Anne Wiazemsky

Anne Wiazemsky

Рождение : 1947-05-14, Berlin, West Germany

Смерть : 2017-10-05


Princess Anne Wiazemsky (14 May 1947 - 5 October 2017) was a French actress, of the Russian Rurikid family of Princes Vyazemsky-Counts Levashov. Through her mother, she is the granddaughter of François Mauriac. She appeared in Robert Bresson's Au hasard Balthazar (1966) and in Godard's films La Chinoise (1967) and Week End (1967). She was married to Jean-Luc Godard between 1967 and 1979; they divorced. Wiazemsky is also an author. She has written several novels: Canines (1993), Une Poignée de Gens, Aux Quatre Coins du Monde and Hymnes à l’Amour (1996). The 2003 film All the Fine Promises, directed by Jean-Paul Civeyrac and starring Valérie Crunchant and Bulle Ogier, is based on Hymnes à l'Amour. Her 2007 novel, Jeune Fille, is based on her experience starring in Au hasard Balthazar at the age of 18. Description above from the Wikipedia article Anne Wiazemsky, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Anne Wiazemsky
Anne Wiazemsky


Молодой Годар
Картина рассказывает о любовном романе, который произошел между Годаром и Анной Вяземски во время съемок фильма «Китаянка» в 1967 году.
Call Me Elisabeth
A 10-year-old girl lives in post WWII rural France with her parents, who are about to divorce. Her older sister leaves home to finish school, and the young girl is left with a mysterious, almost silent housekeeper. Being afraid of the dark, and of other "phenomenoms" including a haunted château nearby, she curiously accepts a stranger she finds in her mansion's barn. This fact contradicts her fearful nature, but fulfills her loneliness. The stranger has run away from a nearby psychiatric clinic, where her father was treating the stranger. She hides the stranger, protects him, and he becomes her best friend. Is this girl searching for true companionship, coming of age, or is she asserting her independence for the first time in her short life?
Mag Bodard, un destin
Mag Bodard, un destin is an archive documentary filmed for television by Anne Wiazemsky in 2005.
Les anges 1943, histoire d'un film
Les anges 1943, histoire d'un film is a documentary filmed for television by Anne Wiazemsky in 2004, devoted to Robert Bresson's film Angels of Sin.
Les anges 1943, histoire d'un film
Self (voice)
Les anges 1943, histoire d'un film is a documentary filmed for television by Anne Wiazemsky in 2004, devoted to Robert Bresson's film Angels of Sin.
All the Fine Promises
Marianne, a young cellist discovers that her father had a mistress who is still alive. Her journey to find this mysterious woman takes her to places and people from her childhood that she thought she'd left behind forever.
U.S. Go Home
In the sixties, in a suburb near Paris, Martine wants to lose her virginity.
Ville étrangère
An Austrian diplomat assigned to Paris wakes up after having a strange nightmare and finds himself emotionally distanced from his world. He feels absolutely nothing as he attends to his daily routine. He gradually begins to behave in an increasingly strange manner. The story is based on Moment of True Feeling, a novel by Peter Handke.
Le testament d'un poète juif assassiné
Raissa Kossover
This somber drama chronicles the writings of Paltiel Kossover (Michel Jonasz), a Rumanian Jew who was incarcerated in a Stalinist prison. Zupanev (Erland Josephson) is a sympathetic court registrar who smuggles the documents and later presents them to the poet's son Grisha (Vincent David).
Qui trop embrasse...
How couples unite, interact, separate, reunite or find other partners. The links in this chain begin with Christian and Nathalie, who are coworkers and friends. Christian discovers that his lover Francoise is having an affair, and Nathalie advises him to give his feelings some time to heal, about two years. Nathalie is angry that her lover Mark does not want to see her more often, while he is jealous of the men in her past. Meanwhile, Francoise finds out that her new lover is not that interested in her anymore, and after they split, she encounters him with someone else. As romance fluctuates like the lunar tides, the myth of one true love takes a beating.
She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa. In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.
Красивая и необыкновенно сексуальная девушка, из тех, в кого безоглядно влюбляются мужчины, приезжает из провинции в Париж, мечтая стать актрисой. Судьба сталкивает ее с молодым актером, переживающим, как выяснится позже, страшную личную трагедию…
L'hôpital de Leningrad
