Vadim Glowna

Vadim Glowna

Рождение : 1941-09-26, Eutin, Germany

Смерть : 2012-01-24


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Vadim Glowna (26 September 1941 – 24 January 2012) was a German actor and film director. Since 1964 he appeared in more than 150 films and television shows. Description above from the Wikipedia article Vadim Glowna, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Vadim Glowna


Джек Айриш: Черный прилив
Charlie Taub
Джек Айриш не обращает внимания на телефонный звонок от бывшего клиента Дэнни МакКиллопа. Жизнь и так тяжела, чтобы тащить на себе ещё и чужие проблемы. Любимую футбольную команду, за которую играли его отец и дед, продали в другой город и переименовали. На последних скачках выиграть не удалось. И готовит он до сих пор на одного. Но когда Дэнни оказывается мёртв, Джек начинает расследование его туманного прошлого…
Джек Айриш: Безнадежные долги
In Memory Of
Каков Мельбурн зимой? — Дождь, ветер, пабы, пиво, секс, коррупция и убийства… Джек Айриш не обращает внимания на телефонный звонок от бывшего клиента Дэнни МакКиллопа. Жизнь и так тяжела, чтобы тащить на себе ещё и чужие проблемы. Любимую футбольную команду, за которую играли его отец и дед, продали в другой город и переименовали. На последних скачках выиграть не удалось. И готовит он до сих пор на одного. Но когда Дэнни оказывается мёртв, Джек начинает расследование его туманного прошлого…
Джек Айриш: Безнадежные долги
Charlie Taub
Каков Мельбурн зимой? — Дождь, ветер, пабы, пиво, секс, коррупция и убийства… Джек Айриш не обращает внимания на телефонный звонок от бывшего клиента Дэнни МакКиллопа. Жизнь и так тяжела, чтобы тащить на себе ещё и чужие проблемы. Любимую футбольную команду, за которую играли его отец и дед, продали в другой город и переименовали. На последних скачках выиграть не удалось. И готовит он до сих пор на одного. Но когда Дэнни оказывается мёртв, Джек начинает расследование его туманного прошлого…
Into the Blue
Abraham Rabenthal
A story of a film-making crew traveling in Italy.
Passion & Poetry: Sam's War
A documentary about Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron, shot in Yugoslavia in 1976.
Directing Hell
A Documentary about Nikos Nikolaidis' work. Nikos Nikolaidis was an acclaimed film director and author from Greece. He is famous for creating controversial characters in his films that have a rebellious attitude towards the social and political status quo. He illustrates a dark and pessimistic present and future, but also providing ambiguous hope for the end when his heroes find their escape in death. His films are shocking and contentious, raising questions during times when political visions start to fade away. His filming was poetic, dynamic and aesthetically beautiful in order to present situations on edge and elicit his audience's feelings. The aim of this project is to transfer his dynamics in a documentary that will convey some of his messages and create a platform for exchanging opinions among filmmakers from all over the world, in an effort to decipher his universe and his symbols as reflections of his unique and rare personality.
Inspektor Barbarotti - Mensch ohne Hund
Karl-Erik Hermansson
Der letzte Weynfeldt
Herr Dr. Baier
The lack of an olive for his Dry Martini drives Adrian Weynfeldt one night to a nearby bar. There he meets a beautiful woman whose direct style and unpolished charm he can not escape. He takes Lorena home. The next morning Lorena stands outside the balcony railing and wants to jump down. The awkward Weynfeldt manages to dissuade her from her project. From now on, Lorena blames him for her life and tempts him to help her out of financial bottlenecks on several occasions. So he begins to pay her debts to a man named Pedroni, whom Lorena claims is a debt collector. Then his old friend Dr. Baier asks him for an impossible favor: Weynfeldt is to release a forgery of the painting "Le Salamandre" by Felix Vallotton for auction. But what does Lorena have to do with it? And is Weynfeldt, who has hitherto had nothing to do with the counterfeiters and blackmailers, resist the temptation?
