Karin Neuhäuser

Karin Neuhäuser

Рождение : 1955-01-01, Leonberg, Germany


Karin Neuhäuser


Milk Teeth
Skalde lives in a small rural community, far from a world that may no longer exist. She is an interloper in her own home, having been born to an ‘outsider’ mother and therefore marked by a social stigma she cannot easily erase. Displaying a loyalty to the codes of the community, she has earned the respect of the village elder. However, when she encounters a mysterious girl in the local woods, Skalde risks everything by befriending her, eventually giving the girl a home. She attempts to hide her subterfuge to maintain her standing with the villagers, but her plans threaten to unravel.
Тайная жизнь
Rosalia Jägerstätter
История австрийца Франца Егерштеттера, который отказался служить в нацистской армии и был казнен в 1943 году. В 2007 году его причислили к лику блаженных.
Am Ende ist man tot
Eine findige Nachbarin
На пределе
Идеальная жизнь Кати в один миг превратилась в руины — в результате террористического акта погибли её муж и сын. Друзья и семья пытаются остановить её слезы, помочь найти силы жить одной. В безумном поиске виновников бессмысленного убийства Катя не находит справедливости. И после долгой скорби, в абсолютном бессилии она идёт на радикальные меры.
Hands of a Mother
Tante Greta
A family reunion aboard a ship becomes a turning point in the life of 39-year-old engineer Markus. When his son Adam (4) gets a little cut after going to the bathroom with his grandmother Renate, Markus recalls for the first time what his mother did to him when he was a little boy. Markus and his wife Monika find themselves confronted with an ugly truth of the kind you wouldn’t think a mother capable of.
Sag mir nichts
Doris Mannkopf
Lena is happily married. From the strange man in the S-Bahn but such a pull goes out that she gets involved in a spontaneous infidelity. The stranger, Martin, also thought that the marriage with his wife was completely safe. Nevertheless, what should actually be written off as an adventure between Lena and Martin is becoming the projection screen for newly created needs and longings. Lena and Martin can not let go of each other.
Bis zum Ende der Welt
Brigitte König
Rosannas Tochter
Auf dem Vulkan
Dr. Henning
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Dr. Dorn, Art. 15
Счастье Эммы
Продавец машин Макс очень одинок и замкнут в себе. Ему поставили страшный диагноз - рак. Он крадет крупную сумму денег и решает уехать куда глаза глядят. Отдаляясь от своего дома и от преследователей все дальше и дальше, Макс попадает на скотный двор Эммы... Эмма давно живет одна. Она занимается разведением свиней в богом забытой глуши. Заботливо ухаживай за животными, она и забивает их так же заботливо - особо щадящим методом, не пугая и не причиняя боли. Жизнь Эммы круто меняется с появлением на ее ферме неизвестного гостя...
All Men Are Suspects
Revenge of the Rats
A municipal worker's strike combined with Frankfurt's hottest summer in 150 years brings infected rats out onto the streets.
Dear Video
Dear Video is a black epistolary comedy which stars some of the finest actors from the former Yugoslavia. The film is constructed around the video 'correspondence' between two branches of a family, one living in Germany and pursuing 'modern' life and the other one living in a little village in Yugoslavia clinging to tradition. Through the home video 'letters' sent back and forth, petty jealousies, love liaisons and financial squabbles drive the family to the brink of war, a situation that reflects the collapsing state of affairs in what was then Yugoslavia.