A story of political imprisonment set in a mental hospital where the Stalin state police placed whoever their opponents were.
On an island in the middle of the ocean, inhabited by men and women-frogs, Nora, a beautiful Russian spy, wants revenge for the betrayal of her lover, the artist Tibor.
L'Enfant secret
Jean-Baptiste, a filmmaker, and Elie, an actress, fall in love. To fight their unhappiness, they cling to their children: Jean-Baptiste to his film and Elie to her young son.
Be Pretty and Shut Up!
The film is a series of interviews with various well-known film actresses, including Jenny Agutter, Maria Schneider, and Jane Fonda. The title, which is borrowed from a 1958 film with the same name by Marc Allegret, refers to the sense the actresses have of what is expected of them by the film industry.
Même les mômes ont du vague à l'âme
The Imprint of Giants
La Marraine
The life of workers and their families in a construction site of a highway in 1965.
Flesh Color
This film was presented to the Cannes Film Festival in the parallel section in 1978. It is unreleased.
La Passion
Civil Wars in France
Elisabeth Dimitrieff (segment "La semaine sanglante")
My Heart Is Red
A poll for an advertising agency during a working day resulting in a series of meetings with women and men from different social strata, each one of them with a different problem.
The Extradition
Nathalie Herzen
Throughout the late 19th century and in the early part of the 20th, Russians of a wide variety of political persuasions contemplated various forms of revolution. Throughout the same period, they often had to seek asylum in other countries. This movie concerns Sergei (Roger Jendly), a revolutionary who kills a student in Russia and flees to Switzerland. Though he has the gifts and abilities to unify various revolutionary groups within Russia, once he has been forced to flee, they have no interest in him. When his presence in Switzerland threatens a trade agreement with the Tsar, he is tracked down and expelled.
The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown
Le Christ-femme
A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.
Anna Maroyeur
Француз Жюльен и молодая привлекательная немка еврейского происхождения Анна бегут от наступающей гитлеровской армии. Они оказываются в одном поезде, и с первого взгляда между ними возникает глубокое чувство. Но по прибытии к месту назначения они вынуждены расстаться, ведь у Жюльен есть семья. Через несколько лет судьба вновь сводит их вместе на допросе в гестапо…
George Who?
George Sand
The film depitcs the life of the French author George Sand.
Return from Africa
Anne, la postière
An ode to liberated speech and to the power of words, "those one speaks to others, those one speaks in silence", Alain Tanner's third film is inspired by a poet and a poetic text which deeply affected him as a young director.
The Big Departure
Mona Lisa
This is the only feature directed by the famed French painter and sculptor Martial Raysse. In keeping with the revolutionary spirit of the time, the movie has no plot to speak of and appears to have been largely made up on the spot. We follow the cat man into a bizarre fantasy universe presented in negative exposure that reverses color values (black is white and vice versa) and written words. The cat man steals a car and then picks up a young girl he promises to take to “Heaven.” Heaven turns out to be a country chateau inhabited by several more animal mask wearing weirdoes...
Все в порядке
Leftist Woman
События фильма разворачиваются в 1972 г. В центре сюжета— забастовка на колбасной фабрике, свидетелями которой становятся американская журналистка и ее муж, некогда популярный режиссер «новой волны». Используя многообразные приемы отстранения, Годар и Горен вскрывают структуры общества, кино, любви и революции, схематично описывая логику классовой борьбы во Франции после майских событий 1968 г.
Struggle in Italy
Store Clerk
The film reveals how and why a supposedly revolutionary Italian girl has in fact fallen prey to bourgeois ideology.
Vladimir and Rosa
Ann / Women's Liberation Militant (uncredited)
Jean-Luc Godard's and Jean-Pierre Gorin's interpretation of the Chicago Eight / Chicago Seven trial, which followed the 1968 Democratic National Convention protest activities. Judge Hoffman becomes the character Judge Himmler (played by Ernest Menzer) and the defendants become a microcosms of the French Revolution.
Raphael or the Debauched One