Auftrag Schutzengel
Werner Sievert
Otto Schwarz
A man decides to sell his grandparents' house when he finds out that the death of his parents seems to be connected to a legend about a murdered child.
Alles was recht ist
Dr. Jobst Grübel
House of the Sleeping Beauties
Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping beauties.
House of the Sleeping Beauties
Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping beauties.
House of the Sleeping Beauties
Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping beauties.
House of the Sleeping Beauties
Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping beauties.
Associate Producer
Zingarina arrives in Transylavania, accompanied by her close friend Marie and her guide and interpreter Luminitsa. She is not there only to visit this region of Romania but to trace her lover Milan, a musician who has made her pregnant and who left her without a word of explanation. When she finds him back, he brutally rejects her and Zingarina is terribly upset. She leaves her two companions and having become a wreck she hardly survives by following a wandering little girl. Her destiny changes for the best when she meets Tchangalo, a traveling trader...
Четыре минуты
Gerhard von Loeben
Пожилая женщина устраивается в тюрьму для женщин учителем по игре на фортепьяно. На уроки записываются четыре заключённых, одна из которых повесилась, другая нервная, третья ничем не примечательная, а четвёртая обладает божьим даром выдавать из обычного фортепьяно великолепное звучание. Учитель не мог поверить, что такой конченый человек, сгнивающий в четырёх бетонных стенах способен путём музыкального инструмента так превосходно сыграть радостную негритянскую музыку, не смотря на все свои невзгоды и заведённое на неё за убийство дело. Пожилой преподаватель видит её дар и подаёт ей руку помощи, предлагая развить талант и дать ей шанс выступить на некоторых концертах юных композиторов.
Lapislazuli - Im Auge des Bären
Kanzleichef Boley
Passion & Poetry: The Ballad of Sam Peckinpah
Portrayal of a talented, influencial and troubled artist: a filmmaker who fought his own demons and seemed to live his own legend like no other director. Against all odds Sam Peckinpah was able to create a very personal body of work in the studio system of Hollywood and with his powerful directing and editing style changed the way of filmmaking forever. Legendary for his use of slow-motion violence, various scandals and his ongoing problems with sudios and producers, the story of Peckinpah is filled with tragedy, humor, success and defeat.
Die Rosenzüchterin
Julien Lacroix
Агнес и его братья
Günther Tschirner
У Агнеса и его братьев очень мало общего, разве что их эксцентричный отец. А еще у них очень напряженные отношения друг с другом. Ханс-Йорг - с виду скромный и милый библиотекарь, однако на самом деле - он сексуально озабоченный типчик. Он постоянно дрочит и неуверен в себе, поэтому с женщинами у него проблемы. Другой брат - Вернер - успешный политик, но в семье у него нелады с сыном и женой. А главный герой - Агнес - транссексуал, не может никак вписаться в ту жизнь, которую ему диктует его властная девушка. Раньше он был парнем, а теперь, после операции, стал женщиной.
My Name Is Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Composer Johann Sebastian Bach is introduced to King Frederick II of Prussia in 1747. The aging composer and the young monarch clash and a battle of egos ensues.
Die Rückkehr des Vaters
Heinrich Giese
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder
der Koch
Vater Anton Raiter
One Hell of a Night
Tragicomic, the hero entangled in a strange, strange world. In addition, Armin Rohde rumbles in use for fun and hilarious commission through the scenery. Running gags make the film by Stephan Wagner to a as dense as it rapid foray into the night & the history of film.
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Красный террор
Kurt Krone
Гангстер, помешанный на автомобилях, отчаянный гонщик, покоритель женщин, террорист. Андреас Баадер превратил свою короткую жизнь в грандиозный фильм с ним и его возлюбленной Гудрун Энсслин в главных ролях. Изящество, с которым он угонял машины, потреблял наркотики, грабил банки, убивал полицейских и взрывал бомбы, восхищало интеллектуалов типа журналистки Ульрике Майнхоф и юриста Курта Вагнера. Организовав одну из самых опасных террористических организаций Европы — «Фракцию Красной армии» — и пройдя подготовку на Ближнем Востоке, они развязали настоящую войну против буржуазного государства…
Planet der Kannibalen
Kannibale Oskar Wagenknecht
A television reporter searches for alien life forms and gets entangeled in a web of intrigue.
