Jason Hampton


The Wrong House
First Assistant Director
Rebecca Lassiter and her husband Brian leave New York City to move to Los Angeles and find the perfect suburban house for them and their young daughter. Shortly after moving in, Rebecca and Brian notice strange things start to happen--food deliveries they did not order, rat and pest control dispatched without their knowledge, and finally--a rock thrown through the window. The Lassiter's ideal life quickly begins to unravel and their family's safety is put in jeopardy.
Production Supervisor
Бывший клерк банка вместе со своей любовницей проворачивает дерзкое ограбление инкассаторской машины и забирает 17 миллионов баксов. Но по неопытности преступники-дебютанты оставляют на месте преступления столько следов и улик, что вряд ли смогут получить удовольствие от добычи.
The Iraq war has turned from 'Mission Accomplished' into a hellhole with an indeterminate outcome. There are no WMDs. No links to Al Qaeda. No imminent threat as promised by the administration. In an alternate reality, a group of angry and disgruntled U.S. soldiers set out on a suicide mission to uncover the truth. Doing the unthinkable, they kidnap the Commander in Chief and interrogate him using the same techniques they were trained to inflict upon the people whose country they invaded.