Caitrin Rogers


The Saint of Second Chances
Executive Producer
A baseball dynasty built on fun — and a disco disaster that nearly undid it all. Explore the comeback of a lifetime in this documentary about Mike Veeck.
Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with Dave Letterman
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Morgan Neville captures Dave Letterman on his first visit to Dublin to hang out with Bono and The Edge in their hometown, experience Dublin, and join the two U2 musicians for a concert performance unlike any they’ve done before.
Mickey: The Story of a Mouse
Executive Producer
Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible, Mickey is something we all share, with unique memories and feelings. Over the course of his nearly century-long history, Mickey functions like a mirror, reflecting our personal and cultural values back at us. "Mickey: The Story of a Mouse" explores Mickey's significance, getting to the core of what Mickey's cultural impact says about each of us and about our world.
Бегущий: Фильм об Энтони Бурдене
Портрет одного из самых влиятельных шеф-поваров в истории, телезвезды, плейбоя и путешественника Энтони Бурдена.
Miss Americana
В этом документальном фильме Тейлор Свифт откровенно рассказывает о себе, как о композиторе, исполнительнице и женщине, раскрывающей всю силу своего голоса.
В десятке шагов от звёзд
Бэк-вокалисты живут в мире, который находится позади света софитов. Их голоса приносят гармонию для самых великих групп в поп-музыке, но у нас обычно нет ни малейшего представления, кто эти певцы или о том, какую жизнь они вели до сих пор.
Moonstruck: At the Heart of an Italian Family
Assistant Editor
Documentary highlighting the development of the screenplay into a film with the desired cast. It also describes the closeness among Italian families, which comes from the kitchen, and how a real Italian father is the source of believability for the film.
Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos
Assistant Editor
In the 1970s the North American Soccer League marked the first attempt to introduce soccer to American sports fans. While most teams had only limited success at best, one managed to break through to genuine mainstream popularity - the New York Cosmos. The brainchild of Steve Ross (Major executive at Warner Communications) and the Ertegun brothers (Founders of Atlantic Records), the Cosmos got off to a rocky start in 1971, but things changed in 1975 when the world's most celebrated soccer star, the Brazilian champion Pele, signed with the Cosmos for a five-million-dollar payday. With the arrival of Pele, the Cosmos became a hit and the players became the toast of the town, earning their own private table at Studio 54. A number of other international soccer stars were soon lured to the Cosmos, including Franz Beckenbauer, Rodney Marsh, and Carlos Alberto, but with the turn of the decade, the team began losing favor with fans and folded in 1985.