Shan Xiaohui


Dead Souls
Director of Photography
In Gansu Province, northwest China, lie the remains of countless prisoners abandoned in the Gobi Desert sixty years ago. Designated as ultra-rightists in the Communist Party’s Anti-Rightist campaign of 1957, they starved to death in the reeducation camps. The film invites us to meet the survivors of the camps to find out firsthand who these persons were, the hardships they were forced to endure and what became their destiny.
Миссис Фан
67-летняя Фан Сюин живет в небольшой деревушке на юге Китая. На протяжении нескольких лет она страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, симптомы которой прогрессировали, а лечение не помогало, из-за чего ее отправили домой. Сейчас она прикована к постели и окружена родственниками и соседями, которые составляют ей компанию в последние дни жизни.
Director of Photography
The Ta'ang or Palaung people, an ethnic minority living in the mountainous area between Myanmar's Kokang region and China's Yunnan province, have historically suffered many forced migrations due to war. When their survival is threatened again in 2015, thousands of them flee across the border. Filmmaker Wang Bing accompanies them and becomes a privileged witness to a human story that is both a modern reportage and a mythical epic.