Verbotene Küsse
Suck My Dick
Hermann / Galerist
The Middle of Nowhere
After escaping from youth-prison during a fire-alarm, young MAREK hitch-hikes into an unknown future. Suddenly there's a new chance: He 'gets' a car, a passport, a ticket to Australia and switches into a new identity. After the car breaks down, he is stuck at a filling station close to a very small village in former East Germany where he meets Margot. There are many problems to solve if he wants to continue his trip - maybe with his new love.
Виктор Фогель - Король рекламы
Werner Stahl
Как вчерашний неудачник заработал состояние на безумных выходках? Еще вчера его вышвыривали из офисов за нелепый вид. Теперь все иначе: все подражают Виктору Фогелю. За его идеи по рекламе платят бешеные деньги, ему поручают разработку рекламной кампании для новой модели Опеля. Получив работу своей мечты, Фогель тут же находит и девушку своей мечты — художницу Розу, которую случайно встречает на вечеринке. Но не все так радужно: теперь Виктору придется выбирать между любовью и карьерой, чувствами и деньгами.
Kalt ist der Abendhauch
Eberhard Hoffmann
Love story spanning 60 years of the lives of Charlotte and Hugo. As a teenager before the war she is in love with him, but he marries her sister. They share some brief happy moments during the difficult post-war period, then they are separated for the longest time. They meet again as 80-year olds.
No Place to Go
Flanders, a famous female author, travels in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall into the German capital. She is deeply depressed by the events because she saw the communist state as a very good thing that has now ended. In the joy of these days she finds no one to understand her, so she has to travel back to Munich. After meeting several people, known and unknown, it seems as if there will be no way to go.
Todsünden – Die zwei Gesichter einer Frau
Gregor Altmann
A woman emotionally kills her twin sister and slips into her role, but the dead's dark past catches up with her.
Karl Dunckel
Der Schnapper: Blumen für den Mörder
Царь Соломон. Мудрейший из мудрых
King Hiram
Сын Давида и Вирсавии, царь Соломон прожил бурную и героическую жизнь. Его правление называли «Божественным даром». Он прославился огромной мудростью, обладал неслыханными богатствами, построил величественный Иерусалимский храм и сделал свою страну могучим и процветающим государством. И, конечно же, у Соломона было очень много женщин — от красавицы Абишаг, прибывшей во дворец, чтобы скрасить последниегоды престарелого царя Давида, до Царицы Савской, о любовном и политическом союзе с которой говорил весь древний мир…
Das gläserne Haus
A dream becomes a nightmare: Shortly after the Iranian doctor Murath Tehrani and his German wife Claudia moved into a chic villa on the outskirts of Leipzig, threatening couple flutter into the house and Claudia is harassed by anonymous callers with xenophobic slogans. First, the woman tries to hide the threat from her husband. But not even the police can help her. Suddenly, every stranger approaching the house appears as a threat. Psychological pressure is also increasing the pressure on the harmonious marriage of the young couple. But Murath and Claudia are unwilling to be driven out of their homes by aggressive racists.
Im Himmel hört Dich niemand weinen
Die Skrupellosen - Hörigkeit des Herzens
Die Lügnerin
Rising to the Bait
Protected from the intrigues of con-men by the overwhelming blanket of the former regime in East Germany, at first it seems that Ada Fenske, the elderly widow living on a farm near a soon-to-be abandoned Russian island military base is fair game. The (West) German military intelligence services want to acquire her farm. At first, their agent attempts to buy the property openly, but her refusal to sell motivates him to try far shadier techniques. He comes up with a relative she never knew about who is entitled to a share in the property and tries to blackmail the township's mayor to get his cooperation. However, the hard-working and honest old lady has an ally in the person of her more sophisticated border, a woman who works in the mayor's office and has been to the West. She takes great delight in foiling the underhanded agent.
