Inés Duacastella


Trenque Lauquen
Director of Photography
With the strange disappearance of Laura, two colleagues, her older boyfriend, Rafael, and Ezequiel, learn of their recent discoveries, which may help them locate her. However, the story is bigger and stranger than they could imagine.
Barrio modelo
Director of Photography
The Face of the Jellyfish
It is no coincidence that the second feature by Argentinian Melisa Liebenthal begins with a quote from “Duino Elegies” by Rilke, who was concerned with existential angst. And, more prosaically, Marina, the film’s young protagonist, is faced with similar anxiety. In fact, her problem is her face. One morning, she discovers her face has changed, and she can no longer recognise herself. Not even her mother can, who bumps into her on the street and says hello to her like she would to any stranger (deadpan, surreal humor is part of the film’s recipe). Marina is thus forced to confront her identity: who is she? Is she determined by her parent’s DNA or by her ID card? Can she be identified by a family portrait, by biometrics or the love of those around her, including her Colombian boyfriend? Is she prettier now?
Long Time No Sleep
Director of Photography
A sunny morning in Buenos Aires. All seems quiet, but then an odd race begins: a variety of people are after a backpack. A little army of seekers surprises us at every corner. Suddenly, a lonely bureaucrat (Mapache) is involved in this adventure, and new, mysterious and unknown people start to populate his life, all running around the popular Argentinian city to obtain the backpack which seems to be crucial to his own fate, according to the words of his new accomplice, magician and tarot reader Luminitsia.
Everyone is locked up, but Clementina and the man she's quarantined with won't stop working. We know little about him, and even less about her: we just see over and over again her mysterious face, which seems to defy everything.
The Middle Ages
Post Producer
A comedy during confinement? Probably so. A portrait of a little girl and her family during confinement? Apparently so. An absurd, Beckettian musical shot during confinement? Exactly, yes.
That Weekend
Director of Photography
Julia returns to her hometown and the neighbourhood she left years ago after being swindled. She’s here to sign a permit to authorize her daughter to move in with her father, but more than anything, she’s come back to recover money that she left there, and which would solve a lot of her problems. Returning to her past is nothing like she expected it to be.
Primaveras atrás
Director of Photography
Мы никогда не умрём
Director of Photography
Родриго вместе с матерью отправляется в город — недавно скончался его старший брат. В этом спокойном месте им придётся столкнуться с тяжестью воспоминаний и раскрыть ужасную тайну смерти его родственника.
Concert for the Battle of El Tala
Camera Operator
This is a film with music. Or about the music and texts that accompany, in a poetic way, a decisive battle between Unitarian and Federalists. The vicissitudes of the birth of a nation based on the play written by Mariano Llinás and Gabriel Chwojnik, whose images achieve some hypnotic strength.
Concert for the Battle of El Tala
Director of Photography
This is a film with music. Or about the music and texts that accompany, in a poetic way, a decisive battle between Unitarian and Federalists. The vicissitudes of the birth of a nation based on the play written by Mariano Llinás and Gabriel Chwojnik, whose images achieve some hypnotic strength.
54-й канал
Director of Photography
Кто такой Норберто Отеро? Арменголь Торрес, организатор Всемирной недели космоса, предлагает Лукасу начать расследование параллельной передачи о высадке на Луну в 1969 году, полученной радиолюбителем в его доме в Авельянеде, провинции Буэнос-Айреса. Из-за навязчивых теорий заговора Арменголя Лукас начинает расследовать саму природу изображений и снова и снова сталкивается с постоянно ускользающей от него мрачной фигурой человека по имени Норберто Отеро.
The Poets Visit Juana Bignozzi
Director of Photography
A poet dies and another one, younger, feels an obligation to promote her work. She is joined by a team of women filmmakers. The film begins with this unusual triangle but, interestingly, it grows into something more complex and subtle than a traditional research project.
Un día de caza
The grass men - That's my duck! - Silence, Dvorak! -Kill that fly - Eat grass - Walkie Talkies - Fly fishing - The fan episode - Tourists under the bridge - The boat has a life of its own! - An American Anthem - The Canoe Ride Some blond idiots - Photo! - Hit the partner - Buckets falling from the sky! - Hunting in the mountains - The car has spasms - A flying umbrella! - Kicks in the butt - The top of the mountain - Tire throwing - The car goes alone! To catch a wheel - The river - A Cordovan quartet - Conservative throw - The water wells - Combat with umbrella - Trap with towel - Hip break - Gomerazos - Some children in the river - Drowning Kill the partner - A heron in the waterfall - Cross the river - He's a man of grass! - A shotgun for a deck chair - Shoot your neighbor - Aaaahhhh !!! - The last laugh - Dying, reviving and dying forever on the mountain
For the Money
Director of Photography
A miserable Argentine troupe of actors, dancers, musicians, filmmakers and a girl embark on a theatre tour to some country, probably in Latin America.
Diario de el loro y  el cisne
Director of Photography
This film, Diario de el Loro y el Cisne, is one of the results of this process of writing directly over the images and sounds. It is made entirely from discarded material from the film Loro y el Cisne. I'm not entirely sure of the result. The only thing I can say about it is that it's extremely sincere.
Director of Photography
Every year for the holidays, a lonely man visits his night owl family, who only occasionally leaves home. After his debut with La noche, Edgardo Castro returns with a film that finds genuine moments of cinema in the confinement, the silence and the apparent daily insignificance.
Дочери огня
Director of Photography
Группа женщин случайно встретилась на краю света в аргентинской Патагонии, и отправляется в путешествие по полиамурному пути, в поисках новых ощущений, далеких от одержимости и боли. Они становятся «Дочерьми Огня» - группой, призванной помогать тем женщинам, которые ищут свой собственный путь к эротике.
La omisión
Director of Photography
In a snowy and industrial city in the south of Argentina, Paula, a 23-year-old girl from Buenos Aires, starts an intense job hunt with the sole purpose of saving money. The lack of a job, a home and a stable emotional environment will end up turning that search into a personal and introspective journey.
This Is Not a Coup
The first Carapintada uprising in 1987 puts Raúl Alfonsín’s presidency in check. A meeting and a speech install an even more latent enigma.
Las Vegas
By chance, Martin and Laura travel to Villa Gesell at the same time. They are not together anymore but 18 years ago they conceived their son, Pablo, there. Soon, situations as absurd as they are touching will arise from their encounter. Juan Villegas ventures into comedy and is back at Bafici with a nostalgic, intimate film.
The Little Match Girl
Director of Photography
The sad story of Andersen's little match girl; the fate of Balthazar, Bresson's donkey; the impossible love affair between a militant of the Red Army Faction and an Argentinean pianist; the adventures in Buenos Aires of Helmut Lachenmann, who is trying to stage an insane opera; the problems of Marie, Walter and their daughter, who are trying to survive on very little money…
Tomorrow All The Things
Director of Photography
Julia and Diego spend a weekend taking care of Diego’s nephew, in a house far from the city. Everything goes on normally until Julia’s visit to the hospital changes completely their relation.