Marc Zumbach


The Nicole brothers, born to climb
This film by Yannick Bacher tells the passion of brothers Frédéric and François Nicole for climbing. Through the sites of Cuzzago (Italy), Zurich, Murg, Pelzli, Montreux, St-Loup, Yverdon-les-Bains, Saint-Triphon or Erde, we learn to know these 2 living legends better, their life choices, their philosophy... United by blood ties, those of fraternity but also by the same passion, that of the rock, of climbing. Fred made climbing history by pushing back the difficulty ladder in the discipline of bouldering. François him, founded a family and carried out a parallel professional career. But both have never stopped exploring, traveling and climbing.
Camera Department Manager
Старик привозит парализованную дочку в родной дом, где собирается ухаживать за ней при помощи умного пса Атоса. Но когда у отца случается сердечный приступ, а собаку кусает бешеная летучая мышь, становится ясно, что ей придется самой сражаться за свою жизнь в опасной дуэли на выживание.
The Runner
Director of Photography
Five years ago the boss closed the company and fired 300 workers. The first day that he goes out to run he meets one of them.