David Hounslow

David Hounslow


David Hounslow


National Theatre Live: The Madness of George III
It’s 1786 and King George III is the most powerful man in the world. But his behaviour is becoming increasingly erratic as he succumbs to fits of lunacy. With the King’s mind unravelling at a dramatic pace, ambitious politicians and the scheming Prince of Wales threaten to undermine the power of the Crown, and expose the fine line between a King and a man.
Man Drilling Reformers
1815 год. После Битвы при Ватерлоо солдат Джозеф возвращается в родной Манчестер. Парень ещё толком не оправился от войны, а уже новая напасть угрожает его семье - экономический спад ведёт к безработице и голоду. Народное недовольство растёт, и всё большую популярность получают идеи Генри Ханта - искусного оратора, который поддерживает рабочий класс и выступает за всеобщее избирательное право.
National Theatre Live: This House
Joe Harper
It's February 1974. Ted Heath's Conservative government has been ousted. But only just. In the hung Parliament, Labour manages to form a minority government by sending its whips out wheeling and dealing with the Liberals, Scottish Nationalists and Northern Irish politicians. But this fragile alliance lasts only until October, when another election is called. This time, Labour win with a tiny majority of just three. Now things get tougher as old cross-Party agreements break down and even sick and dying MPs are wheeled into the chamber to cast their votes! James Graham's acclaimed new play whisks us back to the days of the UK's previous hung Parliament, when politics got really dirty in the battle for power.
Defining Fay
A greedy multinational company, a poetic vision of the end of the world, an extraordinary drug-induced dream, great love. Not necessarily in that order.
Летучий шотландец
"Specialized" Representative
Биографическая лента расскажет правдивую историю знаменитого шотландского велосипедиста, чемпиона мира Грэма Обри. Он был известен тем, что установил мировой рекорд на велосипеде собственного производства, при создании которого использовал части стиральной машины. И при всем этом у Обри были проблемы с психикой.
Margery and Gladys
Desk Sergeant
When wealthy, recently-widowed suburban housewife, Margery (PENELOPE KEITH), and her ‘rough diamond’ of a cleaner, Gladys (JUNE BROWN), disturb a house burglar, they knock him unconscious, panic and leave him for dead, fleeing in the cleaner’s wrecked old car. What follows is a comedy of misunderstandings in which these two very different, mature ladies are led on an unfortunate series of incidents which snowballs into a crime spree. They prove to be more than a match for the unlikely pair of policemen, DI Woolley (Roger Lloyd Pack) and DS Stringer (Martin Freeman), who are left to solve the ladies disappearance and puzzling string of crimes which follow. As the police net tightens around them, the two very different, mature ladies are propelled on a shared voyage of self-discovery as skeletons fall from the closets forcing both women to reflect on their past lives.
I Want You
A young boy and his sister are drawn into one man's obsessive pursuit of his former lover.
Человек, который слишком мало знал
Приехавшего в Лондон Уоллеса Ричи принимают не за того, кто он есть на самом деле. Случайно он получает секретные инструкции и становится крутым суперагентом, сам того не подозревая. Ричи простой и наивный парень, он с трудом выговаривает сложные слова и вряд ли так хорош, как кажется, но… он весело решает все проблемы, особенно не задумываясь над ними. Стрельба, погони, нокауты и бомбы с часовым механизмом — это только начало. Начало жизни шпиона!
Накал страстей
Man at Reading
С детства Пол Эшуорт был верным болельщиком футбольной команды «Арсенал». Теперь, в возрасте 30 с лишним лет, Пол преподает английский язык и встречается с коллегой по работе Сарой. Сара красива, умна и во всех отношениях подходит Полу, только вот она не интересуется футболом. Полу предстоит сделать выбор между ней и их будущим ребенком и «Арсеналом».
Resnick: Rough Treatment
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was Harold's frustrated wife expecting to fall in love with one of the intruders. Now she's going to make a deal with him - for both her husband and the drugs. But the precious powder belongs to someone else. And he wants it back. So if he feels he's been double-crossed, there's no telling what might happen. Detective Inspector Resnick has a hunch that there's more to this story than meets the eye. And as his investigations lead him down the mean streets of the TV industry and an inner-city drugs ring, it's obvious that more than one person is dancing on thin ice
London Kills Me
Plainclothes Policemant
For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe... a young man's life is almost lost, which is exactly what this film is all about: a man barely twenty who wants desperately to pull out of London's drug world by taking a job as a waiter in a 'normal' restaurant. But to do this he must come up with a "sensible" pair of shoes, an item that his homeless meanderings hasn't provided him.