Line Producer
Юная Сюзанна вступает во взрослую жизнь, меняя парней одного за другим. Она любит Люка, но не хочет быть рядом с ним, она спит с Бернаром, но не любит его. Сюзанна не понимает ни смысла своих чувств, ни как надо любить. Дома у неё вечные скандалы с деспотичным братом, истеричной матерью и даже с любящим отцом, который вскоре оставляет семью. Жизнь Сюзанны беспросветна и рутинна, а ведь ей только 16...
Production Manager
A slice of life of a group of young working class friends in a Northern French village coming to the end of their school years and embarking upon adult life. The film follows the choices and decisions made for their futures.
Production Manager
Monique is dying of cancer, lying in bed in the apartment above the store her family owns. Her philandering husband carries on with life, her son remains aloof, and her daughter-in-law wonders if she is witnessing her own decline. They all struggle to express, or feel, their love for one another.
Monique is dying of cancer, lying in bed in the apartment above the store her family owns. Her philandering husband carries on with life, her son remains aloof, and her daughter-in-law wonders if she is witnessing her own decline. They all struggle to express, or feel, their love for one another.