William Sackheim


Белые пески
Шериф из Нью-Мексико Рэй Долезал обнаруживает в пустыне труп с пистолетом в руке, а при нем чемоданчик с полумиллионом долларов. Рэй решает самостоятельно взяться за расследование.Он выдает себя за убитого и, став участником крупной сделки по продаже наркотиков, попадает в паутину интриг, сплетенную подпольным торговцем оружием, продажным агентом ФБР и роковой красавицей. Спецслужбы, коррупция и наркомафия — рискованный коктейль, который грозит смертельной опасностью. Но Рэй из тех парней, которые бьются до конца…
Чтобы рассчитаться с банком, они решают сдать первый этаж. При первом знакомстве обаятельный Картер Хэйс кажется им идеальным квартирантом. Но как только он въезжает в квартиру, для супругов начинается настоящий ад. Картер — профессиональный маньяк-аферист, который превращает жизнь хозяев в непрерывный кошмар, чтобы отобрать у них дом. Когда же Картер съезжает с квартиры в поисках новой жертвы, Пэтти желая отомстить, едет следом за ним…
Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture
Executive Producer
Taut thriller about a photographer who races the clock to clear a man about to be executed.
Только большое чувство
Случайно в объектив молодого фотографа Чарлза попадает очаровательная Лора. Напечатав фото, он влюбляется и разыскивает её по всему городу. И находит в баре, где она работает певицей. Любовные притязания юноши она отвергает из-за разницы в возрасте, но Чарлз решает помочь ей и тайно начинает её рекламную кампанию.
Школа выживания
Дональда, начинающего продавца, грабит попугай босса в тот же самый день, когда сгорает заправка Сонни. Двое неудачников как раз пытались залить горе кофе, когда в кафе ворвался такой же невезучий бандит Джек. Несчастным ничего не остается, как обезоружить грабителя, и неожиданно для себя они становятся знаменитыми героями. И тут им предстоит узнать цену выживания в этом сумасшедшем мире. Джек выходит на свободу и отправляется в погоню за Сонни и Дональдом. В бегах от психопата-убийцы двое обаятельных неудачников должны пойти настоящую школу выживания.
Рэмбо: Первая Кровь
Он — эксперт. Эксперт по оружию, ножам и собственному телу. Он человек, специально обученный не замечать боль и погодные условия. Во Вьетнаме его задание было уничтожать вражеский личный состав. Много убивать. Истощать силы врага до полной победы. Рэмбо был лучший. На войне он был героем, а на родине, во имя которой поливалась кровь, он никому не нужен. Не способный приспособиться к мирной жизни Рэмбо путешествует автостопом по городам Америки, встречаясь с однополчанами. Путешествие прекращает провинциальный шериф, ненавидящий бродяг. Попавший в тюрьму по ложному обвинению, вкусивший унижений со стороны администрации, Рэмбо объявляет войну. Войну существующему отношению к ветеранам, беспределу официальных структур и главе местной полиции лично. Совершив фантастический побег из тюрьмы, Джон начинает партизанскую войну в местных лесах. Очень скоро ситуация выходит из под контроля властей и в маленький город вводят части регулярной армии.
Конкурс пианистов. Это последний шанс Павла показать себя, но новичок Хайди способен обойти бывалого участника и взять приз. Соревнование, победитель которого получит право называться состоявшимся музыкантом.
Конкурс пианистов. Это последний шанс Павла показать себя, но новичок Хайди способен обойти бывалого участника и взять приз. Соревнование, победитель которого получит право называться состоявшимся музыкантом.
Скромный дантист Шелдон самым нелепым образом оказывается втянут в дикие приключения своим будущим родственником Винсом - дочь дантиста должна была выйти замуж за сына Винса. Дело в том, что Винс попросил дантиста о небольшой услуге - вынести из офиса саквояж с украденными им пластинами для печатания американских долларов.
Mallory: Circumstantial Evidence
In this pilot film, Mallory is a prominent lawyer with a tarnished reputation who defends a young man charged with committing homicide against a sexual predator in prison.
The Law
An examination of the workings of a big city's legal system as seen through the eyes of people involved in a sensational murder trial.
The Law
An examination of the workings of a big city's legal system as seen through the eyes of people involved in a sensational murder trial.
The Harness
A gentle John Steinbeck tale from 1938 about a farmer who is dominated by his ailing wife until a free-minded young woman turns up at his ranch with her eight-year-old son.
The Impatient Heart
A social worker has problems in her private life.
Mean Justice
Moreno (Bronson) is a tough ranch hand on the vast half million acre Garret Ranch. Rich in timber, gas, cattle and oil, the ranch is a major employer of rough rugged cowboys in northern New Mexico. Unexpectedly, Moreno has been accused , and tried for the murder of the daughter of the Garret ranch's popular foreman (Denver Pyle). As luck turns against the Garret ranch, each man endures struggles against nature, competitors, and each other in order to keep the operation profitable.
