Seventeenth century. Set in a small village, nestled between the sea and the mountain, the father of Alan, a young fifteen-year-old boy, has sold himself for two years to indentured service. Alan is forced to take the place of his father and struggles to support his family.
In a delicate style, Moeschler portrays the return of a young man from the countryside to his hometown. The ecstasy of the reencounter, the possibility of a fresh start, friendship and love, the deserted streets at night.
Рискуя жизнью, Стефан решает вернуться на Корсику и похоронить Кристофа — друга детства и товарища по оружию, убитого накануне. И цепочка событий, которая заставила его, образованного выходца из мелкобуржуазного слоя, уйти в политическое подполье, снова всплывает в памяти Стефана.