Julio Esteban


Солнечные понедельники
Production Design
После закрытия судоверфи бывшие местные рабочие время от времени встречаются, чтобы обсудить свое сложное жизненное положение.
Broken Silence
Art Direction
Winter, 1944. Lucía at 21 returns to her small village in the mountains. She again meets Manuel, a young iron-smith who helps "those in the mountain", the "maquis", the anti-Franco resistance. Lucía is attracted to Manual, because of his smile and the bravery of those men who continue fighting for their ideas, even at the cost of their own lives. When Manuel is pursued (by Franco's Civil Guard) he flees to the mountain and Lucía discovers the reality of political repression, the silence, the horror and fear.
Y decirte alguna estupidez, por ejemplo, te quiero
Art Direction
The adventures of a group of secondary school . Juan, one of the group, falls in love with Sara, the new girl.
Hermana, ¿pero qué has hecho?
Art Direction
Sister Angela and Sister Mary park his van in front of a bank branch. They enter the bank and with the weapons hidden under their habits, commit the robbery of the century, to the astonishment of all employees and customers. After thorough police investigation the two nuns are arrested, but then appears Trini, twin sister of one of them and now all is not so clear. Were the nuns who committed the robbery?
Stories from the Kronen
Set Decoration
Carlos is a young student, just 21. Nice or annoying as he likes, enjoys provoking and transgreding. In the night he goes out to meet his friends in the Kronen, a bar. Every situation can be taken a little farther. There are no limits, no accepted barriers. And more each time, each adventure is chained to the next, as if it were a continuous night. A long description of people: grandfather, parents, sister, girlfriend, friends. And, among that, the obscure will of living every minute as if it were the last one. But something which happens puts Carlos and his friend against a reality they have been trying to ignore.
Cartas desde Huesca
Art Direction
Angy, British publisher specialized in Spanish subjects, and her husband, come to Madrid in search of some manuscripts of the English poet Benton, who died in Huesca during the Civil War. The documents are supposed to be held by Mainar, old anarchist combatant. Contact and subsequent relationship with him, will cause the crisis of the marriage and eventually will trigger a personal drama in Mainar
Ветчина, ветчина
Set Decoration
Мать молодого человека Хосе не хочет его свадьбы с Сильвией — дочерью местной проститутки. Правда мама еще не знает, что Сильвия беременна от ее сына. А когда узнает об этом, то нанимает молодого красавца Рауля, который работает на колбасном складе и мечтает быть тореадором. По ее замыслу Сильвия должна влюбиться в него, а соперник — ее сын будет лишним. Но события принимают совершенно непредсказуемый оборот и приводят к удивительным последствиям для всех.
Production Design
Comedy as six pensioners in residence take on the sponsorship of the FOOTBALL team in the neighbouring orphanage with unexpected consequences.
Production Design
A series of images, music and sounds which transport through Mexico's history, without any narrative sequence. The film spins constantly round the question 'Where are the singers from?'
Art Direction
Antonio Castro, Sinatra, is a fighter of life working in an old cabaret in Barcelona imitating Frank Sinatra, accompanied in his show by Groucho Marx, Marlene Dietrich and Lola Flores. But one day, the sky dresses in gray for him; his wife, who works as a waitress in the same place, decides to leave him.
Табачница из Вальекаса
Production Design
Потерявший работу каменщик Леандро пытается ограбить табачную лавку доньи Хусты. Вместе со своим молодым учеником Точо он врывается в магазин и взламывает кассу, в которой почти не оказывается денег. В отчаянии от неудачи незадачливые грабители пытаются найти спрятанную хозяйкой «заначку», но безрезультатно. Между тем о попытке ограбления становится известно соседям, которые вызывают полицию. Прибывшие стражи порядка оцепляют территорию, внутри которой, по их мнению, двое преступников удерживают в заложниках донью Хусту и ее племянницу. Оказавшиеся взаперти вместе со своими пленителями женщины быстро нашли с ними общий язык…
Mambru Went to War
Costume Design
The news of the death of Franco has a special resonance in the family of Florentina. Fiorentina communicates to the rest of the family a story far more important than the general's death: her husband Emiliano (Fernando Fernan-Gomez), who had been left for dead in the civil war, is alive. During the Franco dictatorship has remained hidden beneath the pylon is in the courtyard of the house.