The Neon Ceiling
A housewife and her teenage daughter, fleeing their boring lives, stop in a diner in the California desert. She runs up against the diner's owner, a gruff, beer-drinking artist whose life's work is the neon sculptures he creates and attaches to the ceiling.
A Clear and Present Danger
The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.
Dial Hot Line
The head of a psychiatric telephone hotline inspires his associates to get out of the office and into the streets to help people with psychiatric problems.
Night Gallery
This anthology telefilm aired on NBC on November 8, 1969, and tells three strange tales: "The Cemetery," directed by Boris Sagal; "Eyes," directed by Steven Spielberg; and "The Escape Route," directed by Barry Shear. This film also served as a backdoor pilot for the TV series of the same name, which premiered on December 16, 1970.
The murder of a journalist, coming shortly after the killings of a black teenager and a white cop, threatens to inflame passions in the city. To prevent a riot, Lieutenant Sam Danforth and District Attorney Leslie Washburn are determined to find the killer, even though they do not exactly get along with each other and disagree over procedure.
The murder of a journalist, coming shortly after the killings of a black teenager and a white cop, threatens to inflame passions in the city. To prevent a riot, Lieutenant Sam Danforth and District Attorney Leslie Washburn are determined to find the killer, even though they do not exactly get along with each other and disagree over procedure.
Искусство любви
Находящийся в бедственном положении художник решается на крайние меры. Он инсценирует собственную смерть в надежде на то, что его произведения поднимутся в цене…
Massacre at Sand Creek
A fictionalized account of the infamous massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek by a militia unit led by an extremist Colonel.
Massacre at Sand Creek
A fictionalized account of the infamous massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek by a militia unit led by an extremist Colonel.
Chicago Syndicate
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
The Human Jungle
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
The Human Jungle
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
A landowner in colonial Africa leads a safari through Nukumbi territory in order to capture an escaped criminal.
Border River
A Confederate officer travels to a wild Mexican border town to buy guns, aiming to keep up the fight against the Yankees - but who can he trust in this lawless place?
Eddie Darrow, seeking a mobster's widow in Macao, gets involved in a casino owner's affairs.
Eddie Darrow, seeking a mobster's widow in Macao, gets involved in a casino owner's affairs.
Column South
In the weeks prior to the start of the Civil War, Confederate sympathizers hope to help their cause by inciting a Navajo war in the New Mexico Territory. Director Frederick de Cordova's 1953 western stars Audie Murphy, Robert Sterling, Joan Evans, Ray Collins, Dennis Weaver, Palmer Lee, Jack Kelly, James Best, Bob Steele and Ralph Moody.
Column South
In the weeks prior to the start of the Civil War, Confederate sympathizers hope to help their cause by inciting a Navajo war in the New Mexico Territory. Director Frederick de Cordova's 1953 western stars Audie Murphy, Robert Sterling, Joan Evans, Ray Collins, Dennis Weaver, Palmer Lee, Jack Kelly, James Best, Bob Steele and Ralph Moody.
Man in the Dark
A prisoner undergoes experimental brain surgery in order to get early parole. He released but has no memories. Things get dangerous when a group of thugs go after him in search of loot he hid before his amnesia.
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
Purple Heart Diary
A trio of singers is entertaining wounded soldiers of WWII. They encourage a mutilated soldier in his love to a nurse.
Reunion in Reno
Short Story
A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.
A Yank in Korea
A tough sergeant has to teach a hotshot young soldier how to be a team player.
Revenue Agent
Accountant Augustis King discovers that his wife, Marfhe, is having an affair with his boss Sam Bellows. He telephones Internal Revenue Bureau that he can give evidence of a large tax-evasion racket. Before IRS-agent Steve Daniels arrives, King is murdered by a henchman of Bellows and his partner, Ernie Medford. Daniels discovers that Bellows and Medford are smuggling gold bullion from their mine in Mexico, and sell and bank the money under assumed names. they hide the bullion in a compartment welded to the bottom of a car.
Western remake of Jack London's The Sea Wolf. A sadistic mining camp owner "hires" scoundrels to work the mine. He just won't let them quit.
One Last Fling
A jealous wife suspects the worst when her dingaling husband hires his former girlfriend for a position at his company.
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Smart Girls Don't Talk
A society woman gets involved with a gangster only to find he has hidden plans.
My Dog Rusty
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
The Return of Rusty
A young Czechoslovak orphan, Loddy Bicek, befriended by an American army sergeant, is brought into the United States as a stowaway by the soldier. He is apprehended, but escapes and makes his way to the sergeant's home town. There, he is befriended by young Danny Mitchell and his dog, Rusty, a K-9 veteran of World War II. A third boy reports Loddy to the authorities, and when Loddy tries to run away, he falls into a deep ravine.
Let's Go Steady
After learning they were duped by a con artist, two songwriters join forces with other swindled colleagues and use creative methods to promote their music.