Oriza Hirata

Oriza Hirata

Рождение : 1962-11-08, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Playwright, theater director, and academic.


Oriza Hirata


The Yalta Conference Online
Just before the end of World War II, the Yalta Conference was held by the “Big Three” Allied leaders: Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States, Winston Churchill of Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the USSR. Japanese theater company Seinendan reimagines their conversations about postwar rule and power as a darkly humorous satire.
The Yalta Conference Online
Theatre Play
Just before the end of World War II, the Yalta Conference was held by the “Big Three” Allied leaders: Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States, Winston Churchill of Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the USSR. Japanese theater company Seinendan reimagines their conversations about postwar rule and power as a darkly humorous satire.
Theatre Play
В недалеком будущем Япония снова пережила ядерный инцидент и постепенно становится непригодной для жизни. Все население должно эвакуироваться перед тем, как подвергнуться воздействию радиационного отравления. Для этого была внедрена система продажи билетов.
The Curtain Rises
Theatre Play
Saori is a high school student at a provincial city. She is a member of playgroup at her school. Yoshioka begins to work at the same high school as a new teacher. Yoshioka performed in plays when she was in college back in Tokyo. Saori, Yukko, Garuru, Nakanishi, Akemi decides to compete in a play competition. Their goal is to make it through the regional competions, but Teacher Yoshioka tells them their aiming low and that they should think about the national competition.
Theatre 2
Oriza Hirata is Japan's leading playwright and director, who runs his own theatrical company, Seinendan. Theatre 2 (Observational Film Series #4) examines the dynamic relationship between theatre and the society through depicting Hirata's activities. In order for his art and his not-so-commercial company to survive this highly capitalistic modern society, what kind of strategy does Hirata have and practice?
Theatre 1
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright and director, and his theatrical company, Seinendan. By depicting them, the film leads the audience to revisit fundamental but timely questions: What is theatre? Why do human beings act?
Фильм рассказывает о безрассудстве, которое возникает, когда мужчина и его жена перебивают семью, которая владеет печатным станком в их здании, муж берет это на себя, и пара начинает приглашать разноцветную команду друзей.
Человеческая комедия в Токио
General Manager
«Человеческая комедия в Токио» описывает обычные будни без каких-либо значительных инцидентов. Различные диалоги тщательно продуманы, чтобы пролить свет на крошечные разрывы в человеческих отношениях, и в течение трех эпизодов у героев есть моменты осознания того, что они на самом деле в одиночестве.