Hélio Eichbauer


Mulheres Luminosas
Ele mesmo
Mulheres Luminosas
Art Department Coordinator
Chico Buarque - Na Carreira
Production Design
Art Direction
This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit priest Nando. Fed up with civilization, he ventures deep into Amazon country to live with and work among the Xingu Indians.
Габриэла, Гвоздика и Корица
Set Designer
Фильм поставлен по роману известного бразильского писателя Жоржи Амаду - "Габриэла, Гвоздика и Корица". В 1925 году, Габриэла становится поваром, хозяйкой, а затем женой Насиба, владельца бара в маленьком бразильском прибрежном городе, находящемся под властью местных крупных землевладельцев-полковников. Насиб устает от выходок необразованной и необузданной Габриэлы и аннулирует брак после того, как он застает ее в кровати со своим другом Тонико. Нравы горожан меняются медленно, и Габриэла снова возвращается к Насибу, но на этот раз в качестве любовницы. В фильме много юмора и эротики.
Everything's Alright
Costume Design
Middle-class family reform their apartment, and the noise, the contact with the workers and strange occurrences turn what was supposed to be a trivial matter into a trip to hell.
Everything's Alright
Production Design
Middle-class family reform their apartment, and the noise, the contact with the workers and strange occurrences turn what was supposed to be a trivial matter into a trip to hell.
O Lobisomem: O Terror da Meia-Noite
Art Direction
A millionaire lives in a sinister cottage where strange events unfold. A damned creature, he transforms himself in a werewolf and leads a following whose adepts spread horror and despair in the neighboring city, becoming themselves a clan of assassins. One day, the werewolf confronts Branca Justiça (White Justice), who summons benign forces to scathe them and frees him of his own wickedness.
O Lobisomem: O Terror da Meia-Noite
Costume Design
A millionaire lives in a sinister cottage where strange events unfold. A damned creature, he transforms himself in a werewolf and leads a following whose adepts spread horror and despair in the neighboring city, becoming themselves a clan of assassins. One day, the werewolf confronts Branca Justiça (White Justice), who summons benign forces to scathe them and frees him of his own wickedness.
The Monsters of Babaloo
Costume Design
Daily scenes of a grotesque family living in the metaphorical island of Babaloo.
Дракон зла против святого воителя
Set Decoration
Это история Антонио Мортеса, известного убийцы, нанятого богатыми землевладельцами, чтобы устранить лидеров крестьянского восстания.