An Ukrainian farmer living in Alberta loses his wife in a tragic accident. Guilt and grief send him into an emotional spiral where mysterious and inexplicable events force him to relive traumatic incidents from his childhood in Ukraine.
Eric Liddell - China's first gold medalist and one of Scotland's greatest athletes - returns to war-torn China.
Доктор Вики Вестин получает в день рождения страшный «подарок»: кто-то похитил ее мужа и дочь, и она сама должна выбрать, кого из них оставят в живых! Не понимая причин злодеяния, Вики должна распутать адский клубок, чтобы спасти жизнь самых дорогих ей людей, имея в запасе всего 48 часов!
250 миллионов лет назад… Всемогущая нация плотоядных существ Арактоидов заронила семена жизни на новой планете Земля, планируя вернуться в будущем, чтобы собрать урожай человеческой плоти. Команда межгалактических миротворцев, пытаясь помешать Арактоидам, попадает в засаду, и их корабль погружается на дно земного океана, а экипаж гибнет.
This short film portrays the NFB's itinerant projectionists during the ’40s and early ’50s who travelled throughout Canada, bringing films and discussions to rural communities. The film uses a mix of dramatic re-enactments with archival footage and interviews with veterans of the movie circuit to shed light on an important period in Canadian film history.
This short film portrays the NFB's itinerant projectionists during the ’40s and early ’50s who travelled throughout Canada, bringing films and discussions to rural communities. The film uses a mix of dramatic re-enactments with archival footage and interviews with veterans of the movie circuit to shed light on an important period in Canadian film history.
Sound Editor
This film illustrates the struggles of Canadian prairies women to achieve a more just and humane society within the farm movement and at large. During the early 1900s, women on the prairies looked for ways to overcome their isolation. Out of the resulting farm women's organizations grew a group of women possessing remarkable intellectual abilities, social and cultural awareness, and advanced worldviews.
This film illustrates the struggles of Canadian prairies women to achieve a more just and humane society within the farm movement and at large. During the early 1900s, women on the prairies looked for ways to overcome their isolation. Out of the resulting farm women's organizations grew a group of women possessing remarkable intellectual abilities, social and cultural awareness, and advanced worldviews.