Hae-jin Go

Рождение : 1920-01-01,


The Grass Tombs
Lighting Technician
So-dol, serving a prison sentence after being accused of murdering his friend, gets a 7 day leave from the prison when his mother dies. As soon as he and the guard assigned to him arrive in the village, strange events begin to occur. A 5-year old corpse is discovered floating in the harbor and the entire seaweed harvest spoils. So-dal's guard begins an investigation and find that the supernatural is very real in this remote island.
Border Line
Director of Photography
A Korean family is separated during the Japanese colonial period and end up in different parts of Asia, and on different sides of the Korean Civil War.
A Happy Day of Jinsa Maeng
Lighting Director
Jinsa Maeng's daughter is contracted to marry a nobleman's son, however, Jinsa Maeng is upset when he hears about a rumor that the fiance of his daughter is lame. Finally, he decides to take on the idea of arranging his maid to take his daughter's place in the wedding.
Lighting Director
Семья переезжает в новый дом, и беременная жена с трудом справляется с работой по дому. Ещё она должна изо всех сил работать на швейной машинке — только так они с мужем могут прокормить себя и детей. И тогда муж нанимает служанку.
Lighting Director
Heo Seung, who states that he was “born from soil, will live in soil, and die in soil”, becomes a lawyer in Seoul. However when villagers in his hometown are imprisoned for protesting against Japanese oppression, he decides to return to his village and rediscovers the true way to help his country.
Even the Clouds Are Drifting
Lighting Director
A 10-year old girl in a mining town, separated from her family, keeps a diary which becomes a best-seller.
Nameless Stars
Lighting Director
The son of a freedom fighter, Sang-hun is a member of an anti-Japanese resistance group called "Seongjinhoe," composed of students who share a dedication to the cause of liberation. Their spiritual guide is a teacher named Song Un-in. One day, Yeong-ae, whose brother is a detective in the Japanese police force charged with monitoring independence movements, joins their group. Following a series of sporadic incidents, the students gather one night to resolve on an uprising, but are discovered by the police. Young-ae is wrongfully accused of betraying their plans, but she risks her life in order to allow the group members to escape. The morning after, the students of Gwangju rise up against the Japanese government.
The Bell Tower
Lighting Director
A woman is sold to a forced labor camp as a 'comfort woman' to entertain the guards, a sex slave of the Japanese army. She falls in love with a prisoner there and they make plans to escape.
The Money
Lighting Director
The Money is about a poor farmer whose bid for a better life ends up bringing calamity to his family. At the urging of loan shark Eok Jo (Choi Nam Hyun), Bong Su (Kim Seung Ho) sells his cows to start a business but he loses everything to a conman (No Kyung Hee). Bong Su accidentally kills Eok Jo in a fight and takes his money, and the police trace the crime back to Bong Su's son.
Forever with You
Lighting Director
Gwang-pil (Lee Ryong), Dal-su (Choi Bong) and Sang-mun (Choi Myeong-su) are gangster boys who pick pockets. Ae-ran (Do Geum-bong), who works at a bakery, and Gwang-pil have known each other from childhood and are lovers. The three gangster boys rob a US army warehouse, but only Gwang-pil is caught and placed in a juvenile reformatory. Hearing that Ae-ran works as a barmaid, Gwang-pil escapes from the reformatory to see her. While Gwang-pil meets her, he is caught by a cop who has been chasing him.
Родина в сердце
Lighting Director
До-сон — ребенок-монах, который живёт в маленьком горном храме с главным монахом, изучая учения Будды. Он привязывается к молодой вдове, которая приходит молиться в храм, и бездетная вдова умоляет главного монаха позволить ей воспитать До-Сона в качестве собственного сына. Буддийские ценности, представленные в свете взаимоотношений мальчика и его приёмной матери, придают особый религиозно-философский смысл всему происходящему на экране.
Морские страсти
Lighting Technician
Сонсон Хо и его банда осуществляют международную контрабанду в крупных масштабах, предаваясь насилию и удовольствиям. Командир береговой охраны Банвон Ли узнаёт о планах контрабандистов и преследует их в море.
Путь, по которому они идут
Lighting Technician
Когда близкого друга обвиняют в предательстве и убивают, Чон-мин воспитывает ребенка друга, как приемного ребёнка, оставив своего собственного сына няне, живущей вдали. Чон-мин даже потратил все свои семейные деньги ради его успеха, но приемный сын, сдавший поместный экзамен и ставший губернатором Пхеньяна, относится к Чон-мину как к человеку, которого он не знает и знать не желает. Убитый горем Чон-мин собрался покончить жизнь самоубийством, бросившись в реку, а семья Сук-хи спасла его. Благородным мстителем, который узнал об этом факте, был ни кто иной, как биологический сын Чон-мина Ун-хак. Он то и взялся отомстить за отца, наказав неблагодарного губернатора Пхеньяна.
История призрака Мок-Дан
Lighting Technician
Мистическая история о призраке-девственнице, которая умерла, затаив обиду, и переспала с мужчиной, чтобы достичь состояния нирваны.
Душа ангела
Lighting Technician
Просветительский фильм, который посвящён гуманитарной помощи детям-сиротам времен Второй мировой войны и рассказывает о них с теплотой.