Ryotaro Yonemura

Ryotaro Yonemura


Ryotaro Yonemura


Асако 1 и 2
21-летняя Асако встречается со свободолюбивым молодым человеком Баку. У них вроде бы всё хорошо, но однажды тот неожиданно исчезает. Через 2 года, уже в Токио, девушка встречает парня точь-в-точь похожего на её бывшего бойфренда. Только зовут его Рёхэй, работает он на обычной работе и обладает спокойным характером. Асако влюбляется в нового знакомого.
Utsukushii hito saba?
Кошачий рассвет
Несколько рабочих дней из жизни трёх токийских девушек по вызову.
We Are Shooting
Among the most stressful and thankless work done on a film set undertaken by the production intern. It is no different for the plucky Reiko, who is reminded that “Moviemaking is a war zone!” -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
A Record of Sweet Murder
Sang-joon has recently escaped from a mental institution and managed to amass a kill count in the high teens, all while spewing nonsense about “the power of love”.
Земля надежды
Gas Station Attendant
Пожилая пара, их единственный сын, жена сына, молодой человек и его любовница мирно живут в небольшом районе. Но вскоре удары землетрясения становятся причиной взрыва на атомной станции неподалеку. Жители узнают, что они должны эвакуироваться, но пожилая пара владеет фермой и не желает уходить. Сын уговаривает их покинуть эти места. Между тем, жена сына Изуми узнает, что она беременна.
Afro Tanaka
Hiroshi Tanaka sports an intense perm which looks like the afro hairstyle favored by some African-Americans back in the 1970's. He doesn't get his hair done at a hair shop, he was actually born with his hair like that. For freedom, Hiroshi moves to Tokyo. He works hard there and, even though he turns 24, he still doesn't have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, a school friend informs Hiroshi that he is going to get married. Hiroshi remembers a promise that they made. Hiroshi is even more impatient to find a girlfriend. A beautiful woman named Aya Kato then moves into the neighborhood.
The Depths
Korean photographer Baehwan and gay japanese hotel employee Ryu work together on a series of photographs. Their relationship crosses uneasily between friendship and love, while they also battle their own internal scars. Their salvation comes by their photographs which helps them find the meaning of their lives.
A Crowd of Three
A Crowd of Three tells the story of two men, Kenta & Jun, who grew up as almost brothers at a children's facility. Kenta & Jun now works as part of a demolition crew but become fed up with their jobs. The friends then decide to take a road trip up north to visit Kenta's brother at the Abashiri prison.
Naruo's Colleague
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Taneda is permanently crashing at her apartment because his job as a freelance illustrator doesn't pay enough for rent. And her parents in the country keep sending her boxes of veggies that just rot in her fridge. Straddling the line between her years as a student and the rest of her life, Meiko struggles with the feeling that she's just not cut out to be a part of the real world.
Silver Rain
Shadow of Sand
"Shadow of Sand" - Set in Tokyo in the 1980's. Yukie, a young woman lives with the vision of the lover she has murdered. After his death he continues to appear in her room. Yukie maintains her usual life, trying to avoid discovery of her crime until a new lover turns up.
Лузеры, Фунуке покажет вам немного любви
Это история любви и ненависти двух сестер, которые, каждая по-своему, стремятся осуществить свою мечту. История показана глазами маленькой девочки, которая рисует мангу, наполненную черным юмором и жестокостью.