Verflixte Leidenschaft
Die Bank ist nicht geschädigt
Scheidung a la carte
Society's Finest
When Fritz returns from his studies in the United States he wants to walk on pink clouds with Maxie, a TV journalist, but they come upon a gun-running operation in which Fritz's father is involved. Fritz is caught between his loyalty to his family and his love for Maxie, who also can't decide what's more important, a career as a journalist or Fritz. They both are caught unaware by the enormous amount of individuals involved in the scandal and their unscrupulous reactions. Finally they both attempt to gather proof of the activities of this Hydra-headed organization in spite of the risks involved and independently of each other. A pandemonium of fragments of the Noricum, Bundeswuerde and Lucona scandals. The evil spirit of the late eighties in Austria.
Projekt Aphrodite
Drei D
The film by a film student making his graduation film about a film student making his graduation film.
Seven Minutes
A true story about Johann Georg Elser, a quiet carpenter who tried to assassinate Hitler with an explosive device in 1939.
Er - Sie - Es
Professor Leitner
Feature film.
Das Milliardenspiel
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Wherever You Are...
German professor
An Uruguayan diplomat brings his new wife with him on a business trip to Poland in the summer immediately preceding the outbreak of World War II.
Devil's Paradise
At the start of the 20th century, a man lives in solitude on an island. One day on the mainland, he saves a young woman from some nasty folk and takes her with him to his island. Her former captors soon find the island as well.
Devil's Paradise
Kapitän Davidson
At the start of the 20th century, a man lives in solitude on an island. One day on the mainland, he saves a young woman from some nasty folk and takes her with him to his island. Her former captors soon find the island as well.
A director (Hanns Zischler), his fiancee (Vera Tschechowa), a scriptwriter (Rudiger Vogler) and a student interact and discuss their emotions, at length.
Il retuorn
Das Totenreich
Mads Vestrup
Denmark, by the end of the 19th century. Gov. Dihmer gives his resignation because of his illness. Two friends, a pastor and a physician, try to awaken his willpower and transcend a journey to Italy. Meanwhile, in the homeland, there are political breakthroughs that make little hope for new times.
Doktor Felix Schaad
Год спокойного солнца
Niemiec, klient Stelli
Действие разворачивается после окончания Второй мировой войны. Полька Эмилия живет вместе с больной матерью. Случайная встреча с американским офицером Норманом, занимающимся расследованием в Польше преступлений, совершенных в годы войны, его поддержка и забота затронули ее душу и сердце. Норман предлагает Эмилии и ее матери тайно покинуть страну. Но Эмилия как истинная католичка решает пожертвовать собой и своим личным счастьем...
Dies rigorose Leben
Mayhem and tangled love knots in the Southwest U.S. desert are the scourge of a group of stranded German immigrants living in a few mobile homes at the crossroads of two desert highways. Joe loves Rosa, and kills someone she had slept with because he thought their union was consentual (a rape), and he gets five years for the murder. When he is released from jail, his first priority is to attend his mother's funeral -- a death that has upset his sister so much that she is on the verge of a breakdown. His sister is supposed to marry a Mennonite, but is stuck on Joe and so that plan is scotched. Meanwhile, Rosa has taken up with another trucker, who is jealous of Joe and tries to kill him. The next thing anyone knows, the trailers and nearby buildings are going up in flames -- will Joe and Rosa survive to continue their desert saga?
Edith's Diary
Paul Baumeister
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Desperado City
Onkel Paul
Skoda is the son of a wealthy, overbearing banker and rather than put up with his father to keep a privileged lifestyle, he has chosen to ditch the relationship and drive a taxi for a living. The film follows Skoda on his nightly rides through the city, and though different characters come and go, Skoda meets a kindred spirit in the form of a teenage woman who finds her own home life equally difficult to shoulder. The two young people are gradually attracted to each other, and they end up one night in Skoda's room together. At that moment, the older woman that Skoda had been involved with opens the door and discovers his infidelity. Skoda is living in her house and driving the taxi she gave him -- her commitment was abundantly clear from the beginning. Pushed over the edge, the older woman commits suicide -- and Skoda is blamed for her death by her ex-husband. He swears to avenge her, and the hunt for Skoda begins.