1830, somewhere in France. Aurore is a young, beautiful and virtuous widow. She meets Raphael, a man of leisure, a debauchee. Raphael is obsessed by the death, and wait for it by chasing women and drinking. He first tries to seduce her, but is impressed by her and gives up. But Aurore felt in love with him, and tries not to look as inacessible. A romantic drama, with dispair, cynism, disgust for life and love.
Wind from the East
La révolutionnaire
A politically oriented film in which images suggestive of a mock western are accompanied by an attack on all cinematic conventions to date and a debate on the nature and possibility of revolutionary cinema.
After a fight in their apartment, the story of a writer and a painter are divided. The writer is dedicated with his partner Manon to provoke continuous accidents in a field in which car carcasses abound. The painter is recruited to kill, through a poisoned picture, the old Arden to allow the latter's wife, Alice to live with her lover Mosbie.
В фильме два параллельных сюжета. Первый происходит в наше время. Юлиан (Жан-Пьер Лео), сын богатого немецкого промышленника Клотца из Рура (Альберто Лионелло), испытывает патологическое влечение к свиньям. Они оказываются для него намного более привлекательными, чем его невеста Ида (Анна Вяземски). В конце концов свиньи съедают скотоложца. Второй сюжет происходит в «таинственной мифической пустыне, неведомо когда и где.
Les gauloises bleues
The harsh life of a troubled young man provides the basis of this grim French tragedy that begins when the fellow stops into a shop to buy a pack of the title cigarettes. There he meets a pretty shop girl with whom he falls in love and eventually marries. It was a foolish choice, for the two cannot get along and constantly fight. Things get worse when the husband resumes his criminal activities and gets caught. The two are about to divorce when the woman gets pregnant. The time comes for their baby to be born and while sitting in the waiting room, the husband reflects upon his past activities, which are revealed via flashback.
Les vieilles lunes
The Seed of Man
During a Post-Apocalyptic period in the near future the majority of the European population has been wiped out by some sort of undefined plague. Cino and Dora, a young couple, are rounded up by what constitutes the authorities on an isolated temporary base. They are examined and given antibiotics which will protect them for six months, told to pick out a deserted house to live in the area, and use that time to conceive a child.
Sympathy for the Devil
Eve Democracy
An exhilarating, provocative motion picture. The Rolling Stones rehearse their latest song, "Sympathy For the Devil," in a London studio. Beginning as a ballad, the track gradually acquires a pulsating groove, which gets Jagger into a rousing vocal display of soulful emotion that Godard captures on film.
Bonnot's Gang
La Vénus rouge
The story of a notorious French criminal gang of the 1910s.
Odetta, the Daughter
В богатом миланском доме все перевернулось вверх ногами, когда появился красивый незнакомец. Он вступает в сексуальные отношения со всеми членами семьи, а затем исчезает. У каждого есть свое предположение, но никто не может понять, кем был соблазнительный посетитель и почему он появился.
un membre du FLSO
Супружеская пара Ролан и Корин собирается провести уикенд на природе. На деле они задумали убить свёкра с целью завладеть наследством. Сразу после расправы над свёкром, муж собирается прикончить жену. Корин вынашивает такие же планы.
Tessa d'Angoulême
Lamiel (Anna Karina) is a poor orphan girl who climbs her way to the social elite in this 19th-century costume drama. A doctor (Michel Bouquet) lives vicariously through Anna as he oversees the progress of his female protégé. Lamiel finds love with a young thief who steals into her bedroom after her marriage to a penniless count (Jean-Clause Brialy), and the two experience a romantic rendezvous of forbidden love after Lamiel goes from being a poor peasant woman to living a life of comparative luxury.
Небольшая группа французских студентов изучают жизнь Мао, пытаясь найти свое место в мире и понять как меняется мир под воздействием маоизма.
Наудачу, Бальтазар
Как жизнь людей видится ослу? Давным-давно маленького ослика дети назвали Бальтазаром. Прошли годы, дети выросли, их отношения изменились. Да и Бальтазар все время теперь переходит из рук в руки…
Un metteur en ordre: Robert Bresson
A documentary, originally produced in 1966 for the French TV series "Pour le plaisir," about Robert Bresson's film "Au Hasard Balthazar," featuring interviews and discussions with Bresson, Jean-Luc Godard, Louis Malle, Marguerite Duras and others.