The funeral in his native village evokes the main character's reminiscences from the childhood, but the bygone time exist only in his memories.
Set in pre-World War II Zagreb, the story is seen through the eyes of 6-year-old Perica Šafranek (played by Tomislav Žganec). A dandy from Zagreb, Mr Fulir (played by Relja Bašić), starts flirting with Perica's mother during a family picnic. At first, Perica's father doesn't notice anything, but wants to marry off Perica's aunt, so he invites the man to their residence. After multiple rendezvous, Perica's father becomes aware of Fulir's attempts to seduce his wife.
The feeling of being incapable of controlling your own life and general uselessness make people want to escape the world around them. In spite of the feeling that they possess some creative force, they still feel they waste their time and lives.
На одном из строительных предприятий коммунист Копривица, считая неправильными некоторые решения дирекции, честно высказывает свое мнение директору предприятия Чумичу, своему другу и в прошлом боевому товарищу. Назревает конфликт. На открытом партийном собрании вскрылись отрицательные черты характера Чумича и по решению большинства, принявшего сторону Копривицы, ему пришлось уйти с занимаемого поста.
У композитора Габера многие годы единственным другом было старое пианино. А когда в город пришли фашисты и арестовали Габера, пианино попало в гимназию, затем в партизанскийотряд, оттуда на сцену фронтового театра. Здесь-то освобожденный из тюрьмы Габер и нашел своего старого друга, но не узнал его.
When the planes bombed a Slovene town, a Slovene boy and a German girl set on a journey towards the valley, in which there is no war. On their way a black American pilot, who jumped of a shoot-down plane, joins them. Although American planes have killed the boy's parents, he accepts the pilot with enthusiasm. The children communicate with him in German and the valley of peace seems like the last paradise place of refuge. The Slovene boy, the German girl, and the American pilot represent a symbolic triangle of peace in this adventure happening in the middle of the War of Liberation.