It is spring in the forest, and everything comes to life. The snow melts and the trees stretch after a long winter. The ice is cracking. Wolfy and Hare suddenly find themselves floating in the middle of the river on an ice floe, but good friends don't panic. Their imagination will come to their aid! And now they are not on an ice floe, but on a ship sailing on the seven seas for new exciting adventures!
The film brings us into an imaginative world with a kind, curious and slightly naive wolf, his friends and their adventures.
Падение старой советской космической станции стало причиной того, что в Нью-Йоркской подземке расплодился новый вид ядовитых пауков. К тому же пауки начинают быстро прибавлять в размерах и… вскоре по улицам города уже вышагивали лохматые лапы, принадлежащие огромным паукам.