Laurence Joseph

Laurence Joseph


Laurence Joseph


Coups de sang
Clémence Diallo
A policeman whose daughter has been murdered clashes with his mother over the identity of the killer. This violent disagreement, which reopens old wounds, will be the key to solving a murder much more complex than it appears. What if this tragedy paved the way for a potential reconciliation between a mother and a son that everything sets against each other?
9 причин, чтобы жить
Легкомысленный и избалованный Томас проводит ночи напролет в клубах, а дни - в постели. До тех пор, пока это вконец не надоедает его отцу, прославленному детскому врачу. Доктор Рейнхард заставляет сына сделать выбор: остаться без дома и средств к существованию, либо взять шефство над его юным пациентом Маркусом, который родился с серьезным заболеванием. Эта встреча навсегда изменит жизни каждого из них.
Les sandales blanches
It all begins in the early 60s, in a slum just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They're so white that the little girl can't keep her eyes off them, and doesn't see the reversing truck. Then begin years of hospital, operations, suffering and struggle. Years far from her family, during which the little Muslim girl, in the hands of Catholic nurses and nuns, discovers music and singing at mass. From that point on, fighting the racism of French society as well as the enduring prejudices of her own community, Malika follows her dream and moves mountains to become the woman everyone will one day call "the diva of the ghetto".
Domino à l'Olympia
Domino à l'Olympia