Nanoka Matsubara


Her Love Boils Bathwater
Rumi Miyata
A strict, but caring mother has an awakening when she is told she has cancer and it is terminal. She has a few months. She needs to complete her tasks in that short time frame.
Omnibus film that tells five stories from a radio station and its listeners.
The Curtain Rises
Saori is a high school student at a provincial city. She is a member of playgroup at her school. Yoshioka begins to work at the same high school as a new teacher. Yoshioka performed in plays when she was in college back in Tokyo. Saori, Yukko, Garuru, Nakanishi, Akemi decides to compete in a play competition. Their goal is to make it through the regional competions, but Teacher Yoshioka tells them their aiming low and that they should think about the national competition.
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Koharu Higashimura
Две сестры (17 и 20) живут с матерью, расставшейся с отцом 14 лет назад и до сих пор не простившей ему предательство. Узнав, что он скоро умрет от рака, мстительная женщина посылает дочерей попрощаться с ним «как следует» и вручает им фотоаппарат – со строгим наказом сделать его фотографию: «Прежде, чем он умрет, я хочу расхохотаться ему в лицо». Девочки успевают лишь на похороны отца и пытаются узнать хоть что-то о нем от маленького сводного брата. Выполнить просьбу матери сестрам так и не удается, но они привозят ей кое-что на добрую память о покойном – этот оригинальный сувенир радует брошенную бывшую жену даже больше, чем предсмертная фотография изменщика.
Nakamura Yumi
Ei Daisuke always carrying an army knife and was good at peeling fruit. His friends heard stories that Sakae got married to the only daughter of a farmer. The memories of middle and high school will come away in the heart of childhood friend Yumi Nakamura. At the same time there are things that she could not convey to Sakae that she regrets. Yumi faces the thought of the past through 10 years, and the passage time takes her life onto a certain action.