The Curtain Rises (2015)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 59М

Директор : Katsuyuki Motohiro
Писатель : Kohei Kiyasu

Краткое содержание

Saori is a high school student at a provincial city. She is a member of playgroup at her school. Yoshioka begins to work at the same high school as a new teacher. Yoshioka performed in plays when she was in college back in Tokyo. Saori, Yukko, Garuru, Nakanishi, Akemi decides to compete in a play competition. Their goal is to make it through the regional competions, but Teacher Yoshioka tells them their aiming low and that they should think about the national competition.


Kanako Momota
Kanako Momota
Saori Takahashi
Shiori Tamai
Shiori Tamai
Yuko Hashizume
Reni Takagi
Reni Takagi
Miki Saijo
Momoka Ariyasu
Momoka Ariyasu
Etsuko Nakanishi
Ayaka Sasaki
Ayaka Sasaki
Akemi Kato
Haru Kuroki
Haru Kuroki
Yoshioka Misako
Tsuyoshi Muro
Tsuyoshi Muro
Michiko Shimizu
Michiko Shimizu
Kotaro Shiga
Kotaro Shiga
Riho Yoshioka
Riho Yoshioka
Sairi Ito
Sairi Ito
Kyoko Yoshine
Kyoko Yoshine
Miki Kanai
Miki Kanai
Nanoka Matsubara
Nanoka Matsubara
Ayaka Onishi
Ayaka Onishi
Kumi Hyodo
Kumi Hyodo
Chiaki Kawamo
Chiaki Kawamo
Nahoko Kawasumi
Nahoko Kawasumi
Yuko Kibiki
Yuko Kibiki
Genichiro Shimada
Genichiro Shimada
Midori Karashima
Midori Karashima
Shigeru Matsuzaki
Shigeru Matsuzaki
Tsurube Shofukutei
Tsurube Shofukutei
Tadahisa Fujimura
Tadahisa Fujimura
Atsunori Sasaki
Atsunori Sasaki
Shungicu Uchida
Shungicu Uchida


Katsuyuki Motohiro
Katsuyuki Motohiro
Akira Sako
Akira Sako
Director of Photography
Kohei Kiyasu
Kohei Kiyasu
Yugo Kanno
Yugo Kanno
Oriza Hirata
Oriza Hirata
Theatre Play


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