Desperado City
Skoda is the son of a wealthy, overbearing banker and rather than put up with his father to keep a privileged lifestyle, he has chosen to ditch the relationship and drive a taxi for a living. The film follows Skoda on his nightly rides through the city, and though different characters come and go, Skoda meets a kindred spirit in the form of a teenage woman who finds her own home life equally difficult to shoulder. The two young people are gradually attracted to each other, and they end up one night in Skoda's room together. At that moment, the older woman that Skoda had been involved with opens the door and discovers his infidelity. Skoda is living in her house and driving the taxi she gave him -- her commitment was abundantly clear from the beginning. Pushed over the edge, the older woman commits suicide -- and Skoda is blamed for her death by her ex-husband. He swears to avenge her, and the hunt for Skoda begins.
Daimler-Benz Limousine
von Ziegler, konsul Niemiec w Poznaniu
Two brothers of German heritage live in the Polish town of Poznan. Michal is the sensitive brother who likes literature, Andrzej is the daredevil with no intellectual bent, and between the two of them, they steal the German consul's Daimler-Benz limousine, on a lark. When they are caught by the police, the German consul unexpectedly forgives them their prank -- but in the meantime, the episode has put the brothers in touch with a Nazi underground group who want to prepare the way for the pending German invasion (set to occur within a matter of days). Andrej helps the group kill the German consul and then they blame the death on the Poles -- giving the Germans an excuse to cross the border. Not only the consul, but "artistic" types like Michal are also killed for the same reasons. After these murders, Michal realizes his brother is no better than the group he joined, and decides to set his own course in the face of the rising threat of invasion.
Feine Gesellschaft – Beschränkte Haftung
Polnischer Sommer
Прямой репортаж о смерти
Harry Graves
В недалеком будущем происходит действие этого известного фильма. Некий телебосс решает показать зрителям сенсационный репортаж о последних часах жизни человека. Выбор падает на писательницу Катрин. А репортеру Родди, взявшемуся за это грязное дело, в мозг вмонтировали минипередатчик, а глаза служат объективами. Но Родди увлекается жертвой и, чтобы спасти ее, ослепляет себя…
The Associate
Marc Duphorin
An unemployed investor creates a fictious business partner to attempt to improve business. Eventually, his creation gets out of control as his business becomes successful and his wife announces that she is in love with the partner and his son wishes the partner was his father -- although no one has ever seen him. To regain control, the man decides to "kill" his imaginary partner and is arrested for the murder.
Узы крови
Dr. Emile Joeppli
Элизабет Рофф — наследница фармацевтической гигантской империи, оставленной ей отцом, погибшим при весьма загадочных обстоятельствах. Она уверена — это убийство, и следующей жертвой обречена стать она сама. Но — кому выгодно убрать ее с дороги? Любому из многочисленных родственников, отчаянно нуждающихся в деньгах… А еще — вышедшему из низов удачливому бизнесмену, которого Элизабет любит — и который на первый взгляд платит ей взаимностью…
Tales from the Vienna Woods
Based on a popular 1931 play, the film tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.
The Tailor from Ulm
Kaspar Fesslen
The true story of the Bavarian Tailor Albrecht Berblinger who, after a strange encounter with a balloon starts building a flying machine. Although not an engineer by profession, he never gives up. No matter how many obstacles are put in his way nor how many failures he endures, his ardour is never dampened. He continues with his dream to fly like a bird.
Пропавшее золото инков
Brian Jones
Инженер Брайан, приехавший из Сан-Франциско в Южную Америку на заработки, полюбил индейскую девушку и узнал от неё местонахождение золотых ворот, построенных древними инками. Но, открыв чужестранцу секрет, Има бросается с обрыва. Потрясённый случившимся, мучимый вопросами, почему Има покончила жизнь самоубийством, Брайан оставляет несметные сокровища и решает уехать, взяв с собой одни воспоминания.
