Don Bender


The Instructor
Thumper Rhodes
The action never stops in this stunt-packed karate extravaganza of a black belt instructor who proves that his talents and expertise can be used to defend instead of destroy. The Instructor runs a local karate school and tries to impart to his students a sense of dignity along with the intricacies of the sport. When he is threatened by a rival school’s owner he puts his teachings into action. Through spectacular car chases and gripping hand-to-hand battles he tracks, pursues and corners his adversary
Египет, XIV век до нашей эры. Страной правит фараон Аменхотеп IV, решивший изменить религию многобожия на поклонение единому божеству Атону. Культ Атона не был принят ни священнослужителями, ни жителями Египта и вызвал огромное негодование. В это же время молодой египтянин Синух выбирает профессию врача, и волею судьбы назначается лекарем самого Фараона. Он становится невольным участником дворцовых интриг, заговоров и предательств.
The Big Moment
Three individual stories that give an account of crucial moments in the lives of three different people: one is a young thief from Casablanca, another is an immigrant doctor brought to the United States and the third is a girl who survived the Holocaust. All three are given a chance to live with dignity and self-respect.