husband of convenience and the other a wife fictitious. This misunderstanding will trigger a cascade of disasters.
Mauricette, la femme de Louis
Nelly Cerutti
Barely out of the psychiatric hospital where he went to seek care, Gilbert Nodier commits several assaults to have some money.
Caroline Sinclair
Germain, a great seducer, collects the mistresses. There are four, all brown, and all married. When the husband of one of them disembarks to threaten him with death, he must break up. But with which? The gouailleur Robert Lamoureux interprets this man who does not like to leave women.
Мари всеми силами старается использовать свои женские чары в корыстных целях. Она добивается расположения нескольких весьма уважаемых горожан. Но местные моралисты добиваются изгнания Мари из города. Вскоре у женщины созрел план, как заставить своих мучителей заплатить за все унижения.
Micheline Camus
Arsène Baudu and Hyacinthe, a pair of small-time crooks, fall prey to Alexandre Larsan-Bellac, who involves them (against their will) in high-profile swindling, but their success is quite limited. For starters they are deceived by Mrs. Paterson, a charming widow. Later on, Ribeiro, a Portuguese contractor and former victim of the two crooks, traces them and forces them to work on one of his building sites for damages. Just then, Larsan-Bellac resurfaces with plans to lure Ribeiro once again. —Guy Bellinger
Die Herzogin
Ninon de Lenclos
После того как ее мужа сжигают на костре, Анжелика находит убежище у разбойников, глава которых — друг ее детства Николя. Во время нападения другой банды, Николя вынужден пожертвовать собой, чтобы позволить Анжелике бежать. Судьба вновь благосклонна к ней — Анжелике удается выйти замуж за маркиза де Плесси-Бельера. Она решает проникнуть в Версаль и отомстить королю — убийце мужа…
Christiane Colombey
Весельчак Фернан Жувен после тринадцати лет, проведенных в Германии, возвращается на родину в маленький городок во Франции. И что же он видит? Его жена вышла замуж за нормандца Андре Коломби, который хозяйничает в его ресторанчике! Все считают Фернана погибшим на войне. Он становится настоящим героем, а у красавицы Кристин теперь два мужа. Но кто из них настоящий? Оказавшись в щекотливом положении, Кристин на время отвергает обоих. А мужья и не думают скучать! Они стали добрыми друзьями и наслаждаются драгоценной свободой.
Olivier, a handsome but callow and moody young student, picks up an enthusiastic actress during a theatre rehearsal, and is introduced to her acquaintances -- a group of jaded rich kids who spend their time storming around the Riviera harassing passersby, throwing wild parties and following all the latest trends. When sexy Elke gives him the eye, he leaves the actress in the lurch and joins the gang for a decadent party aboard a yacht. However, Elke's wanton ways and Olivier's inexperience do not mesh, and in a snit, he accidentally sets the yacht afire. The gang wreaks its vengeance by luring him into a dangerous contest of bravura on a construction site.
Marina Larsen
Claire Médina-Etiévant
Philippe, a little known artist, has a mistress, Viviane, a woman he does not love. When he learns the bailiffs are about to seize his paintings, Philippe decides to leave alone for the French Riviera and spend, as he regularly does, comfortable and carefree holidays in the luxurious villa of his friend Paule. But, on his way, he meets Manette, a beautiful but poor girl to whom he offers to become his companion for the Summer. Manette accepts the strange deal in exchange for bed and board. As Philippe always comes in the company of his mistress of the time, the presence of Manette does not pose a problem. But the young woman soon feels ill-at-ease in such a dubious environment. moreover, she realizes that she is falling in love with Philippe, who might not be so cynical as he wants to appear... - Written by Guy Bellinger on IMDB
June Chalmers
Директор римского офиса американского информационного агентства соблазняется дочерью своего босса, которая впоследствии оказывается мертвой у подножия скалы.
Gilberte Doinel
Двенадцатилетний Антуан Дуанель — трудный подросток. Его мать занята личной жизнью, и у нее нет ни времени, ни желания вникнуть в проблемы сына. Отчим — человек слабохарактерный, не имеет влияния ни на жену, ни на сына. Учитель лишь наказывает мальчика. Антуан и его приятель все реже посещают школу, сбегают из дома. Ни к чему хорошему все это не приводит.
Обнаружив измену жены, Жак Декре разрабатывает хитроумный план мести и посылает ей анонимное письмо шантажирующего содержания. Глория игнорирует угрозу, после чего Декре усиливает давление и отправляет ей компрометирующие фото. Глория в панике пытается откупиться от шантажиста, но её любовник Ив, осознавая бессмысленность подобного поведения, пытается найти иной способ дать отпор. Жака интересуют не деньги, он хочет разрушить связь между Глорией и любовником, настроив их друг против друга. Но чересчур хитроумный план даёт сбой и события выходят из-под контроля...
Caroline Herblay
Брижит, дочь председателя правительства Франции, влюблена в молодого человека по имени Мишель, шефа кабинета министров.Но ее возлюбленный время зря не теряет. Он так любвеобилен, что не в силах отказать женам чиновников, которые звонят ему и просят встречи.Брижит, влекомая любовным порывом, приходит в гостиничный номер к Мишелю с целью стать его любовницей, но тут неожиданно в комнату врывается её отец....
Le mannequin espagnol
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Alexandrine Dupont
A group of French filmmakers travel to Andalucia for film a movie titled" Beauty of Cadiz". It stars are Carlos, a famous heartthrob, and an unknown gypsy named Maria-Luisa.
Jeannette, Caroline's chambermaid
Caroline de Bienre, the 16-year-old daughter of French nobility, meets the handsome rogue, Gaston de Sallanches, who is expected to ask for the hand of her older, plainer sister in marriage. Gaston instead joins Caroline in her secret hiding place in the château's attic, where the infatuated Caroline begins an affair with him. Meanwhile, she is being courted by the dull, sincere Livio, but holds him off since she is in love with Gaston. When the revolution of 1789 breaks out Caroline is sent to a convent but her carriage is waylaid. She escapes and makes her way to Gaston's home, where she finds him in the arms of his mistress. She is angry and then agrees to marry Livio, now an out-of-favor revolutionary and a marked man, and Caroline is also now on the death list.
A girl
With the help of a social worker and Isabelle, Pierre, a delinquent influenced by Marcelle, undertakes a slow and difficult reintegration.
Germaine de la Boëtie
Anatole, quivering nostrils and greedy lips, is the resourceful clerk of Mrs. Paufilat, a butcher. It takes a fancy to take on the identity of the Paufilat son, Paul. He must then undergo the assaults of the tumultuous Germaine, exhilarated by the money of Paul Paufilat.