Five years have passed since Japan's Great Zombie Panic. The confusion of those days is gone and people have finally regained their ordinary, peaceful lives. One day, out of nowhere, a zombie appears and becomes trapped in a house. Six people have spotted the zombie, including the home-owner couple, a cheeky high school boy, a boring small-factory owner, a suspicious young intern and a woman who insists she is the zombie's wife.
Молодая сотрудница рекламного агентства Маки не умеет толком готовить и общаться с мужчинами. Однажды в её жизни появляется сильный и напористый парень по имени Нагиса. Он — учитель рисования и прекрасный повар. Маки и Нагиса начинают жить вместе и девушка понимает, что впервые в жизни влюблена. Но вот досада: её новый сосед по квартире — веган и гей.
На ее месте могла оказаться любая! Представьте, что вы стали главной героиней любовной истории… Хатори верила, что однажды выйдет замуж за своего друга детства Риту. К сожалению, мир устроен совсем не так.
Things are hectic in heaven. Dozens of scribes sit before a long scroll incessantly scribbling away. They are composing the biographies of earth-dwellers. What is invented by the men in heaven is lived out below. And their employer, God, is increasingly vehement in demanding avant-garde ideas. Take, for example, the beautiful Yuri, a girl who dies in a car crash. Some of the heavenly scribes find this very dull and send former gangster Chas, who has become a heavenly tea-boy, back down to earth with instructions to save Yuri no matter what. And so Chas ends up in Okinawa, gets to know the earth-dwellers, interferes in their fates, becomes celebrated as 'Mr Angel' and is hounded by brutal enemies. His falling in love with Yuri is of course a foregone conclusion. But no one could anticipate what happens next. Not even God himself