Kosuge, the president of a factory, is killed by someone while returning home. A bag charm is found at the scene. When Akira Higuchi and his colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division investigate his home, they find a bankbook with the letters A, Y, M, and S written in English. It turns out that the charms left behind were custom-made by Seiji Iwai. However, Seiji had committed suicide five years ago in a robbery-suicide case. Seiji's mother, Mizuki, is an old acquaintance of Superintendent Tendo. Higuchi heads for Mizuki's place...
Yutaro Naze
Takeo Akamatsu
Suzume Akamatsu works at a library in Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture. She delivers books by riding a bicycle. Through her work, Suzume grows as a person.
Policeman Saheiji
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
Koichiro Iwase
Tamura Masakazu plays Shohei Yamauchi, a freelance reporter obsessed with finding out the truth about a traffic accident in which his beloved daughter died. Judging by the photo of the accident, which appeared in the news described by photojournalists as "one coincidence in a hundred thousand", and the survivor's testimony that "I saw a red fireball" immediately before the accident, the circumstances of the accident are questionable.
The film is based on a late masterpiece by Seicho Matsumoto.
Yoshio Onodera (voice)
1963 год, близ Иокогамы. Отец Уми Мацудзаки — командир корабля, погиб 10 лет назад во время Корейской войны, когда та была совсем маленькой. Пока её мама в отъезде, девочке приходится вести хозяйство, в частности, не забывать каждое утро поднимать флажки — такое правило установил отец, чтобы видеть с моря, что его ждут дома. В городке имеется школьный клуб, с разнообразными кружками по интересам. Но его хотят закрыть, тем более, что здание, в котором он базируется, уже обветшало. И вот Уми со школьными активистами должна ехать в Токио к спонсору школы, чтобы спасти дом от разрушения. На фоне общественной деятельности просыпается первая любовь.
Inspector Yazaki
A woman (Takako Tokiwa) risks her life to exact revenge for her murdered lover.
Kenichi Ozaki
The short life of singer-songwriter Ozaki Yutaka, who died suddenly in 1992 at the age of 26, will be dramatized for the first time on the TV Tokyo production, "Kaze no shounen ~ Ozaki Yutaka eien no densetsu".
Unable to accept being dumped by her colleague, Takako quits her job and moves into the used bookstore owned by her uncle, Satoru, in Jinbocho. Despite her initial lack of interest in novels, Takako is slowly drawn into the world of books as she comes into contact with the unusual customers who frequent the store.
Hissatsu Shigotonin 2013 is a continuation of the Hissatsu Shigotonin series this was the SP released in 2013.
Tomboy (voice)
Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel, human-like robot Apollo (Ichihara Hayato, Rookies) and robot-like human Mikaru (Ueto Aya, Azumi) come upon a stowaway robot with a mysterious "Cipher" chip. Not knowing Cipher's powers, Apollo takes the chip for fun, throwing both him and Mikaru headfirst into a mind-boggling mystery that affects the past, present, and future.
Genzo Yanagihara
Momoko (Yui Aragaki) is a quiet and lonely high school girl who's only passion is to cheer traditional cheer squad, but all she could gather were good for nothing guys, who could not find places in school. They start the cheer squad with a disaster, but when they finally find the true meaning of "cheering" someone, their passion becomes power and gives strength to those that are cheered.
Nobuaki Miyata
Remake of the 2005 South Korean movie "Marathon", this special is about an autistic boy guided by his mother and his coach in training for a marathon.
Priest Seinyo
Hazia Dealer (voice)
Земноморье в опасности, мир волшебства на грани исчезновения. Вселенское равновесие нарушено: драконы, обитающие в западном пределе сказочной страны, неожиданно появляются на востоке во владениях людей. Верховный маг Гед отправляется на поиски первопричины беды. В пути он встречает Аррена, принца Энлада, который после убийства отца бежит из родного края, преследуемый тенью. Прибыв в столицу Земноморья Норт Таун, путники находят пристанище в доме Белой Дамы, бывшей жрицы-хранительницы темных Гробниц Атуана. Верховный Маг Гед открывает Аррену тайны жизни и смерти, правды и лжи. Призывая служить истине с полной самоотдачей, он словно передает эстафету дерзновенному юноше, которому предначертана особая миссия в этом мире.
This new version of Nagasaki's Yami utsu shinzô (1982) is neither a remake nor a sequel. It is both those things, and at the same time it is also a documentary, a portrait of the consequences of passing time, and an occasionally very funny reflection on what the hell the point is of all this filmmaking business anyway. Shigeru Muroi and Takashi Naito, back then young hopefuls willing to take chances, now among the most established and recognisable actors in Japan, return to play the roles they assumed in the 1982 film, each of their characters having gone their own way. Alongside, another young couple (Honda and the ever-brilliant Eguchi) find themselves in the exact same situation as their older counterparts 25 years earlier. Their paths cross, an opportunity arises: for the elder two to redeem part of their own lives, for the younger couple to find a helping hand in their darkest hour.