Mambru Went to War
Art Direction
The news of the death of Franco has a special resonance in the family of Florentina. Fiorentina communicates to the rest of the family a story far more important than the general's death: her husband Emiliano (Fernando Fernan-Gomez), who had been left for dead in the civil war, is alive. During the Franco dictatorship has remained hidden beneath the pylon is in the courtyard of the house.
Réquiem por un campesino español
Production Design
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.
Café, coca y puro
Set Decoration
Café, coca y puro
De hombre a hombre
Set Decoration
Double Feature
Set Decoration
Director José Luis Garci has turned his camera inward on filmmakers and screenwriters to portray them as so self-absorbed in the creative process that there is no other world, no other human relationship that can compete. As José (Adolfo Marsillach) and Federico (Jesus Puente) work together on a new screenplay, their interactions with their family (José's teen daughters, Federico's wife) disappear under the all-consuming task of creation. The daughters give up and go off on their own, and the wife joins a convent while Federico barely notices. And when the producer is interrupted by profound grief at the sudden death of his older son, he almost automatically returns to thinking about the film project when the funeral has ended. Garci honors many great directors at the beginning of this film, and the film continues to play out as an elaboration on this homage -- an illustration both of the dedication and the cost of filmmaking, no judgments given.
Double Feature
Production Design
Director José Luis Garci has turned his camera inward on filmmakers and screenwriters to portray them as so self-absorbed in the creative process that there is no other world, no other human relationship that can compete. As José (Adolfo Marsillach) and Federico (Jesus Puente) work together on a new screenplay, their interactions with their family (José's teen daughters, Federico's wife) disappear under the all-consuming task of creation. The daughters give up and go off on their own, and the wife joins a convent while Federico barely notices. And when the producer is interrupted by profound grief at the sudden death of his older son, he almost automatically returns to thinking about the film project when the funeral has ended. Garci honors many great directors at the beginning of this film, and the film continues to play out as an elaboration on this homage -- an illustration both of the dedication and the cost of filmmaking, no judgments given.
La loca historia de los tres mosqueteros
Art Direction
Взлом 2
Set Decoration
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Good Evening, Mr. Monster
Set Decoration
Four boys get lost in the forest in the middle of a storm and go take refuge in an abandoned mansion. There they will meet and face Dracula, the Werewolf, Quasimodo and Doctor Frankenstein. Despite the attempts of the monsters to scare them and, in passing, recover the lost prestige, the boys, with the help of Count Dracula's son, will face the evil creatures.
Todos al suelo !!
Art Direction
Ni te cases ni te embarques
Production Design
¡Qué gozada de divorcio!
Set Decoration
Unbridled Passions
Art Direction
Wealthy Olga Arbant, with the help of her submissive husband Paul, enjoys kinky scenarios to help with the writing of her novels, as well as controlling everything and everyone. Impoverished Patrizia, who is a virgin, has agreed to do whatever Olga demands for one month. After being subjected to various humiliations, Patrizia frustrates Olga by developing a mind of her own.
Es peligroso casarse a los 60
Set Decoration
A confirmed bachelor, over his sixties, is finally decided to marry, with the primary objective of having a son to inherit his business of coaches for tourists. Held the wedding, descendants don't arrive, but what comes into the house of the protagonist is an 18-year-old daughter of a distant childhood sweetheart willing to impose other points of view about everything.
Los chulos
Art Direction
Félix rebolledo is a pimp who owns a cabaret, two bingo halls and three dating houses. He now intends to open a party hall, and for this he has - as he always has - the support of the Bishop, whom he has bribed with frequent donations. Counting on the support of the Church, it will be much easier for him to have the approval of the City Council, although, on the other hand, he also has bribed, among others, the mayor and the president of the Council of the Deputation.
La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepe
Set Decoration
In order to get his hands on his father's inheritance and pay all his debts, Don Peppino must see his son Gianluca married and produce an heir within a year. Problem is everybody suspects the boy of playing for the other team.
El alcalde y la política
Set Decoration
Assistant Set Decoration
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
La decente
Assistant Set Decoration