
Directing Hell (2011)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Директор : Christos Houliaras

Краткое содержание

A Documentary about Nikos Nikolaidis' work. Nikos Nikolaidis was an acclaimed film director and author from Greece. He is famous for creating controversial characters in his films that have a rebellious attitude towards the social and political status quo. He illustrates a dark and pessimistic present and future, but also providing ambiguous hope for the end when his heroes find their escape in death. His films are shocking and contentious, raising questions during times when political visions start to fade away. His filming was poetic, dynamic and aesthetically beautiful in order to present situations on edge and elicit his audience's feelings. The aim of this project is to transfer his dynamics in a documentary that will convey some of his messages and create a platform for exchanging opinions among filmmakers from all over the world, in an effort to decipher his universe and his symbols as reflections of his unique and rare personality.


Giannis Angelakas
Giannis Angelakas
Valeria Christodoulidou
Valeria Christodoulidou
Yannis Economides
Yannis Economides
Nikos Nikolaidis
Nikos Nikolaidis
Vera Tschechowa
Vera Tschechowa
Eftyhia Yakoumi
Eftyhia Yakoumi
Vicky Harris
Vicky Harris
Vadim Glowna
Vadim Glowna
Jenny Kitseli
Jenny Kitseli
Olia Lazaridou
Olia Lazaridou
Dora Masklavanou
Dora Masklavanou
Takis Spiridakis
Takis Spiridakis
Takis Moschos
Takis Moschos
Simeon Nikolaidis
Simeon Nikolaidis
Nikos Panayotopoulos
Nikos Panayotopoulos
Giorgos Panousopoulos
Giorgos Panousopoulos
Nik Triantafyllidis
Nik Triantafyllidis
Konstantinos Tzoumas
Konstantinos Tzoumas
Hristos Valavanidis
Hristos Valavanidis
Michele Valley
Michele Valley


Christos Houliaras
Christos Houliaras
Christos Houliaras
Christos Houliaras
Stergios Paschos
Stergios Paschos
Theodora Valenti
Theodora Valenti
Christos Houliaras
Christos Houliaras
Thodoros Mihopoulos
Thodoros Mihopoulos
Director of Photography
Aliki Panagi
Aliki Panagi


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