John Harvey

John Harvey

Рождение : 1911-09-27, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1982-07-19


John Harvey


The Satanic Rites of Dracula
The police and British security forces call in Professor Van Helsing to help them investigate Satanic ritual which has been occurring in a large country house, and which has been attended by a government minister, an eminent scientist and secret service chief. The owner of the house is a mysterious property tycoon who is found to be behind a sinister plot involving a deadly plague. It is in fact Dracula who, sick of his interminable existence, has decided that he must end it all in the only possible way- by destroying every last potential victim.
Сакко и Ванцетти
Minister Palmer
Экранизация реального судебного процесса 1920-1927 гг., который Франклин Рузвельт назвал самым ужасным преступлением против правосудия в ХХ веке. История двух итальянских иммигрантов, осужденных за разбой и убийства по ложному обвинению. Этот процесс, имевший оглушительный резонанс в мировом сообществе, должен был, по мнению правительства, дискредитировать и наказать «разбушевавшихся красных». Но фактически два простых итальянца (работник обувной фабрики и торговец рыбой) стали жертвами массовой истерии, охватившей все эшелоны власти, перед «засильем» красной пропаганды, профсоюзов и большевистской революции, которая уже победила на 1/6 территории земного шара.
A Challenge for Robin Hood
After being falsely accused of murder, Sir Robin of Loxley takes refuge in the untamed wilderness of Sherwood Forest where he stumbles across a group of outlaws. Although initially suspicious of the aristocrat's motives, the men are soon won over by his integrity and prowess and Robin transforms them into a formidable fighting force, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As word of his fame and valour spreads, a legend is born.
Doctor Who: The War Machines
Professor Brett
The TARDIS arrives in London in 1966 and the First Doctor and Dodo visit the Post Office Tower. There they meet Professor Brett, whose revolutionary new computer WOTAN (Will Operating Thought ANalogue) can actually think for itself and is shortly to be linked up to other major computers around the world — a project overseen by civil servant Sir Charles Summer.
The Kiss of the Vampire
Police Sergeant
Honeymooning in Bavaria, a young couple becomes stranded and is forced to stay the night in the area. Doctor Ravna, owner of the impressive chateau that sits imposingly above the village, invites them to dinner that evening. Their association with Ravna and his charming, beautiful family is to prove disastrous.
The Scarlet Blade
Sgt. Grey
A 1964 British action adventure film from Hammer studios. The Scarlet Blade is set during the english civil war. A cruel Roundhead Colonel is on the trail of royalist sympathisers, but unaware of his daughters royalist sympathies. When she falls into a love triangle with Cavalier Edward Beverly and Roundhead officer Captain Sylvester the stage is set for double crossing and derring do.
Призрак оперы
Sgt. Vickers
Действие происходит в Викторианской Англии девяностых годов позапрошлого века, в Лондоне, полном кэбов и газовых фонарей. Призрак в фильме Фишера — совершенно обычный, всю жизнь проживший благополучно человек, и очень милый, благовидный профессор музыки по имени Питри. Он обезображен в результате злодейских происков владельца Оперы с композиторскими амбициями — лорда д`Арси, а также кислотой и пламенем пожара в типографии, куда пришел уничтожить тираж партитуры новой оперы, написанной им и нагло присвоенной лордом.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
Ночь демона
Hobart's Brother
Сюжет вращается вокруг американского психолога, исследующего сатанинский культ, подозреваемого в нескольких убийствах. В деле замешан черный маг Джулиан Карсуэлл (прообразом которого был известный оккультист Алистер Кроули).
Икс: Неизвестное
Maj. Cartwright
Повышенный радиационный фон на одной из военных баз Шотландии привлекает на поверхность неизвестную подземную форму жизни, которая оставляет после себя два солдатских трупа и бездонную дыру в земле. Очевидцы утверждают, что неведомая тварь абсорбирует радиацию, вследствие чего увеличивается в размерах.
Angels One Five
Station Warrant Officer
The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.
The Spider
An ex-cop is suspected of murder after he is found with a dead woman. The private detective is on the run -- attempting to prove his innocence.
Pin Up Girl
Tommy Dooley
Glamorous Lorry Jones, the toast of a Missouri military canteen, has become "engaged" to almost every serviceman she's signed her pin-up photo for. Now she's leaving home to go into government service (not, as she fantasizes, to join the USO). On a side trip to New York, her vivid imagination leads her to True Love with naval hero Tommy Dooley; but increasingly involved Musical Comedy Complications follow.
Four Jills in a Jeep
Ted Warren
Reenactments of actual USO experiences of its female stars entertaining troops overseas.