Германия осенью
Коллективный фильм, снятый ведущими немецкими режиссерами. Отклик на злободневные события, связанные с казнью левых террористов из «Фракции Красной Армии».
The Leading Man
Max Schneider
Pepe is 15. His life in social misery changes completely when he is chosen as the main character of a film production. Shot on location where he lives with his primitive, brutal and authoritarian father, a pig farmer.
Zeit der Empfindsamkeit
"Times of Sensibility" - about the conflicts of a woman during pregnancy.
Групповой портрет с дамой
Erhard Schweigert
Действие фильма, как и романа, начинается в канун мировой войны и кончается в середине 1960-х годов. В центре повествования — извращенная по милости нацистов немецкая история и сломанные человеческие судьбы. Все герои романа — люди, протестующие против существующего миропорядка.
Железный крест
Gefreiter Kern
1943 год. Немецкая армия с тяжелыми боями отступает на Восточном фронте. На замену убитому командиру батальона прибывает переведенный из Франции капитан Странский. Этот элегантный прусский аристократ еще не бывал в настоящем сражении и мечтает любой ценой получить германский боевой орден — «Железный крест».Чтобы достичь своей цели, Странскому нужно завоевать уважение командира взвода капрала Штайнера, закаленного в боях ветерана, пользующегося огромным авторитетом среди товарищей по оружию. А «универсальный солдат» Штайнер презирает офицеров, жаждущих славы, но предпочитающих не соваться на передовую…
Die Brüder
Prosperos Traum
Sladek oder Die schwarze Armee
Пистолет «Питон 357»
L'inspecteur Abadie
Во время ночного задержания двух опасных вооруженных преступников инспектор Ферро неожиданно попадает в объектив фотографа - юной Сильвии. С необычной фотографии и начинается их яркий, стремительный роман. Своенравная и красивая девчонка буквально сводит зрелого мужчину с ума. Однако девушка ведет двойную жизнь...
Polly oder Die Bataille am Bluewater Creek
Ein deutsches Attentat
August Reinsdorf
Ermittlungen gegen Unbekannt
Herbert Lang
Victor oder Die Kinder an die Macht
Die Nacht von Lissabon
Der Mann
Мертвец из Темзы
David Armstrong
Экс-балерина Мирна Фергюссон убита в отеле, однако её труп бесследно исчезает до приезда полиции. А на следующий день из Австралии прибывает её сестра Дэнни, которая с первых же часов своего пребывания в Лондоне чувствует, что находится под пристальным наблюдением людей, возможно причастных к убийству Мирны. Пока полиция пытается выйти на их след, в деле появляется ещё несколько трупов, и кольцо вокруг Дэнни сужается.
Die Gartenlaube
Peter Bröhahn
The Journey to Tilsit
A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident. Based on the same story that inspired F. W. Murnau's film Sunrise (1927).
After an eight-month stay in a mental hospital, a tormented man comes home to live with his sister; but a mysterious boarder may be trying to kill him.
Love and So Forth
Munich, 1968: a period of liberation, student revolts, state repression. Amidst the restlessness, chemistry student Robbie meets the Irish cello player Nancy. They feel compelled to pursue a passion in spite of their careers. But does romantic love have a place in such convoluted, contesting times?
Tramp or the Only and Incomparable Lenny Jacobsen
The drifter has a name - Lenny Jacobsen" - An outsider is chased to his death. The case remains uncertain, while what otherwise interests at best incidentally, the sensitivities of the victims and the perpetrators, to seemingly trivial expressions, gestures, sentences becomes the main thing.
Verbrechen mit Vorbedacht
Anton Katz
Robert Labitzke
Frühlings Erwachen
Melchior Gabor
Im Schatten einer Großstadt
Jochen 'Johnny' Danner
Held Henry
Bates / Französischer Soldat
Der Spaßvogel