Nobuyuki Kuninari
Adapted from the successful play, the film takes place in 19th-century Japan, where a war between demons and their slayers is fought. Izumo, a kabuki actor with a demon-slaying past, meets and falls in love with Tsubaki. However, something is not right, as mysterious marks appear on her body as time progresses. At the same time, it is announced that Ashura, the queen of all demons, will be resurrected and bring destruction to the universe.
Detective Mimura was living peacefully with his loving wife and son when the latter two were killed in an explosion caused by a 14-year-old boy, Yuya. Four years later, when Yuya is released from juvenile detention centre, Mimura's feelings towards the boy have evolved from grief to outright hatred, and he must cope with the pain. Meanwhile, Yuya's father quits his job as a teacher and dedicates himself to compensate the victims and to take care of his son. While the adults are trying to come to terms with their disrupted lives, Yuya is about to test the law again...
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman who suffers from kleptomania. One day Mizue left one of her dresses behind in the machine that was stained with blood from her failed suicide attempt. Teru decides to find Mizue in order to return the dress, after having tried to desperately to wash off the blood stain. Soon thereafter Teru's grandmother dies, and her creditors repossess the home in which Teru was living in. The young couple turn to Sally for help. Sally is a caring man who trains pigeons for a living. Then one day, Sally leaves everything he owns to Teru and Mizue. They start a new life. Teru proposes to Mizue, but she refuses him. The more she is assured of Teru's pure heart, the more she feels she doesn't deserve it. Full of inner turmoil, Mizue begins shoplifting again.
Akio Ogino (voice)
Тихиро с мамой и папой переезжает в новый дом. Заблудившись по дороге, они оказываются в странном пустынном городе, где их ждет великолепный пир. Родители с жадностью набрасываются на еду и к ужасу девочки превращаются в свиней, став пленниками злой колдуньи Юбабы. Теперь, оказавшись одна среди волшебных существ и загадочных видений, Тихиро должна придумать, как избавить своих родителей от чар коварной старухи.
Tsuyoshi Kenmochi
When the head of the touring magician's group "Magical Fantasy" is murdered on a train while on his way to Hokkaido, young Kindaichi, who also just happens to be on board, is fast on the case to find the culprit. But just as quickly as the case unfolds, the body disappears only to be rediscovered again, along with other new bodies.
Branik (voice)
В незапамятные времена в этом удивительном мире существовал народ, повелевающий силой ветра. Минули эпохи, и предания о людях с этим великим даром превратились в сказки… Никто даже не думал, что подобное возможно и сейчас, но, неожиданно для всех, такую же способность открыл в себе мальчик Амон. Теперь в свои руки его мечтает заполучить могущественный диктатор Браних, ведь этот дар можно превратить в страшное оружие…
Takuro Sugie
После смерти люди попадают в некое своеобразное чистилище: такие же, как и они, отбывшие в мир иной советники помогают им вспомнить самые впечатляющие моменты земной жизни. Рассказы людей становятся основой некоего фильма. Но не все люди обладают хорошей памятью. Кто-то вообще ничего не может вспомнить и ему нужно просмотреть видеозапись своей жизни, а кто-то, наоборот, хранит в памяти даже незначительные мелочи…
The life of a urban planning official and that of an old fellow student, now project developer, are turned upside down by a chance encounter with a beauty obsessed by UFOs.
Трагическое происшествие нарушает спокойную жизнь молодой женщины.
Юную Акико берут на должность арт-менеджера в новый 12-й отдел корпорации Акэбоно, занимающей огромное здание где-то на окраине. В тот же день на вахте появляется новый охранник, угрюмый бугай под 2 метра ростом, по слухам, когда-то бросивший сумо. А по радио то и дело пугают страшилками про убийцу-психопата в бегах и, как на грех, тоже бывшего сумоиста. Нечеловеческие страсти тихо тлеют в мрачных коридорах компании Акэбоно, как в кривом зеркале отражая закоулки психики инфернального мессии-дегенерата.
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort the cash. And when things start to go wrong, Rieko responds by murdering another girl and attempting another ransom scam..
A man tries to mend his past by helping his best friend’s sister.
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
The ambition of a man and a woman who try to steal 20 million dollars in an American military vault
Man with a Hat
The film begins with some Polaroids of a young boy and a young girl. A female voice over tells us who these people are...they are brother and sister, she is seven and he is eight. She goes on to say that when she was seven and he was eight, she told her brother that she would marry him.
After serving time for bank fraud, Kiriko now lives a quiet life as a taxi driver working night shifts... but her peace is shattered by a relentless stalker in a Land Cruiser.
Jubei is a Japanese merchant who learns tricks from Western merchants to get ahead in the game.
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Kyutaro Wada
Поэтесса Акико Ёсано (1878 — 1942) прожила долгую творческую жизнь, создала более 30 тысяч стихотворений, перевела на современный японский язык роман «Гэндзи Моногатари», была матерью 11 детей. Её постоянно критиковали за открытый эротизм, при этом все свои стихи она посвящала законному мужу Хироси Ёсано. Переживания поэтессы становятся фоном для всего искусства «серебряного века» Японии. Вновь мы встречаемся со знаменитыми создателями японского реалистического театра Сумако Мацуи и Хогэцу Симамура, узнаем об упрямстве Кафу Нагаи, становимся свидетелями творческого кризиса Такэо Арисима, поражаемся революционной смелости анархиста Сакаэ Осуги и его верной спутницы Ноэ Ито.
