Mohamed Brikat

Mohamed Brikat


Mohamed Brikat


The Takeover
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
Red Soil
L'avocat de Greenpeace
Freshly hired as a labor nurse in a chemical factory, Nour discovers that small arrangements exist between management and her father, Slimane, the staff representative, and the company's pivot. Lies about polluting discharges, hidden illnesses of employees, hidden accidents ... Nour, little by little, no longer accepts the compromises of his father to preserve the image of the company. She decides to launch the alert.
Head Above Water
Éducateur Manon
Elisa, a fiery and passionate teenager, wants to enjoy the summer of her 17 years on the steep slopes of the Vercors where she grew up. But her mother leaves the house and leaves her alone with her father to look after her disabled sister. An increasingly heavy responsibility that makes love switch to hatred.
Мой сын
Lieutenant Verrier
Постоянная занятость Жюльена разрушила его брак. Во время очередной командировки увлечённый карьерист получает страшную новость — его семилетний сын пропал без вести. Отец сам бросается на поиски ребёнка. С каждым новым поворотом событий его ярость возрастает, превращая его в животное, жаждущее расправы.
Qui sème l'amour...