Post Production Supervisor
Келли и ее подружки Кайя и Алекса решают провести весенние каникулы на пляже в Майями. Туда же приезжают трое друзей - Джастин, Брендон и Эдди. После случайной встречи на пляже Келли и Джастин понимают, что влюбились друг в друга с первого взгляда. Но вот незадача - Джастин теряет номер телефона Келли, а Алекса собирается совершить подлость, отбив у Келли парня...
In California, preparations are underway for the tenth annual Battle for the Tiara, “the Miss America Pageant with eight guys.” It started in a living room in West Hollywood and is now a 1200-seater sell-out. This documentary chronicles the history of the outrageous spectacle and its creators, in particular performer/writer Alexis Pittman, who sero-converted in 1987 and credits the show with keeping him alive.
A documentary featuring the artists of the Eight Muse, an LGBTQ art gallery located in West Hollywood California in the mid 1990's.
A documentary featuring the artists of the Eight Muse, an LGBTQ art gallery located in West Hollywood California in the mid 1990's.
Documentary about the first gay prom in America, that took place in West Hollywood, promoted by students of the EAGLES center, an alternative high school.