Four young high school students who dream of being in a rock band must deal with the unexpected deaths of their friends while making concert decisions.
In Young Lady Detectives, student girls Misao (Nishiwaki) and Harumi (Yuko Mizushima, who specializes in showcasing), stand up for the search engine to avoid getting a genuine profession. Surprisingly, the girls get a workday on the first day, when a man in the office asks them to look for his missing daughter. The task takes the deckers into the traces of criminals forced into sex slavery. The search for work is mostly on the shoulders of Misao, because sexually active Harumi consumes his time mainly in bed. Misao lacks the man’s experience completely.
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
Musashi Miyamoto
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
Gritty softcore thriller about a female assassin brutally victimized in her past and her target, who turns out to be her long lost lover. Can they escape their world of violence before her handler, a sadistic yakuza, catches up with them?
The culturally isolated, nomadic Seburi people of western Japan are the subject of this tragedy about a few of the community's members who especially experience difficulties as modern Japan encroaches on their world. The setting is World War II, and conflicts have already arisen when the military police come to take Seburi men away into the army. Still following their own customs that can be harsh at times, and are particularly cruel to women (women must give birth alone and unaided, a woman's adultery is punished by burying her up to her neck in the earth and then leaving her for days), the Seburi are mainly treated with fear and animosity by the non-Seburi townspeople of the region. Along with the hardships arising from cultural clashes, nature's own vagaries present other challenges to the Seburi -- who still lived in tents until the 1950s. Winter avalanches and snowstorms cause as much havoc as the tensions engendered by the slow encroachment of the modern world.
While attending a screening of his film at the London Film Festival, a Japanese man tries to track down a woman from his past after receiving a mysterious phone call.
Yûji / Kimiyo's Boyfriend
Real-Life stripper Madoka Mika plays the fictional ROSE RED, a former striptease queen who is now doing roadshow engagements while trying to raise her kid and balance her love affairs.
Masaaki Yano
Lieutenant Iwata
Остров Ява, 1942 год. Британский майор Селльерс попадает в японский лагерь для военнопленных. Его несгибаемый дух становится непреодолимым препятствием для тюремщиков. Начальник лагеря Йоннои верит в дисциплину и кодекс самурайской чести. В его глазах военнопленные являются трусами, которые предпочли плен смерти. Йоннои во что бы то ни стало намерен сломить загадочного британца. В противостояние этих двух людей невероятной силы воли и твердости духа пытается вмешаться полковник Лоуренс. Его любовь к культуре Японии и знание японского языка делают его опасной фигурой для обеих сторон - поскольку он может понимать и тех, и других...
Ryo once rode with a biker gang; ever since his friend Tetsuji died riding in September, he's retired from biking, trying to forget the past.
Film director Shunichi Nagasaki reflects on a near-fatal motorcycle accident that occurred while shooting his commercial feature debut The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September.
A boy and girl struggle to understand their place in 1980s Japan, retiring to copulate and probe each other for answers.
Roman Porno from 1982.
Naoko is getting a lot of obscene phone calls, so she decides to stay at her girlfriend Mari's home for awhile, afraid of a rape attack. But the telephone calls don't stop, and the mysterious pervert caller is bothering her there too. Naoko reluctantly agrees to meet meet him at a local restaurant, hoping the man will stop. When she arrives, Naoko is surprised to find the café is operated by Harada, a man whom she and Mari had liked so much in the past that, in fact, they had cat fights over him at their working places. It was due to a love triangle scuffle that they had been both fired from their previous jobs.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Tadashi Shibasaki
Naomi (Jun Izumi) and her business partner Tadashi run a neighborhood bar, sharing the profits, as well as each other. One evening, a yakuza gangster swaggers into the bar with a stack of money for Tadashi. he takes Naomi in an exchange. She is trained as a high-class hooker and is, seemingly, grateful for getting the opportunity to experience the joy of sex. However, appearances are deceiving. Secretly, Naomi is carrying grudge against the yakuza and she finally has the opportunity to take revenge.
Как это, учиться на врача? Группа студентов выпускного курса все ближе подступает к точке завершения своей учебы. Им предстоит не только начать лечить людей, но и взять на себя ответственность за свою собственную жизнь. В юности смерть так далека, но она подкрадывается все ближе и ближе.
This is Yamakawa's first feature film in 16mm. A group of university students who grew up in an era of rapid economic growth yearn for "another side" of life as they face romantic conflicts and the suicide of a fellow student.
A journalist, his pyromaniac girlfriend, and an ex-baseball player team up to rip off a gangster, with violent consequences.
A female vocalist breaks with her manager and sets to work with an old man of his band. The involvement of the gay, Super8 addicted friend of the manager leads to increasingly high waves of frustration, treachery, humiliation and cruelty.
The eighth sequel of the series by the successful “Fukasaku and Bunta” collaboration revolves around the men of a lesser organization that are constantly bullied by the upper organization and “bleed in vain” in gang wars.